Chapter 21

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It was dark, and everything felt as if it was on fire. Her body felt like it was led, her mind was worn and the darkness seemed to be so inviting. She just wanted to give up and let go. But something was stopping her, something was telling her to not give in just yet. So with a pain filled groan those silver eyes finally opened. It took a few minutes of blinking before she felt focused enough to look around. She was in a large room, on a very comfy bed and her body felt like it was led. Looking around she could see that it was indeed dark outside, and there was a really good chance it was raining.

   Upon closer inspection she could tell she was still at the Chameleon and that no one else was in the room with her. She had no idea how long she had been out however. She could only assume it had been awhile since her body felt solid and stiff. Forcing herself to sit up she winced at the pain that shot through her abdomen. Yet she knew it was healing nicely. Perhaps she just needed food, or to move again.

    Taking a few deep breaths she willed herself to turn her legs now hanging off the bed and her feet touched the cold hard wood floor. Wincing at the sudden chill she groaned before taking one more breath and stood up slowly, being mindful of how long she had laid still. Carefully stretching her stiff and aching body she made her way over to where her black bag sat. Her legs felt weak, and she swayed slightly. Almost as if she was about to fall. But she managed to center herself before that happened.

     Opening her bag she took out some clean pants and a shirt and changed. Looking over at the mirror she saw large white bandages around her stomach so with a shrug she slowly removed them. Her silver eyes widened at the large scar that now sat there upon her skin and she sighed. "So much for not getting scars there." Gently pressing on it she flinched at the tender sensation and groaned. "That's gonna be a bitch." She mumbled as she finished putting on her shirt. Slowly she made her way over to the bed where she sat down and slid on her boots lacing them up as she went.

    Once that was done she grabbed her swords which were right beside the table where she stood and strapped them to her back, yet her hair was a mess. Rolling her eyes she quickly ran a brush through her long black locks and threw it up into a high ponytail before she braided it and tied it off with a cord. "Now, let's go see where everyone else is." And with that the raven haired woman walked out of the room and made her way down the stairs slowly.

    "I hope she's okay." "As do I, I mean she's been asleep for a month and a half, and showed no signs of waking." Geralt shot Priscilla a dirty look and went to retaliate when a voice stopped him. "Who's been asleep for a month and a half?" Zoltan's eyes widened as he dropped his tankard. "Zoltan!" Dandelion yelled as he saw the ale spilling onto his floor. "We just cleaned that floor damnit." Yet his rant was cut off midway as he followed Zoltan's pointing finger.

    " god." That caught Geralt's attention so he turned his body and felt his golden eyes widen. His heart sped up because not even 5 feet away stood Selene in all her glory. "Selene..." she simply nodded and before she knew what was happening was she suddenly enveloped in Geralt's arms. "Sel...Sel're awake." Selene's arms wrapped around him tightly. "I know, I'm sorry I took so long."

    Pulling back he cupped her face in his hands. "Sel, you almost died." Silver eyes widened as she looked at the others for confirmation. "He's telling the truth, you killed the Katakana, but it almost killed you too." "Then how am I alive? I only really recall Dandelion screaming." They all exchanged a worried look. "Sel, you're alive because of your mother."

  It was dead silent for a few minutes before Selene finally spoke. "Explain, now." Dandelion however shuddered and walked over pulling Selene to him as he held her. "In a minute, just let me be glad you're alive." Selene blinked before she hugged him back only to pull away moments later. "I didn't miss the wedding did i?" "Hell no, I outright refused to get married while you were on death's doorsteps. Priscilla even agreed." Said woman nodded. "However, now that you're awake, and after this is all explained to you. We can go and pick up my dress, Dandelion and I decided that as soon as you woke we would marry." Selene blinked and slowly nodded.

    "Right, so can I eat while this is explained to me? I'm absolutely starving." Geralt nodded and Zoltan ran to find some food while he led her to the table where she sat down. Not even a few minutes later some stew was brought out along with some ale. "Eat, and we will explain it all lass." Selene nodded and dug in as Geralt chose to explain.

    "The katakana from what Dandelion said, showed up while you two spoke. It literally ran its arm through your stomach. You fought it off beautifully from what Dandelion said. It didn't even get to touch you after the first and near Fatal injury." Selene continued to eat but nodded at him to continue. "When we showed up, you were on the ground in his arms, blood pooling around you, coming from your mouth....fuck it was awful. Still painful to think about." He took a deep breath. "He was yelling at you, begging you to stay. To wake up. I walked over and took you. I couldn't cry as you know, but inside my soul was screaming."

    Selene said nothing and Dandelion gripped her free hand while Priscilla held his other hand over the table. Zoltan with a comforting hand on Geralt's back as he continued. "That's when your fucking mother showed up. Told us to give you to her and we refused. So she attacked me. Sent me flying backwards with fire." Selene's eyes narrowed at this. He paused just long enough for her to drink her ale.

    "She once again demanded you and again she was refused." Thats when Dandelion took over. "She said, you were worth more alive then dead. I told her I wouldn't have you over, she would have to kill me first. To which she was about to until you intervened." Selene blinked. "I remember that vaguely." They all weakly chuckled. "So your mother relented and told me to lay you on the ground. The second I did she got to work on healing you. Saved your life from the looks of it. But she threatened us first. Saying if you died she would hunt us down." Geralt rolled his eyes.

    "He left out the part where he used your steel sword, pointed it right at her. He would have killed her had she double crossed him." He nodded. "Well damn color me impressed." He laughed. "well you did train me." Selene only nodded as she finished her stew. "We brought you back here, Geralt over there stayed by your side, bathing you, changing your bandages and what not. He finally came down this morning at my insistence that you would hurt him royally if he didn't take care of himself."

     "You're right I would have." "But Sel, do you have idea what your mother meant by that?" Selene frowned as she tried to think. "I'm sorry, but I don't have a clue." Geralt sighed before he suddenly stiffened. Raising an eyebrow she looked at him. "Geralt?" "I forgot to tell you...." "tell me what?" "Vesemir, Lambert And Eskel are all on their way." Selene paled at this. "Why?" "Because Sel, I told them you almost died, that we didn't know if you would wake up ever again."

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