Chapter 27

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       Geralt blinked before he growled deep in his throat. "What do you mean we need to find your mother?!" Selene glared at him before she shushed him. "Be quiet, You'll wake up Ciri and if you do that so help me Geralt I will throw you the Fuck off this ship faster then you could cry uncle Vesemir." Geralt gulped at the heat behind her words and knew from first hand experience that Selene did not make empty threats.

    "Yes we need to find my mother. I have questions and only that bitch has the answers I seek at this moment." Her voice was still a sharp hiss but low enough that it wouldn't wake Ciri from her slumber. "Now, if you're done asking stupid questions I can explain what I wish to know from her." Geralt sighed before nodding. "Alright, so what do you need to find out?" Selene watched him for a second. Making sure he was indeed calm and not about to blow a fuse.

    "I want to find out why I'm suddenly worth more alive than dead. I want to know why she abandoned me as a child. Why she hid the fact she is a mage. I also want to know about these voices I hear. I want answers to so many questions. Like why didn't she save my grandmother." Again her voice was a hiss but not as harsh as before, this time she simply sounded hurt. "Why wasn't I good enough Geralt....why couldn't she love me?"

    Geralt's heart broke at the hurt and broken voice. His own eyes stung as if he would cry but without that emotion he couldn't. Shaking his head he cupped her face. "I don't know why she couldn't Sel, I don't have an answer. But listen to me." Selene looked at him, her silver eyes glassy and she looked hurt. "You are more than enough. You're the best. You survived for a reason. You are so strong Selene. Stronger then any woman I've ever met. Do not doubt yourself because of your mother. You did not come so far to let her win."

    Selene listened to him, not daring to speak as Geralt told her what she needed to hear. Not what she wanted. No that wasn't Geralt. He would always be honest with her. "Yeah, at times you've messed up. But haven't we all? And look at you now, stronger then any other Witcher known to man. The only female to survive out of a hundred others. I don't know why your mom did any of this. But what I do know is I'm glad she did this." Selene blinked confused.

    "You're glad?" He nodded. "Now before you spaz out at me listen." She nodded slowly, she wouldn't snap, yet anyway. "You may not see it as a good thing. But Selene, think of it. Had this never happened, I would have never met you. And meeting you was one of the best things of my life. You wouldn't have Ciri. A young woman who looks at you like you are her mother. You wouldn't have Vesemir who treats you like his daughter. Lambert and Eskel wouldn't have a sister. Fuck even Dandelion wouldn't have one. Priscilla wouldn't have made a new friend. Zoltan wouldn't have known how understanding you are or how kind you can be, had you not lived till today."

    Selene was shocked as she continued to listen. "Iorvath wouldn't have changed his mind about an entire race. Because I'm sure you somehow caused that. But Selene had this not happened you would have died. You would have died as a little girl. And that scares me. But Selene, without you now. I don't think any of this would be possible. We have a unique set of friends and a really fucked up family. But I wouldn't change it. You went through hell, you survived. You've ran, you've returned. Stop blaming yourself for what you can't control. Because Selene I can't imagine a life without you in it."

    Selene was shocked, she had no idea he thought all of that. Even when he proposed she had no idea how deep those feelings ran. "You've constantly protected us. Now let us protect you. And I swear we will find your mother, we will get those answers you seek and I will keep you alive. Because when this shit fest is over, I want to get married, I want to disappear for a few years, take a job or two on occasion and then just hide away with you traveling the world. So, how does that sound to you?"

    Selene blinked before she gave him a soft smile. "Sounds like a really good solid plan to me." Geralt grinned before he kissed the top of her head before cuddling close to her. "Good, now rest because in the morning I fully plan on kicking your ass in a spar." She snorted. "You fuckin wish Geralt." He chuckled. "Who knows maybe I'll manage this time." "Don't come crying when I knock you on your ass." He only rolled her eyes. "Alright smart ass, get some sleep." "You too dumb ass." And with that the two cuddled close together and soon fell into a peaceful sleep.

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