Chapter 33

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Once Selene and Geralt were safely inside of Crach's home did the man look over and smile widely. "You're both back. Tell me how did it go Geralt? And you Selene, I know that you were at both Rannvaig and Undvik." "Went well, incident with a curse, followed a lead I saw on a notice board about the books. Found three of them actually." "Well then it seems you were busy." "She was indeed, however is it possible that she uses the baths? She got kicked in the stomach, almost frozen, a friend of ours saved her, and she smells like water and I know for a fact she was covered in blood."

   Crach's eyes widened before he clapped his hands. "Naturally she may use the baths, I'll have food prepared along with a guest room." "Thank you Crach." "Of course." A woman walked over, her long blonde hair pulled up in a simple bun as she tilted her head. "Yes Jarl?" "Take Selene here to the bathing chambers, And prepare a room for our guests." "Yes Jarl does the lady require clothes and is it one or two rooms?" "One room. Selene did you need clothes?"

    "No Crach-" the woman shot her a dirty look. "You will address him as Jarl-" "enough! You do not disrespect family or friends in my presence, and do not let me find out you've done it out of my sight either. Or I will have you replaced." The woman paled. "Forgive me Jarl, I wasn't aware she was a family friend." Crach sided and waved his hand. "As I was saying, no I don't need clothes, but what I have on me and in my bag do need to be washed. Geralt you have the spare?" "Naturally, here take my bag with you." Selene nodded and took it carefully being mindful of her own limits at the moment.

    "Alright, Selene when you're done bathing and dressed come back to the dining hall food will be ready." Selene nodded and with that she followed the woman out of the hall and towards the bathing chambers. "Lady Selene, if your husband also has any dirty clothes I will make sure those are cleaned as well. I will also have them repaired if there's damage, and I recommend having your swords repaired two, this way it prevents any damage from occurring as it's much colder here then in the north."

   Selene blinked surprised by the woman's sudden change of tone. "Right, thank you, but...that man and I we're only engaged." The woman raised a slender eyebrow. "Really? That surprises me." "Why?" "You Two act as if you've been married for years." Selene's eyes widened and she looked down embarrassed. Only looking up once they were at the bathing chamber. "I will return in half an hour for you Lady Selene, I must prepare a room for both yourself and Master Geralt."

    Selene was sorely tempted to tell the woman to stop addressing her so formally but she knew it would be a pointless argument. "Thank you uh..." "Krysta My Lady." "Right thank you Krysta, Umm the clothes?" She smiled softly at this. "I will wait till you have removed your dirty clothes and take them with me." Selene nodded and the two slipped into the chamber where Selene was directed towards a screen to undress behind. Once she was done and safely wrapped in a towel did she walk over with just one bag.

  Krysta raised an eyebrow. "Only one bag?" "Yes, the other bag has my clean clothes and bandages so I'll be keeping that on me." "Ah, Of course. I shall take this now. Enjoy your bath." And with that she left.

   "So Geralt, the curse?" "Yeah, I was able to remove it, the castle should be safe to rebuild now." Crach nodded. "You have my thanks, as for the other?" Geralt sighed at this. "That one was harder, I was able to purge the garden for the priestess, however once I freed the man, I killed him. I'm sure you know why and what he was cursed for." "Indeed I do, Morkvarg was a disgusting man, raping and pillaging villages, going as far as attacking the priestesses."

   Geralt nodded. "Yeah, But no worries he's dead and he isn't coming back." "That's the best news I've heard all day. Aside from Selene finding those books. I wonder why she was at Rannvaig." "Knowing her she took a job." "Wouldn't surprise me." "No, but if you don't mind.." Crach laughed. "No, go to your Selene, I'm sure she might need some assistance." Geralt nodded and with that he walked out of the hall heading right for the bathing chambers where Selene currently was.

   Without missing a step he walked into the chamber and spied the bag that he knew belonged to him before he headed over to the screen. Changing out of his dirty clothes he saw she had left his clean ones in the bag and chuckled. "She knew I was coming." Wrapping a towel around himself he walked over to the bathing area and soon found Selene leaning against the side her eyes closed as she relaxed in the steaming hot water.

   Sitting down next to her he wrapped an arm around her shoulder pulling her close to him. "You alright Sel?" "Mm yes, I'm all clean now I just wished to relax a bit longer. You're done talking with Crach?" "Yes, so I care to find you. Brought over fresh towels so when we get out we can dry off." "Mm thank you." He nodded and kissed the side of her head before pulling back to wash himself. Once the two were done and dried off and in their clean clothes did they leave the chambers just as Krysta came back. "Ah, you're both here." "Yes, I finished with Crach and came to be with Selene."

   "Of course, come on now dinner is ready and once you two are done I shall show you to your room for the night." Selene and Geralt shared a look before nodding as they followed after Krysta. "Ah there are my two favorite people. Now Selene, what did you do at Rannvaig?" The two sat down across from Crach and she shrugged. "Broke a curse. The herbalist casted something called The Nithing, it was killing a little boy and she refused to lift it." Two pairs of eyes widened at this.

   "Did you save the child?" "I did, I reversed the curse back to her, wrote her name and wished her a quick and painless death. After that I left for Undvik where you heard I was tracking down the books and found them." "Ah, well I'm happy for you. Tell me, I know Ciri has gone back into hiding but will you two be here long?" "No, we will be leaving once I'm sure Selene has recovered from the portal and her trip." "Of course. Well I bid you both a Goodnight and I'll see you come Morning." And with that Crach left the two alone. Once they had finished eating did the two also retire to their room for the evening, each one quickly falling asleep.

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