Chapter 26

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Ermion blinked. "Selene is worth more alive than dead? What on Skelliga's name does that even mean?" Geralt shook his head. "I wish I knew Ermion, I really wish i knew." Ciri looked at Selene before she spoke. "Could it have to do with the voices you hear?" That made Crach and Ermion look over. "You hear voices?" Selene sighed before she answered. "I do, I don't always hear them, but when I's like I can't talk, like I'm frozen to the ground."

    Ermion's eyes widened. "And what do these voices say to you?" Selene frowned before she repeated what she heard in Lurtch. "Selene, is'kal vened kas'en ilen varah. Selene, Listen time is drawing near." Crach blinked. "What in the..." Selene shrugged. "I don't know what that meant. It left even me confused. But then it said the answers I seek lie in my hometown."

   Ermion rubbed his chin as he spoke. "When did this start?" "I've heard them since I was a child. I thought it was just an over active imagination though." "I see. I wonder what it could mean." Selene simply shrugged as the men went back to talking and since she was tired she excused herself and went to her room leaving Ciri with the others.

   Once she was safely in her cabin and the door closed behind her did she remove her swords and boots. Placing them against the wall the raven haired woman simply laid down in bed and covered herself. However just as sleep began to claim her did the voices start once more. "En'caede oseva, Selene mes'ala a Destiny." Do not run from your Destiny. Selene blinked confused by this, yet once again she couldn't move, her body frozen to the bed as a cold hand touched her forehead.

    "Ina ous stomera." In time Storm. "Vek'ya nevas ala o'Tina. Enja ha'der" The keeper of time must be found. Selene was baffled now. The keeper of time? What did that even mean? As Selene listened she was unaware that Geralt had come in with Ciri in tow. However neither knew she was awake as her silver eyes were currently closed. And that's when the voice began to whisper again. "Me'ja Elaine, akula abatane. Averana caede ame Los o'tima." Rest your weary mind, the keeper of time will be revealed soon. And with that the whispers stopped and the cold hand brushed against her forehead once more before it too vanished.

   Ciri was now in her own bed and sound asleep and Geralt was now laying down next to Selene and the second he wrapped his arm around her did her eyes open wide and she turned her head to face him. "Fuck....did I wake you?" She shook her head no and spoke to him in a hushed whisper. "I was listening to the voices, and I swear Geralt something was touching my head." He stiffened at this. "Touching you?" She nodded as she told him what she heard. "Do not run from your destiny Selene. In time storm, the keeper of time must be found. Rest your weary mind, the keeper of time will soon be revealed."

    Golden eyes widened. "What the fuck does that mean?" Selene sighed. "I don't know, entire thing has me confused and it didn't make sense." Geralt frowned and pulled her close to him. "I swear Selene we'll figure this out. But we are not going back to Vesina just yet. You need a break, you need those books. But for now I need you to sleep and recover your strength." Selene nodded in agreement, she was in no rush return either. "I hate to say this." He stiffened as she spoke. "But we need to find my mother."

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