Chapter 15

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The second Geralt said that Selene let out a groan. "Why can't you just have a safe plan?" "Because, there is no safe plan involving that." Selene rolled her eyes before she crossed her arms. "Alright, what's this plan of yours and what do I have to do?" Geralt raised an eyebrow before he motioned her to follow him. "First, how are the injuries?" "Basically done healing at this point." "Good, Alright so we need Buckthorn." Selene grimaced at that. "Gods not that shit, you could smell that from miles away the second it comes out of water."

    Geralt nodded. "I know, it smells awful but we also need bait." "Right, so we need to find a location first." Geralt nodded and looked at her. "Any idea on where we can fight this thing Sel?" Selene thought for a moment as she tapped her chin. "We definitely need to lure it away from the town, we don't need anyone else getting hurt." He nodded and waited for her to continue as they headed back to town.

   "There's a plot of land, not too close to the town, it's open and wide enough that we could lure the creature out of hiding, however if it takes off it could fly towards one of the nearby farm mills." "So we would need to kill it quickly." "Correct." "Alright, so we go there and set up the trap. I'll get a sheep, kill it then stuff it with the buckthorn." Selene shuddered once again at the mention of buckthorn. "Fine but you're swimming for it." He chuckled. "I already have some on me. I put it in a jar to keep the scent hidden."

   Selene simply raised an eyebrow before she shrugged. "Then let's get to work, I want out of this hellish town sooner rather than later." Geralt could only nod, they had leads to follow on the book that was given to them by Bram, and they also needed more jobs. "Right, I have to agree not only do we need more jobs, but we also need to go to Lurtch to find out about that old woman who died from the pox." "Exactly." "Right so let's get this over with."

   And with that the two Witcher's took off to set up the trap for the griffin. Once they were at the field Selene spoke of Geralt could easily see that she wasn't joking, the land was huge but in the distance he could still see the mill but knew that they were also far enough from the town that they wouldn't have to worry about the griffin getting anyone else. "Alright, I'll get the sheep. You wait here." Selene nodded and walked over to a tree before she sat down under it to wait for Geralt.

    However it didn't take him very long, because within moments the man came back not even ten minutes later with a dead sheep over his shoulder before he propped it up and stuffed it with the buckthorn. Once that was over and done with, and the smell hung heavy in the air did Geralt make his way over to Selene and sit down next to her. "So now we wait." "Now we wait Sel." Selene nodded before she looked up at the sky, all her senses on high alert. Geralt was the same however, he was simply cleaning his sword.

    Moments later just as it started to grow dark did they hear the loud shriek of the griffin. "It's here." Selene opened her eyes and Geralt stopped cleaning his sword putting the rag away just as the creature dove down for the decoy. Within moments the two were on their feet and making their way down towards the griffin. However the beast wasn't yet paying attention, which gave them the element of surprise.

   Drawing her sword Selene quickly casted quen and the protective shield wrapped around her body just as Geralt attacked the griffin, a vertical slice across its side. The griffin let out a deafening scream causing Selene's eyes to narrow as she jumped sideways, just as the creature itself lunged right at her. Rolling along the dirt, Selene turned on her left as she slashed at its face easily cutting it. "Damn!" "Sel?!" The griffin took to the sky and circled them before diving back down its claws extended. "Wasn't deep enough!"

   Geralt jumped back as Selene casted aard. It caused the creature to stagger for a moment before regaining its balance and flew off once again. This time however Selene was prepared, the griffin flew straight at her, and instead of moving she took her stance. Her right arm extended, a sign ready on the left, the second it got to close she blasted it once more with aard before slashing the chest clean open. The beast fell with a shriek and Geralt moved in for the killing blow. Selene jumped back just as it tried to bite at her before it's head was cut clean off.

    Both took a moment to catch their breath after the creature had fallen and shared a look. "You good Sel?" "Yeah, did it get you at all?" "Light scratch across my side but nothing major." "Good, let's get the head and turn in this job so we can get the fuck out of here." "I couldn't agree more." Walking over Geralt knelt down and picked up the griffin's head before he whistled loudly followed soon by Selene's own whistle for Raven.

   Both horses soon came running over. Opening up one of the many bags he quickly deposited the griffins head before turning to Selene who was already climbing onto raven. "Well, it seems someone doesn't need my help." Selene laughed as she looked down at him. "Nope, but come on Geralt, the smell of buckthorn is still obvious and it's making me nauseous."

   Geralt only chuckled before he climbed up onto Roach. Once they were both situated did they finally head back to the Nilfgaardian Garrison. Roughly five hours later they were once again being escorted to Peter Saar Gwynleve by William. The bag containing the head in Geralt's hand. "You have no idea how much of a relief it is to not have to worry about the griffin anymore." Selene laughed. "Probably feels like a weight off your shoulders." "It truly does Selene, you both have my thanks." Selene nodded and watched as he walked away before Selene and Geralt headed over to Peter who had just ordered a Young man to receive 40 lashes for rotten and spoiled grain.

   "Pretty harsh hm?" "No, had it been anyone else he would have been killed. I can't afford to be easy on them." Selene rolled her eyes and Geralt growled low in his throat. "Right, so the griffin is dead, there will be no more issues involving it." "Ah, thank you lady Witcher, please take this coin and should we need your help again we shall once more call upon you both." Selene nodded and took the coin before she led Geralt out of the garrison. "I wanted to punch him." "I know, but it's not worth it. So let's go to lurtch and then we'll head north, Oxenfurt is that way so maybe we can get more answers there." Geralt nodded and helped Selene onto Raven before he climbed up onto Roach. Both now leaving the small town of white orchard. Their next destination was Lurtch.

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