Chapter 40

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It was now getting late, and both Geralt and Selene were getting tired. Their horses were also tired. Neither one wanted to sleep out in the open, but they didn't have much choice. They were still days away from Vesina, and If they didn't rest now they would be in trouble. Especially if the Hunt was to show up again.
    Geralt looked around before letting out a frustrated growl. "God damnit. There's no shelter anywhere." Selene who was already feeling the rise of her temper felt her eyebrow twitch in aggravation when he growled. "Oh shut up!" Geralt looked at her shocked at the sudden snap. "I get it, you don't want us exposed out in the open, but we don't have a choice."
    Geralt blinked before his own temper started to show. "And gods help you Geralt if you snap at me. Because I will quite literally throw you Into a Fucking tree." He mumbled under his breath before getting off of Roach and walking off. Selene felt her eyebrow twitch again. So she dismounted Raven and crossed her arms. "And where the Fuck are you going?"
    Geralt stopped before turning to face Selene his arms now crossed. "Oh, I don't know I thought I would get us some fucking firewood so we could at least heat up something to eat." Selene's temper was now rising and he rolled his eyes before walking off. Said woman closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she punched the tree beside her and it cracked halfway through the trunk. "Insufferable, annoying, arrogant prickly idiot!"
     Geralt was picking up the firewood when he heard what Selene was shouting and raised an eyebrow. She was indeed cranky and desperately in need of sleep. Yet so was he, if he wasn't careful he would say something he didn't mean and he couldn't afford that. Not to mention there would be one hell of a line of people waiting to kill him for it. They were both on edge, ever since that town. Selene had seemed more wary of everything.
    He couldn't blame her, that town had even him on edge. Who knew how many of those statues had been there. While they probably should have looked, even checked to see if it was a curse he couldn't. They couldn't, Selene was shaken, the sight to life like. Like those eyes were watching them. Feeling as if he had enough firewood he started to walk back when he saw the half destroyed tree and a sound asleep Selene sleeping under it.
    Chuckling weakly he took a cloak from his bag and covered the woman. "Figures, you would destroy a tree after I go to gather firewood." He was however a bit alarmed at how quickly she fell asleep. When was the last time she properly slept? Before the whispers? That day in White Orchid? Novigrad didn't count as she was literally out cold for almost two months as she tried to recover from almost dying.
    He tried to think of what could have been disturbing her sleep yet he couldn't figure it out. He could blame the whispers, but they didn't feel right. He also wasn't sure why she heard them. Even if she had heard them her entire life. Letting out a sigh he started the fire before leaning against the tree and finally fell asleep.

  "Selene, Selene child where are you?" Selene looked up at the sound of her name. Confusion in those deep silver eyes. Yet when she went to speak another voice chimed in. "I'm over here grandma!" Selene looked over and her eyes widened. It was her as a child. But why? What was going on? Her grandma walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder.
    "There you are my little Stomera. What are you doing out here?" Selene shrugged before sighing. "I can hear them again grandma." Carla's eyes widened as he placed a hand on her granddaughters shoulder. "What do they say little one?" "Ke'ja lume, caede mir ala o'Tina." Carla frowned as she listened. "The keeper of time is hidden." Selene nodded before she spoke again. "That's not all they said." "What else did they say little one."
      "En'caede oseva, Selene mes'ala a Destiny. Do not run from your Destiny Selene." Carla's eyes were wide at this. What were those voices talking about? "I'm scared Grandma, what are these voices trying to tell me?" Carla held Selene close as she rubbed the girls back. "I don't know my little Stomera, I don't know. But I promise you, I promise you nothing will ever hurt you." Liar! Selene screamed in her mind.
    She was already hurt, yet, it wasn't her grandmother's fault. No that fault lied in her mother. "But what about you grandma? Who will keep you safe?" Carla smiled as she patted her granddaughter's head. "I will be okay my little Stomera. But listen, do me a favor, go in the house and burn some sage. It'll help you calm down." Selene looked up at her grandma before she nodded and ran inside.
    However current day Selene stood there in stunned silence. "Well, you've certainly grown my little Stomera." And with that icy blue eyes turned onto Selene whose silver eyes widened in shock. "Calm down now. Tell me my little one, how is it your eyes are silver?" Selene blinked. "You can see me?" Carla raised an eyebrow at this. "I could see you the moment I entered the garden. It seems younger you can not though. Meaning, you're dreaming of the past."
    Selene shivered at this. "Your eyes though?" Selene shrugged. "Been silver for well over 90 years now." Carla's eyes widened. "Impossible. You don't look a day over 20." Selene shrugged again. "I know, I haven't figured that out yet." Carla nodded. "Tell me my Stomera, how is it this has come to pass?" "I don't know if I can tell you. I don't know if it'll change what's happened." Carla shook her head.
    "I understand, I don't believe it will but I respect your choice. Tell me, do you still hear those voices?" Selene nodded this time. "I do, I hear them more often now." "Did they stop for a time?" Selene nodded. "For a few years I couldn't hear them. Then one day it all came back." Carla nodded, she had a feeling this would happen. "I'm sure you endured many battles my Stomera." "I have grandma." "And yet the worst has yet to come."
    Selene shuddered at those words. "I'm scared grandma, I don't know what to do. I'm terrified of all of this." Carla walked over and placed a hand on her granddaughters shoulder. "I know, but listen to me." Selene looked at her grandma and bit back the urge to sob. "You are so brave my Zarikah, my Stomera. Did you know, we named you after the moon goddess?" Selene blinked. "Really?" "Yes, your mother wanted to call you A'tina. But it didn't fit you. You who were as beautiful as the moon."
    Selene gave a weak smile. "You'll be going soon." Selene blinked. "I miss you grandma, so much." Carla blinked back tears, she could see the fear in her granddaughters eyes and the headache. "No matter what my Stomera, I am always with you. In your heart." Tears freely ran down her face and she held her grandmother's hand. "As you are always in mine. Listen to me sweet child."
    Selene looked at her and tilted her head. "Be brave, do not fear what is unknown, remain true to yourself. Your Destiny is yours. No one and nothing can control that. Now my little one, it's time you woke up." Selene's eyes widened. "No!" "Wake up, wake up Selene." With that everything went black.

    Dream ends

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