Chapter 11

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    When Selene woke up she saw that Geralt was still asleep next to her so she simply smiled and shook her head as she slowly sat up, careful as to not disturb the sleeping man beside her she quickly got out of bed and wrote a note saying she simply left to take a few jobs and they could meet up at the Inn later. 
    Grabbing her swords she quickly slid them back into place on her back and quickly slipped out the door closing it behind her softly. Once she was outside she looked around and saw that the sun was just beginning to rise so with a shake of her head she walked over to the notice board and saw two jobs that quickly caught her attention. Without thinking she took them both and headed over towards the inn so she could take raven with her.
    The jobs seemed close but she also knew to not risk it, especially if she needed a quick get away. Once she was at the inn her nose wrinkled in disgust, the smell of alcohol lingered heavily in the air along with other putrid smells. Shaking her head in disgust she mounted her horse and headed down the path and across the bridge, her first stop was going to be to speak with none other then Dune Vilden Vert in the ransacked village.

   After traveling for a while she soon came across a man speaking to his dog. "It'll be okay Husser, we'll find him." At this Selene carefully dismounted raven and walked over to him. "Hello, are you Dune Vilden Vert?" Said man looked up at the sound of a voice and his eyes immediately narrowed. "What's it to you blind one?" Selene narrowed her eyes and reached out intending to yank him up by his shirt but soon changed her mind.

    "I'm not blind, I'm a witcher, actually here about the notice you posted." As she said this she pulled out her medallion and the man's eyes narrowed. "I'm sorry Mistress Witcher, I wasn't aware not everyday you see a woman with silver eyes, or a female Witcher at that." Selene slowly nodded, she understood what he was talking about.

   "I understand, trust me I do. But aren't you worried that your brother is dead?" Dune was silent for a moment. "I am, and if he is he at least deserves to be buried and not left for some monster to eat him." Selene nodded and looked at the dog. "Right, I understand, but my next question is where do we start looking?" Dune stood as he dusted himself off. "The battlefield, it's not far from here after all. And I'll know 'Im right away."

    Selene once again nodded as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Very well, I shall meet you there, provided you don't mind me leaving my horse here." "Not at all, probably safer too, from what I heard ghouls sometimes attack that area." "Right because of all the dead bodies." Dune nodded before he turned and started getting what he would need which led to Selene turning around and leaving.

    Much like what Dune said it didn't take long until Selene reached what was now called the Battlefield. The strong stench of blood and decaying corpses could easily be smelled a mile away, or at least in her case. "What an awful stench." "It is isn't it?" Selene turned and saw Dune jogging over to her. "So, shall we begin Miss Witcher?" Selene shrugged a shoulder but simply nodded. "Let's go, stay close just Incase." And with that the two walked down into the battlefield, after examining a few bodies and finding nothing that could point to where his brother was, Selene suddenly stopped.

    "Lady Witcher what is it?" Selene tilted her head and momentarily wondered why this man called her by so many different titles but didn't have time to think about it or ask, because at that precise moment four very large ghouls appeared. "Shit!" Selene quickly drew her sword and dodged the first attack, her blade quickly connecting with flesh as she lopped off its head. "I suggest drawing your weapon." Was all she said before she danced around the creatures, her blade slashing away as she tried to get a clean cut.

    Dune however had finally taken Selene's advice and drew his mace. Shaking her head she quickly killed another ghoul before moving onto the next two. After a few moments, and a scratch or two later as one had managed to cut open her leg did she finally kill the final ghoul. "Are...are you okay?" Selene grimaced but turned to face him, her leg was on fire but she nodded. "Yeah, I'm good, Gonna take more than that to kill me."

     Dune looked a bit skeptical but nodded. At that moment, Husser began to bark, almost as if he had caught something. "What is it boy? Did you catch Bastien's scent?" The dog however quickly took off and Dune looked at Selene. "Come on before we lose him." And with that he ran after the dog. Selene simply cursed before she pulled out a bottle of swallow that she had remembered to grab out of Raven's saddle bags and opened it before downing the contents and then throwing away the vial.

    Moving quickly Selene ran after the pair slowing only when she heard hushed voices and laughing. "St....stop you're making my ribs hurt. Hahaha." Without missing a beat Selene went inside only to have both men look at her, and she was sure she was a sight to behold, simply because she was covered in Ghoul blood and some of her own. "Bastien! You're alive, is this Nilfgaurdian holding you hostage?"

    The man shook his head. "No, in fact he saved my life, I was nearly blinded by an explosion and he was crippled and left for dead. He grabbed me and it was literally the blind leading the cripple, no...-" "don't even finish it Bastien, she isn't blind." The man looked over at Rhosyn. "How do you know?" "Simple, she's a witcher, see the medallion?" Bastien looked back over and his eyes widened. "My apologies, Lady Witcher."

    Selene only shrugged as she didn't take much offense this time. Dune however ran over and knelt down next to his brother. "This is gonna need a Tourniquet. But who is this man?" "His name is Rhosyn, and I won't just leave him here, they'll kill him or he'll die." "We can't help him, they would kill us." "Then Im staying." Selene raised an eyebrow and almost smiled, it was nice to see that people could still be compassionate even in times of war. "Spare him Dune, your brother is right, had it not been for Rhosyn there Bastien would have died."

   Dune looked over with narrowed eyes before he sighed. "Very well, you have a point there Lady Witcher. I believe some of our fathers clothes would fit him, and we'll have to work on his accent." Selene nodded and turned to leave. "Vatt'ghen a moment if you would." Selene turned and looked at the man. "Yes?" Said man struggled to sit up for a moment before Selene walked back over and knelt down next to him.

    "Thank you." Selene raised an eyebrow. "It wasn't a problem." The man smiled. "I will still thank you Selene of Vesina, the white Rose." Silver eyes widened before she quickly composed herself. "Think nothing of it." However the Teo brothers looked at her in shock. "Wait the white rose? The killer of a Bruxa?" "The very one." Selene shifted, feeling slightly self conscious at this point, however before she could speak a purse full of coins was put into her hand by Rhosyn.

    "Safe travels Lady Vatt'ghen." And with that Selene stood up and went outside whistling for Raven. It didn't take long for the horse to arrive, however she didn't mount her right away, no she pulled off a bag and went inside dropping it next to dune. "Bandages and salves, not the Witcher kind." And with that she walked back out just barely catching the word thank you before she mounted raven. Her leg throbbed but she had one more job to finish. She

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