Chapter 13

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As Selene and Geralt neared the garrison both could already hear one of the guards yelling at other soldiers. "If you drop one more time I'll make the lot of you do 20 more push ups!" Selene looked at Geralt who simply shrugged before the two finally arrived at the garrison and dismounted. Neither one was exactly please as they had to mostly travel through the swamp and then through that horrible smell of nearly toxic mushrooms.
    They simply walked up the stairs only to be stopped by a pair of guards. "Halt, what do you want Witcher's?" Selene's eyes narrowed and Geralt Shot her a warning look to which she rolled her eyes. "We only want to speak to the man in charge, we know about the griffin problem and we just need some information before we decide to deal with it."

   The guard looked at Selene and then Geralt before he spoke. "Fine, But the silver eyed one stays here." This time Geralt's eyes narrowed in response. "I don't think so, she comes with or we do nothing at all, she was hunting the griffin long before I was." Selene raised an eyebrow at the blatant lie but ignored it. He technically had a point, she had encountered the griffin first. "Fine then you stay." However before either one could retaliate did someone else walk to the doors and open them.

    "Now what on Tamriel is with all the screaming huh?" Selene looked over as she saw yet another guard but this one she knew. "Oh? Selene is that you woman?" Selene gave a sly smirk for a reply. "Hello to you too William." The guard grinned before he also saw Geralt. "Well I'll be damned, it's also Geralt. Come on in, the both of you." Selene this time gave each of the guards a malicious smile before she slipped through the gates Geralt right behind her.

    "So why were they stopping the two of you?" "Not sure William, but we're here about that griffin." The man nodded as he looked over at Selene. "That would be appreciated, it's killed and injured so many." Selene frowned but listened. However it was Geralt who next spoke. "How is it you two know each other? And how do you know me?" William looked back at him and stopped walking. "I was in trouble you see, long before I joined the army."
   Geralt nodded and waited for him to continue. "I was being attacked by a pack of nekkers when this silver eyed beauty rode in Like some kind of saving grace. She jumped off her horse, blade already in hand as she fought off the nekkers. After she had killed all of them before she came over to help me with my injuries." Selene nodded to confirm. "This was roughly three years ago. When I was staying off the radar."

   "And yet you could have exposed yourself with that simple action." Selene looked at Geralt and shrugged. "I didn't care, I didn't want to be the reason someone died." Everyone was silent at that. "Yeah, sounds like you. However, you know she's taken right?" Selene blinked before she laughed. "Oh he knows, I told him about you when he first complimented me." William laughed. "I did compliment her, but when I asked her where she learned how to fight like that she replied she was a witcher."

    "I see." Selene saw him keep his gaze on the man so she placed a hand on his arm. "She told me about you as we traveled back to the village I was currently living in. She made it very clear she was off limits by a certain Witcher. Which is you." Geralt chuckled at this. "Sounds like her." "Yeah, she literally told me about how she traveled with you for a while before she took off alone for a while." "Right, But what made you help us?"

   "I still owe Selene for saving my life, so if there is anything at all Selene that I can do while you're here. Anything at all please don't hesitate to ask." Selene looked at Geralt and he nodded. William however was confused at the unspoken conversation. Before he could ask Selene turned to face him. "I'm looking for books. Very old books from my home of Vesina."

     "What do they look like?" Selene opened up the bag that she now kept on her side and pulled out one of the older books and showed the man. "These are the books. I need them for personal reasons and I'm extremely upset that someone possibly stole them, I'm also trying to see if there are any living descendants from Vesina who could possibly have them." William looked at the book before he walked away with a thoughtful look to his eyes.

    "I wonder what that was all about." "I'm not sure Geralt." The Two simply stood there while they waited for William to return. It wasn't long however until the man was walking back towards them, a small black book in his hands. "William what's that?" "A book, I'm a descendant from Vesina." Gold and silver eyes widened in shock. "My mother's family hailed from there, she told me the stories as they were told to her. I never thought....I never thought I would meet another person from Vesina, let alone someone who was alive during the time of the fall."

    Selene looked away but William placed the book in her hand. "I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I want you to have it." Selene slowly opened the book and saw a few passages before she closed it and handed it back. "Selene?" "I saw the note your ancestor left, I can't take this from you." William shook his head as he refused to take it back. "No, I know this book by heart, and I even copied it because I was so afraid of the book falling apart. But I promise if I learn anything else I will send word to you."

   "Thank you William." She put both books away at this point and smiled at him. Even Geralt nodded his head in a show of thanks. "Now come I'll take you both to the commander, it'll benefit all of us if that griffin is dealt with." And with that they made their way to where the commander was. "Commander Gwynleve, I have brought Geralt of Rivia and Selene of Vesina to see you."

    "And why is that?" "We want to find this griffin and eliminate it." The man looked at both Witcher's before he motioned for William to leave. "You two wish to eliminate the griffin?" "That's correct, I've already been in contact with it. But I need to know where it's nests are. I also need to be able to find out what kind of griffin it is." The man nodded before he looked at Geralt. "And you?" "I'm here to back her up." "I see, very well, if you manage to kill the griffin please return and I'll pay you for your troubles."
    "Where should we look? Anyone who can give us a lead on it?" "You could talk to Mislav the Hunter or the herbalist Tomira. Apparently she's treating someone who was attacked by the griffin."
Selene looked at Geralt and nodded. They would split up to make faster work of the griffin. "Thanks, we'll return once the job is done." And with that the two left. "I'll take the healer." Geralt blinked surprised by the choice. "Why don't you go with the hunter?" "I figured you would rather deal with him then the Herbalist." "It doesn't matter to me."

    "Then go to the hunter, I'll handle the herbalist." Geralt sighed before he looked up "very well, I'll use igni to create a fire and use the smoke to signal you if I discover anything." "That works." Geralt kissed her forehead before the two left the garrison and went their separate ways.

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