Chapter 18

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It was about a month later when they arrived in Novigrad, and the last time Selene had been there was well over 8 years ago. It was one of those stops she had made on her trip and back then it hadn't been as glorious as it was today. The city of Novigrad had definitely grown during her time away, and now she could tell it was definitely well on its way to becoming something far greater then it was now.

   Looking around Selene could see Tamriel Soldiers roaming around and guarding the gate, she could even see children running about, hear the parents yelling at them to slow down but she was also able to smell the herbs that were nearby. "It's changed so much..." Geralt looked over at Selene with a raised eyebrow. "When's the last time you were here?" Selene shook her head sadly. "Eight years ago. When I was last here, most of this didn't even exist."

    Geralt smiled at her before he motioned her to follow him. "Come on, we can go visit Dandelion while we're here and then we can find a ship that's traveling to Skelliga." Selene looked over and smiled softly before she nodded in agreement. "Alright, lead the way." Geralt simply nodded and urged Roach to start walking through the now busy city, Selene right behind him. However her silver eyes were wide and full of amazement as she took in everything that changed.

    A bit further ahead she saw a marker that connected to the main square, where she could hear all sorts of people yelling in hopes of attracting customers to come and look at their goods. A bit further, she could see a new armor shop and she raised an eyebrow. "Is Hattori still making weapons and armor?" He looked over at her with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, last time I was here was a year ago. Some asshole made it so anyone who wanted metal and whatnot had to go through him. I helped Hattori out and now he's the master blacksmith of Novigrad."

  Selene blinked before she smiled. "That's good, we should visit him soon." He chuckled. "He'll like that, and since he's on the way to the docks he'll be the last stop." Selene smiled at Geralt and he couldn't help but smile in return. The smile however is what finally chased away the last of his worry. Selene had been off and oddly silent ever since that day in Lurtch, trying to even get a full out conversation from her proved hard as her replies had been short and blunt. Like she didn't want to really talk to him.

  But now seeing her smile he felt at Ease as the pair continued their way to Dandelions inn. "He still owns Chameleon right?" "He does." "Good." Geralt hummed and the two once more fell into silence. As they neared the inn Selene stiffened. She felt as if her skin was tingling and a burning sensation was beginning in her nose. That's when her eyes widened, the smell seemed so familiar, yet she couldn't place why. Geralt however felt uneasy, the smell of Rain and grass hung in the air, and as far as he knew, it wasn't suppose to rain, and they were far enough from the forest that he shouldn't have been able to smell it, even with his enhanced senses.

    Looking back at Selene he saw the way her silver eyes narrowed as they darted around the area, taking in everything. He wasn't sure what she was looking for, yet he figured she was just looking around and taking in the sights. Yet something deep in his gut told him that wasn't the case. "We're almost there okay?" Selene only nodded, her senses still on high alert. "Alright." As they continued to travel towards Dandelions inn neither one was aware of a figure watching them. Or to be more precise it was watching Selene closely.

    The blue eyes narrowed before a slow smirk formed along rose red lips. "Soon. Soon it'll be time. After all, you were worth more alive then dead." And with that the person walked away.

   It didn't take long before both Geralt and Selene were dismounting their horses and heading inside where they were immediately spotted by Zoltan. "Well I'll be damned, dandelion get the tankards! We have guests!" Dandelion looked over with a raised eyebrow and just as he was about to ask who did he spot them. "Geralt! Selene! What are you two doing here?!"

  Geralt laughed as he led Selene over to Dandelion. "We were in the area, so we aren't staying long as we're bound for Skelliga." Dandelion raised an eyebrow at this. "Why there?" "Meeting someone and a few jobs." "Ah, well at least join me for a drink, and I have someone that Selene needs to meet." Selene raised an eyebrow but before she could ask who he suddenly yelled. "Priscilla! Come here you need to meet Selene my little sister!"

   Selene rolled her eyes. "Older sister or do you forget that I'm older, by a lot." Dandelion however waved her off. "Details, details." Geralt laughed but soon they were joined by Priscilla herself. "So this is the famous Selene." "Indeed I am. A pleasure to meet you." She smiled as she tucked her blond hair behind her ear and nodded. "So, who is she exactly?"

   Said man was now jumping for joy as he told them. "This Selene, is the single most amazing woman I've ever met. She's a bard, but writes more plays, she sings as well. Oh, and she's my Fiancé."

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