Chapter 43

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Selene and Geralt were now nearing Vesina, after days of traveling and a night or two of no rest did they finally stop. "We're stopping?" "Yeah, we should rest before we go into the ruins." Geralt raised an eyebrow but shrugged and dismounted. "Good idea, we need our strength just incase." Selene nodded as she also dismounted, they were roughly 10 minutes from the ruins of Vesina and they were both exhausted. Having only taken small breaks in between their travels both Witcher's finally reached a point where they needed a longer rest.
    "You gonna take a nap Sel?" Selene thought for a moment before she nodded. "Yeah, you should too." Geralt nodded before he sat down and pulled Selene down next to him. Wrapping his arms around her he closed his eyes as she snuggled close to him. "I love you Geralt." "I love you too Sel. Don't worry, it's all going to be okay." Selene nodded, her eyes closer as she simply trusted him. She trusted him to keep her safe.
      An hour or two later when they woke up Geralt decided to make them some food. It was simple smoked venison that just needed to be reheated. The two sat there in silence as they ate and Selene was once again flipping though one of the books. "You find anything?" She only raised an eyebrow. "You've been staring at the same page for over 10 minutes so I was just wondering."
    "No, not really, all it says is the keeper of time is born every 5,000 years. She doesn't age and those she cares for and for those who come into contact with her also stop aging." Geralt raised an eyebrow. "How does that work?" "As the child grows, her power would as well. After reaching 26 she would literally stop aging. Her body halting her very life force."
     Geralt blinked. "How does she reincarnate then?" "It's a bloodline, usually like I said skips generations, she dies by sacrificing her life." Geralt frowned. "Sounds like a nightmare." "It does, Doesn't it?" He was silent for a moment before he spoke again. "So how would those around her stop aging?"
     "It's not that simple. It would need to be someone close to her. Someone she's afraid of losing. A simple touch, blood, or a wish. To keep those she loves with her. Yet rarely does it happen as the keeper always knows she's destined for death." Geralt shuddered at that.
     "Is it possible to branch out from a bloodline? Say someone doesn't meet the requirements. How would it choose then?" Selene frowned as she flipped through the book. "It doesn't say, but I would assume it would know who the next in line would be." Geralt sighed as he listened. "We really need that book." "We do." The two shared a look before standing up. "Let's go, I really want to know what's going on." Selene nodded in agreement and the two were once again on their way to Vesina.
     As they neared the Ruins did the two exchange a look. Power was humming in the air, and Selene felt a pull. "So much power." Selene's eyes narrowed. Where was it coming from? "Leave the horses Geralt. We need to go now." Geralt looked at her before he tied both horses to a tree and followed Selene into Vesina. "Wonder what it would have been like had it not fallen?"
     "All the time. It probably would have been a city by now." Geralt looked at her and nodded, the place gave him the creeps. "Are you sure about this Selene?" "I am. Don't you trust me?" She didn't turn to face him, the pull still urging her deeper into Vesina. "I do, with my life I trust you. This place just gives me the creeps." Selene nodded. She understood.
    After all it was basically a massive graveyard. "I understand. It creeps even me out, but we must continue." Geralt sighed before he nodded and resumed following after her. The deeper they went the more it felt like eyes were watching them. For Selene the whispers had resumed, except this time louder. "Selene, we'varna, He'iva, we cu'el wa'ijka." Selene welcome home. We have been waiting.
     "Cl'isra Selene, Cl'isra. M'jiva atu yv'a." Closer Selene, closer. She is waiting for you. Selene frowned, she had an idea of who was waiting for her. The question now was why? As they got closer to the center of Vesina, did she stop. Standing not even 5 feet from her was her mother. She turned to face Selene and in her hands was the last and final book. "Welcome Selene. Welcome Home."

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