Chapter 23

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Selene looked over at Priscilla who was freaking out over her hair not cooperating and Selene sighed as she finally finished off her own hair. She had decided to let her long hair hang loose for once and she felt incredibly out of place in a long blue dress. "And you're sure I can't bring my swords?" "You are not bringing any weapons to my wedding." Selene mumbled a curse before sighing once more. A long irritated sigh. "Stop fussing with it so much!"

    Priscilla looked over at Selene shocked at the fact the woman raised her voice. "Sit down and I'll fix it, Gods know you're only making it worse right now." "Hey!" Selene rolled her eyes but walked over and started working on Priscilla's hair. "You're anxious, it's why you can't focus on fixing it." Said woman sighed and held still knowing Selene had a point. Within moments Selene had Priscilla's long blonde hair pulled up into a bun and a braid coiling around the bun, but as an added touch she fixed the front so a few wayward strands hung down in loose curls.

    "There, you're all set." Priscilla turned to look in the mirror and her eyes widened. " looks amazing." Selene shrugged. "It's nothing fancy, but come on. The bride can't be late for her own wedding, and thankfully it's literally right across from here." Priscilla nodded as she stood up. "Right, let's go." And with that the two left. Thankfully it didn't take long till they got to the church and the second Geralt saw Selene his eyes widened. She looked flawless, her long black hair was free from its usual ponytail and hung loosely around her, her deep silver eyes stood out even more at the simple black eyeliner she had put on, and the dress, the dark blue dress hugged her skin.

    The color was a dark contrast to her normally tan skin making her look even more enchanting then normal. Walking over to her, he carefully placed a hand on bed shoulder and she turned to look at him. Silver eyes widened as she saw he shaved off his beard and had pulled his hair up into a ponytail, and instead of his normal armor he was wearing all black, and like her, he wasn't carrying his swords. "You look, amazing sel." Selene rolled her eyes yet she was indeed heavily embarrassed.

     "You don't look so bad yourself." Geralt chuckled as he laced his fingers with hers. "If it makes you feel better, I feel just as stupid as you do." Selene snickered at that. "I'm glad we're on the same page." He chuckled before he whispered just low enough that only she would hear. "If it helps. I have two daggers hiding in my pant pockets just Incase." Selene nodded, that was indeed a relief. She never liked going anywhere without her weapons, because as they learned with her most resent near death experience, that something can attack at any given moment.

    Looking over Selene saw a group of traveling performers pick up their instruments. "It's starting." Geralt nodded and the two quickly went to their places. Selene watched as Priscilla walked down the short isle that was accompanied by slow playing music, and she simply smiled. After Priscilla made it down the aisle she stood in front of Dandelion. Now since this wasn't a typical wedding, it was short and sweet, they recited their vows and when asked if anyone objected, no one said a thing.

     Dandelion smiled as he pulled Priscilla into a kiss, one which she easily returned. Pulling apart the two turned and looked at their friends and family. Yes even while most of them weren't related they were indeed family. However instead of the normal tradition of throwing the bouquet of flowers Priscilla looked straight at Selene. "Selene! Catch!" Silver eyes widened as the bouquet of flowers were thrown at her and without thinking she caught them. Feeling extremely confused she turned to look at Geralt only to freeze as she saw him on one knee and a simple box in his hand.

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