Chapter 20

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Everyone was frozen, save for Dandelion who was crying and begging Selene to open her eyes. "Come on Selene! Wake up! I know you hear me you damn brat! can't're supposed to be there when I get many people still need you...Selene please!" Yet she didn't respond, her body was shutting down and everything hurt. Priscilla stood there shocked. Before glancing at Geralt whom if he could cry he would be doing so at this minute.

She watched as he slowly walked towards Selene and fell to his knees before taking her body from Dandelion who was still crying and begging her to wake up. "I'm sorry....I'm so sorry Geralt...I couldn't...." he shook his head cutting him off. And for the first time in his life, since he became a Witcher he let out a broken cry, no tears ran down his face, but the pain and sorrow he felt was real.

Because laying still in his arms was the woman he loved. A woman who he wanted to spend his days with. The woman who seemed so broken and untrusting, was so pure and strong. So lost to his grief that was completely unaware of a person walking towards them. This one moved with nothing but urgency as Selene was just still barely alive. "Move now." Geralt looked up and felt his blood run cold.

The figure behind him wore a dark black cloak, but he could see dark blue eyes, eyes that he had only ever seen on one other person. "Who are you?" "No time to explain now move before she passes on!" Geralt growled and even Dandelion looked pissed. "I'm not letting a stranger touch my sister!" The woman snapped. "And I'm not about to let my only child fucking die now move!"

The second she said that Geralt handed Selene back to Dandelion and stood up drawing his sword as the woman finally removed her hood. She had long Striking black hair, deep blue eyes and she was as white as the snow itself. "Meya." The woman's eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms. "You fucking bitch, you really think I'm letting you near her?!" "I don't have time for this." She raised her hand and Geralt frowned but before he could retaliate she casted a spell. "Aevon Aenye!" Point it at Geralt he was soon blasted backwards by a stream of fire. "Geralt!"

"Hand over my daughter now!" "Over my dead body!" Meya chuckled. "That can be arranged, after all I need her alive. She's worth more alive then she is dead in a ditch." However Selene's silver eyes opened for a moment and silver clashed with blue. "Don' touch them!" Meya's eyes narrowed and she glared at the bard. However after that outburst Selene's eyes shut once more as she gave in to darkness. "Fine, set her down so I can save her life and make it fast."

Dandelion hesitated but soon laid Selene on the ground and stayed nearby, however he drew her Steel blade and pointed it at Meya. "One wrong move and I'll end you." She snorted but soon got to work chanting in an ancient language as she worked on adding the herbs and salves to Selene's wound.

Geralt finally made his way back over and he found himself shocked, meya was trying to save Selene, and yet what really had him was the way Dandelion held the blade at Meya's throat. Watching carefully he saw the wound begin to close, before it was wrapped tightly by pure white bandages. "Change those bandages every 4 hours and apply the salve I've left beside her as well. Should she die, I warn you now, I'll hunt you down and end your life." And with that she vanished.

Everyone was silent before geralt picked up Selene and held her close as Dandelion sheathed both swords. "Let's get back to the inn." Geralt nodded and headed back with the rest of them. Priscilla had gone ahead to make sure the inn was empty so no one would stare and ask questions. Once they returned Geralt took her to the room Priscilla had shown him to and carefully laid her down. Owent to get a Bucket and a rag when dandelion brought one in. "Here, you'll need this, and her bag is here too. I'll bring up some food." Geralt only nodded as he got to work on cleaning her up.

Once she was in clean clothes and covered did he finally allow himself to feel defeated. Meya had never wanted Selene before, so why did she save her? And what did she mean she was worth more alive then dead? Shaking his head he would ask Selene if and when she woke. No, she would wake, she wouldn't leave him that easily. "Come on Sel, you can do this. I know you can. And I know you hear me. Wake up for me love. I need you." Yet his plea went unanswered as Selene was now deeply asleep. Her body trying to recover from the fatal blow to her stomach.

Hours passed and Dandelion and the others would come and go and on occasion sit with him, yet he didn't care, he just wanted his Selene. His strong brave beautiful Selene. Yet he supposed only time would tell when she once again wake from her slumber.

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