Chapter 24

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Selene turned to look at Geralt, only to freeze. Geralt was kneeling down on one knee, a simple black box was in his hand and he had a sly smile on his lips. "Geralt?" Yet no one else moved, everyone was watching and waiting, some with bated breath as they watched the two. "Selene, I've known you now for literally 90 years give or take. It was almost impossible to get you to trust me, but when you finally did, I felt pure joy. From the day I first saw you in the market, when you ran off mind you." A few people chuckled as they recalled that story.

    "I had already found you extremely beautiful. As I've told you before, had I not known you were a Witcher, I would have assumed you were a deity in human form." Selene's eyes were still wide and she was shocked into silence. "When I saw you climbing down from the tree, and I finally spoke to you, I felt, worried, you had fallen  but you weren't hurt. And I was stupid enough to assume you were a werewolf." Vesemir rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile.

    "Then when you helped me fight the striga, or well you helped me prepare for it. You came back when you knew I was injured and cared for me. Of course however I had no idea who you were and you ran off without even letting me thank you again." Again Selene was silent, the shock had yet to wear off. "Then, when I found you again, thanks to the help of a very kind old man. I slowly started to earn your trust, and I even learned your name." He was silent for a moment. It took me months to earn that trust, and even longer to realize I loved you. Then again, I knew I loved you at first sight. And yes that sounds cliche and yes i didn't know it was love back then either."

   Silver eyes finally blinked as she listened to what he was saying. "When we separated after Valen, and reunited at Kaer Morhen, I saw you hit one of your lowest points. I saw you break apart, and look absolutely defeated, yet I didn't let you wallow in it. I didn't baby you and say it would all be okay, I kicked you, no not literally, in the face with the fact that you were letting the past control you. And that mindset you had. I was so relieved when you let it go." He was smiling softly as he spoke, his eyes still locked onto hers and no one dared to speak, they all simply listened.

   "When you and I split up, because I was an idiot and became too overprotective. I felt lost, defeated even. I realized my mistake was not having my full trust in you. So I went after you. And we got back together. It also reminded me of that day you first met Dandelion. How I was instantly angered at the fact he was openly trying to flirt with you." Someone laughed and Dandelion looked embarrassed. "What? I backed off the second I realized she was yours." He chuckled and nodded while Priscilla elbowed his stomach. "Idiot."

    "Yes well I'm your idiot now." And with that they went silent allowing Geralt to continue. "Now where was I? Oh right. When you showed up 3 weeks later than planned, you didn't stop in Novigrad, no you ran through it on horseback like a demon right out of hell." A few more chuckles. "But when I realized why after Dandelion and I followed you, it was because you were protecting Ciri." He slowly shook his head. "The 15 years we spent apart made me realize something was missing in my life. And it was missing you, while yes that day at Kaer Morhen, I knew why you had to go, it didn't stop the feeling of heartbreak. And what really solidified the fact that I was and am hopelessly in love with you was when you almost died on me, seeing you lay so motionless on the ground in Dandelion's arms. Hardly breathing and your blood soaking the ground. That I swore if you pulled through, to which thankfully you did I would never let it happen again." Everyone was silent, and those who knew what really happened that day remained silent as to not let those who shouldn't know what happened. "So what I'm trying to say is. Selene of Vesina, you are the single most amazing woman I have ever met, Kind, loving, fierce, loyal and so much more. A loving mother to Ciri, a supportive sister, and daughter. So I ask you this in front of our family, and our friends. Will you Marry me?"

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