Chapter 30

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Selene had managed to make her way to yet another isle on Skelliga, this one was called Undvik. The town was small and smelled disgustingly of fish, yet she was on a mission. She had heard word of a cave here that could quite possibly have some of her hometowns books. She had no idea what Geralt was up to and she smiled wasn't about to leave and abandon a lead to find out. Going up the one path that would lead her to a cave that was apparently connected to what was possibly an elven ruin.

    As she continued up the path Selene carefully took in everything that was around her. She took in the abundance of wildlife and found herself wondering why they only fished when they had all of these herbs and the wildlife. They could easily hunt and create thread and silk if they so chose to. With a sigh she shook that thought from her mind and continued to head up the worn out path. As she got closer to the cave it was becoming harder and harder to see the path. As it was now overgrown meaning she must be close.

   Picking up the pace Selene quickly walked into the cave not even pausing as she drank an elixir called cat eye, this would allow her to see in the dark. While Witcher's had, incredible eye site and hers were by far the best, even she needed that elixir from time to time. It allowed them to see what the naked eye often missed, as it also sensed heat signatures. Walking deeper into the cave she looked around, stopping only when she heard singing.

    "Sirens, Nasty fuckers." She mumbled as she once again made her way through the cave. The closer she got, the louder the song became. So without missing a beat she drew her silver sword and blasted aard to the sky. This thankfully knocked down two of them and gave Selene ample time to stab the creature through the heart as she quickly decapitated the other one watching as it's head flew sideways.

  Turning to the last one she growled in pain, the fucker had managed to bite her arm. "Of all the things you can bite, you bite the fucking arm!" The siren only shrieked before flying back towards her, it's talon-like fingers reached for her face yet didn't touch her. Selene had casted quen and at the same time sliced off its arms. Listening to the beast shriek in agony Selene simply steeled her nerves and thrusted her sword forward. The silver blade going right through the heart and with a scream that was unholy the raven haired woman yanked upwards slicing the siren in half.

   Blood sprayed everywhere after that, coating the ground and most of Selene, organs spilled out, landing both on the stone and some in the water. Shaking her head she sheathed her sword mumbling a curse. "Fuck. If that wasn't the most disgusting thing I've had spill on me yet." The raven haired woman wiped her face before turning to the body of water. With a sigh she walked into the water until she was waist deep. Taking a deep breath she dunked under and quickly rubbed her face and arms clean from any and all traces of blood.

    After a few minutes she resurfaced and took in yet another deep breath. Walking back out of the water Selene could only mumble a few curses as she stopped and picked up her bag and once again made her way back through the cave. As she neared the end she could see another heat signature, however this one clearly was human. Raising an eyebrow she made her way towards it, worried for the person's safety. It never crossed her mind that this person was probably a threat. The second she revealed herself the man looked up, he was indeed injured and yet without a moment's hesitation he kicked her in the stomach hard. Black spots swam in her vision and she let out a strangled groan which alerted the man to the fact she was human.

    However before he could touch her a blizzard appeared out of nowhere and knocked the man backwards. "Caed, velöe tormenta!" Go, fast blizzard. Selene knelt down on the ground, her hand across her stomach as she fought off the urge to pass out. However as fast as the snow appeared it vanished just as fast. Within moments the figure was now kneeling next to Selene, the other man laid frozen on the ground, dead as the snow had struck his heart head on. "Selene, my gods it is you, are you okay?" Silver eyes looked up, and for as unfocused as she now was, one due to the sudden cold, and the pain she was still experiencing she could still make out curly shoulder length brown hair, and deep green eyes stared back at her. "Drew...." was all she said before she suddenly allowed herself to black out, falling face first onto the harsh stone beneath her.

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