Chapter 10

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As the two made their way back to the inn did Selene finally stop walking and look at Geralt who gave her a worried look. "You alright Sel?" Selene nodded as she looked at the bag that contained so much history. "Yeah, But I wonder could she have been a descendant of Vesina, did others get away that fateful day?"

   Geralt frowned before he placed one hand on her shoulder, the other still clutching the bag. "It's a possibility Sel, it really is, but then the following question would be, why didn't she give it to one of her kids?" Selene frowned as she thought about that. "I guess, I don't know, so perhaps we should go to Lurtch after all, see what we can learn."

    Said man nodded before he grimaced, "that's going to be one long trip Sel, are you up for that?" Selene sighed before she looked at him. "Let's wait until my shoulders fully healed, and I wanna find out more about this griffin, gods forbid it attacks someone else." Geralt could only nod in agreement. "Come on, I would rather us stay at the inn but."

    "Yeah I know, I don't feel like getting anymore dirty looks. So why don't we-" just then Elsa came out of the inn and smiled softly. "There you two are, I figured you could both use a bit of supper, and a place to rest ya weary heads."

   Selene looked at Geralt who simply handed her the bag and she took it with care, for this bag had at least one of her homes missing books. "We appreciate it trust me, but we'll find elsewhere to sleep, so many people make us...well myself uncomfortable." Elsa nodded. "I understand my dear, but come in for supper, and I'll give you a key to my home since it's rarely used."

    Geralt raised an eyebrow but nodded. "That would be appreciated, I do not wish for Selene to sleep outside given her shoulders injury." Elsa simply nodded and motioned the two to head inside the inn. Selene raised an eyebrow at Geralt before she rolled her eyes and followed Elsa knowing that Geralt was right behind her.

  Once the two were safely inside and hidden more in the back once again did Elsa vanish to go and bring them some food. "So what's with you not wanting me outside?" Geralt chuckled before he took her hand. "Can't I just want my better half to sleep comfortably for just one night?" Selene laughed softly, the sound like music to Geralt's ears.

    "No, it's not wrong. However we don't know how long we will be here either, tracking down that griffin might be a challenge." He shook his head this time. "No, I already know where we can get a decent lead on the creature." A single black eyebrow raised as silver eyes danced with curiosity. "Oh and what will make you share your information oh darling Witcher."

  Geralt snorted at her tone, honey sweet but a hint of playfulness easily heard. "The price would be a kiss lady Witcher." She rolled her eyes but couldn't stop the slow smile from spreading across her lips. "Then I shall have to pay you later." Her voice a tease of a whisper. Geralt chuckled before leaning closer. "The Nilfgaurd's Garrison. But before we head there, I have an arsonist to find."

   Now this caught Selene's attention. "Whose home was burned down?" Geralt looked around and went silent as Elsa came over carrying two bowls of food, and right behind her was another woman carrying two mugs that Selene could already tell contained ale. "Here ya are, two hot bowls of Lamb Stew and some Ale. Eat your fill then I'll point you in the direction of my home."

    And with that she placed down the bowls followed by the ale before she went back to the counter, taking the other girl with her. "A dwarf named Willis. Someone burned down his forge, few things survived the fire but it'll be awhile before it's back to full service." Selene frowned at the news.
    "Why would someone do that?" "Because he made nilfgaurd weapons." Selene shook her head. "It's a time of war once more, any blacksmith will take a job for the right price." Geralt nodded, even though he knew that. "Right so I plan on finding the fucker and turning him over to Willis." Selene nodded. "While you do that, I could take a job or two." She was after all itching to work again.

  Geralt chuckled, he knew that Selene was itching for jobs once again. "That's fine, do as you please Sel, just be careful." Selene pretended to look offended. "But of course Geralt, I am not a fool." Geralt blinked before he howled with laughter. "Of course you're not. But when's the last time you took a job?"

    Silver eyes narrowed as her lips curled at the edges, her tone a bit darker. "A year or two, I might have avoided being found by everyone but that doesn't mean I didn't take jobs along the way." He raised an eyebrow this time. "I know you avoided being found, drove me fucking insane to be honest. But why haven't you taken any jobs?"

    Selene shrugged a single shoulder before she spoke. "Some jobs became harder to find, and some towns turned me away before I could even attempt. But it only allowed me more time to travel home." Geralt sighed before nodding, he knew what that was like. "Eat, before it goes cold." Was all Selene said and with that the two seemingly fell into silence as they ate and drank their ale.

    Once the two finished they stood up and headed to Elsa. Geralt once more held the bag as he followed behind Selene. Elsa looked up as a shadow showed itself on her counter. "Done?" Selene simply nodded. "Alright, once you go out, take a left a bit down the road just past the burned forge is my home, it's on the right, You'll recognize it right away by the blue flowers that grow right outside of it."

    Selene gave a soft smile as a reply before she looked at Geralt who nodded. "You have our thanks, and we shall see you later." "Yes of course, have a wonderful night." And with that the two quickly left the inn and headed right for the house. To which thankfully wasn't far, and like Elsa said, it was Easy to spot, and if the still lingering smell of smell of smoke wasn't a sign, it was the blue flowers that did indeed litter the ground outside of the house. "Hmm, you don't have these in your garden do you Sel?" "No, but we shouldn't touch what isn't ours."

   Geralt chuckled before he knelt down and plucked three of them, the ones furthest from the house. "Not in front of her home so it doesn't count." Selene wanted to scowl but couldn't find it in her either. Instead she gave him a soft smile and watched as he carefully put them in a jar to hopefully preserve them. And even if he couldn't, they could always extract the seeds and plant them once more.

    Selene walked up to the door and fished out the key that Elsa had given her before she unlocked it and went inside. The layers of dust quickly caught her attention but she ignored it. After all, what was a little bit of dust? "Well, looks safe enough." "It does, the beds are over there by the wall." Geralt looked to where she was pointing and nodded before he put down the bag and his swords, Selene quickly followed suit before she turned to face Geralt.

    Said man simply walked over to her and bent down slightly just as she stood on her tip toes and allowed her lips to meet his own. A soft growl slipped past Geralt's lips as he wrapped his arms around the petite woman. Slender fingers tangled into his hair as she kissed him slowly, almost lazy like. Pulling back after a minute she licked her lower lip. "Your payment." She teased and he chuckled. "Of course." Leaning down here gave her one last chase kiss before he let her go and watched as she laid down. "Tired?" "Extremely, come and lay with me, gods know I'll sleep better." Chuckling to himself he walked over and simply laid down next to her before pulling her against his chest. "Goodnight Selene." "Goodnight Geralt." And with that the two slowly but surely fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.

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