Chapter 2

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As Selene neared her old home she found herself thinking back to simpler days. To a simpler time, before her mother stole her away, before she was left to suffer and struggle in Kaer Morhen. To a time when everything was simple and she was a carefree little girl.


"Selene, where are you my little storm?" Said little girl was outside watching the ocean unaware that her grandmother was looking for her. She was a bit upset, and usually being near the ocean calmed her greatly. "Ah, there you are my little Stomera." Said child finally looked over at the sound of her grandmother's voice and she weakly smiled. "Grandma, soveska, enka Denya?" What is it you need grandma?" Carla laughed before she spoke "you've improved Selene, but I simply wanted to make sure you were alright, I know The argument with your mother was not pleasant."

   Selene rolled her eyes, and for a child of only 6 years she was already sassy and well trained in plants and poisons. "No, she would hardly let me speak, and if I did..." she revealed the dark purple bruise on her shoulder. Carla grimaced, whatever her daughter had been was no more and now in her place was a cruel and jaded woman. "I am sorry my Stomera, but come why don't we go and look at the Plenvera's?" The flowers. "Alright Grandma." The two smiled before heading over to the gardens, neither one aware that Meya had been watching the two of them.

    Selene and Carla had spent a good portion of the day at the gardens going over the names and uses of each plant and herb. Once they realized that the sun was now setting did the two finally head back to the cottage. "Sleep well my Little One, tomorrow is a new day." Selene nodded and went into her room only turning around once. "Goodnight grandma, I love You." Carla smiled softly as she spoke. "And I You little one, and I you."

    Yet neither one knew that this would be the last time they spoke to each other, or the last time that Selene would see her grandmother alive, because that same night her mother woke her from her sleep and said that the town was being attacked, Selene wanting to save her grandmother was stopped. "Ma We have to help grandma."

    Meya shook her head, and lied "there is no time little one, I'm sure grandma is already on the run, but if we go now we should hopefully meet up with her soon." And with that the two left, Selene completely unaware that it was a lie and the fact that her grandmother slept peacefully in the house.

   Flashback ends

    Selene shook her head to chase away those horrible memories and shuddered at how easily her mother had not only lied, but had manipulated her into leaving the safety of her home. Said woman continued to walk down the worn and torn path before she stopped in front of what was once a beautiful cottage. A cottage that she once called home. The walls which were once white, were now grey and discolored, along with multiple cracks and in some spots it caved in, the roof was now halfway gone and Selene was sure that the inside was no better.

    Taking a deep breathe Selene was about to go inside when she stopped and saw a patch of the grass that never seemed to have grown back right, raising an eyebrow she walked over towards and saw that it was a grave and on a stone above it was the name Carla of Vesina, a loving mother and grandmother. May she rest in piece. With wide eyes Selene fell to her knees and closed her eyes against the wave of tears that now threatened to fall. "Grandma....I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." and with that she fell silent as she sent a silent prayer to her grandmother.

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