Chapter 16

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Five weeks later.

      Geralt and Selene were on one of the paths that would lead them to The small town of Lurtch. "So, you think we'll find anything while we're there?" "I don't know, remember Bram said it's been three years, so that also leaves the question on if anyone there would remember her." Geralt sighed as he nodded. "You have a point Sel, but let's not think about that right now, we can cross that bridge when we get there."

   "I know Geralt, Trust me I know. But let's stop for the night, I don't want to get caught in the upcoming rain." Geralt looked up and frowned a bit before he nodded. "Hard to believe that not to long ago we had clear skies and now it really does look as if it's going to open up and pour." The Two looked around to see if they could potentially find some shelter from the storm when Geralt saw a run down and abandoned hut not too far from them.

    "Sel this way, I see a hut, looks pretty abandoned too." Selene looked over to where Geralt was pointing before she nodded. "Alright let's go, with any luck it'll be empty and we can hide out there till the rains are done." Geralt nodded and led Selene over to the hut before he dismounted first, knocking on the door Geralt waited a few minutes to see if anyone was there while Selene also climbed down from Raven and peeked in through a window. "It's empty, I'll gather some firewood real fast." Geralt didn't even get to protest before she Took off into the nearby forest.

    "God, I swear that woman is going to drive me insane." Yet he couldn't help but smile, she was crazy but she was his and her wouldn't have it any other way. While Selene rummaged through the forest for firewood she also kept her eyes open for anything they could possibly eat or cook. As she walked she heard the rustling of some bushes and turned just as a wild boar ran right at her. Moving sideways Selene drew her sword and slashed the animal's side open.

   The animal let out a cry of pain and went to attack once more before Selene easily swung the killing blow. "Well, guess we have dinner taken care of." She laughed softly and soon finished gathering the firewood before she tied up the boar and carried it and the wood back to the hut. "I'm back, even caught dinner." Geralt who didn't even turn chuckled.

    "Let me guess, it's either, deer, squirrel, berries or fish."  Selene rolled her eyes as she dropped the boar causing Geralt's eyes to widen at the thud. "None of the above." Turning around to see what she dropped and meant he only laughed before grinning. "Damn, I really did guess wrong, but that'll feed us for at least a week." She smiled. "I know, so I figured we should roast it. Maybe dry out the rest?" "We could, or we roast the whole thing and have it cooked in advance."

   "Whatever you wanna do is fine by me." "We'll roast the whole boar, I'll clean it first you can just set the fire." And with that the two got to work on their individual tasks. Once the fire was ready and the boar was cleaned, the excess burned outside so the smell wouldn't linger did the two finally put it over the fire, but only after Selene added some herbs and spices she had pulled from her bag.

   "So when did you get those?" "Hm? Oh on one of my many trips, I couldn't stand eating bland food so I bought spices and herbs to add flavor." Geralt nodded as he  continued to rotate the boar. "So, wanna Tell me where all you went?" Selene was silent for a minute as she sat down next to him making herself comfy. "Well, I went to Toussaint for a while. And you'll never guess who I ran into." 

   "Who did you run Into and why Toussaint?" "Needed an escape from the war naturally. But I ran into Iorveth." His eyes widened as he looked at her. "You're shitting me." "Dead serious, he didn't recognize me as first since the last time he saw me I didn't have the scar on my face or arm, but the second he saw the silver blade and heard my voice he immediately turned around to look at me. Shock easily seen in his expression." Geralt chuckled. "How did that turn out?"

   "It was good, he was excited to see me. Called me Blathanna. Flower of flowers. Before he decided I needed a different name so apparently I'm not Sor'ca. Which is-" "little sister, he's in good health?" Selene rolled her eyes at having been cut off but nodded. "Yes, he even traveled with me for a while as I did some jobs in Toussaint. They've stopped killing humans."

    "Well color me impressed, I didn't think that would ever happen." Selene shrugged as she continued. "I didn't either, but when he got To Toussaint, he saw that not everyone was the same. Some actually treated him and the others with respect. Whether they're still there or not I do not know." Geralt checked on the meat again before speaking. "Then I guess we're going to Toussaint. I wanna see if he's still there, it'll be good to see him." "Yeah, it will be." Once the food was finished the two sat down in silence as they ate. "So, did you find any books there?" "No, I never thought to look as I didn't go to Vesina until 3 years after Toussaint." "Right, I keep forgetting it's been 15 years."

   "I know, has anyone heard from Ciri?" "No, she's still in hiding from what I know, but rumor has it she's also been seen in Skelliga." "Guess we also need to visit Skelliga, she could be visiting Ermion and Crach and his kids." "Yeah, so Skelliga first?" "Skelliga first." The two shared a smile before they finished off their food. Not even hesitating Geralt pulled Selene to him by her arm and held her close.

   Said woman however blinked, taken by surprise before she laughed and curled up against him. "Mm I've missed this." "As have I, I hate waking up without you so try to not leave first." He teased and she couldn't help but laugh. "Alright alright, big baby." Said man laughed before he kissed her forehead. "I love you." "And I You." The two were silent after that. Each one listening to the sound of the other. For Geralt it was the calm and gentle breathing of Selene who had finally fallen asleep, and for Selene it was the sound of his heart which easily lured her to sleep. Closing his eyes he too soon fell asleep hoping that come morning the rain would be over.

   When Geralt next woke it was to the soft sound of humming. Opening his one eye he glanced over to see Selene wasn't next to him, but in fact near the fire as she cooked some eggs. "And where did you go?" "Literally right outside to get the eggs." He laughed. "Well at least I woke up to you still being in the house." Selene laughed before she put the food onto Two plates she had managed to find and clean. "Eat up, cause the second we're done it's off to Lurtch." "Well good morning to you too."

  Selene laughed before she leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Morning, now come on and eat." Geralt sat up and took the plate from her before he stuck out his tongue. "Bossy." "Naturally." Shaking his head to hide the fact he was smiling like an idiot the two quickly ate their meal. "You ready?" "Yeah, let's get out of here." Selene nodded and with that the two took off for Lurtch once more.

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