Chapter 31

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When Selene next woke it was to the smell of smoke. A soft groan slipped past her lips as she turned her head to see where the source was coming from. The first thing she saw was that someone had carried her out of the cave, as she was now laying on the grass, and a fire was raging next to her. Selene mumbled a curse before the figure next to her laughed. "Haven't changed a bit." Turning her head to see who had spoken did silver eyes widen in shock. "So I wasn't going crazy, it really was you Drew."

   He laughed "in the flesh, I heard from some of the folk in Undvik that a silver eyed woman was exploring the caves, they didn't know what she was looking for but they were worried. But I guess they shouldn't have been since the woman turned out to be a Witcher." Selene snorted at this and slowly forced herself to sit up. "I have to go back." Green eyes widened at this. "Are you insane? You literally passed out in there." She shook her head as she attempted to get to her feet.

   "Selene what is so important that you go back into that hell hole?" She scowled a bit as she finally managed to stand up, Drew quickly scrambled to his feet as well. "A book, a very old, ancient book is in that cave." He blinked before he went and grabbed a bag. "You mean these?" Handing her the bag he watched as she carefully opened it and inspected each one. "Yes, these books belong to my home town. You only saw three of them?" "Yep." Selene nodded and she put the bag with her own. "You have my thanks. But why are you here?"

    "Well after Kiera suddenly vanished I took off on my own, I somehow ended up here in Skelliga on Undvik and decided to help those that I could. When I heard you had been spotted I came to investigate." Selene nodded slowly. "Kiera vanished?" "Yep, no idea where she took off too. Don't care either she was a bitch." Selene laughed, she knew that first hand. "Yeah, she hates me still."

    "Why's that?" "I kicked her ass clean across the room before when she tried to lure Geralt into her bed." His eyes widened before he laughed. "Damn she musta been stupid to not see ya'll we're together." Selene shrugged. "At the time we weren't, but I couldn't stand it so that happened." "Oh, so are ya'll..." "We're engaged." Drew blinked before he smiled. "That's Amazing Selene! Oh I can't wait to see him so I can congratulate him as well." Selene laughed.

    "Then tag along because I'm heading back to Kaer Trolda, he should be done his job now and I got what I needed. Before we go....what happened to that man in the cave?" Drew sighed as he rubbed the back of his head. "I might have killed him." Silver eyes widened in shock. "Drew!" "What? He attacked you, I came just as he kicked you in the stomach Selene, and it looked like it fucking hurt." She sighed as she ran her hand through her now tangled hair. "Because it did. My stomach is still healing from having an arm shoved through it."

   "What the fuck?" "A katakana, shoved its arm right through my back and stomach, it's healed on the surface but not underneath, it's taking a while for that to finish. The katakana is dead, and I'm thankfully still alive." Drew let out a breath as he listened. "Damn Selene, I'm gonna need you to not die on me." Selene shrugged as he spoke. "I have no plans on dying anytime soon. However, it's a long way back and I wish to be there before it gets too dark. And, thank you, for helping me with that man, I didn't think he would attack first." "Not a problem, most people don't but he did, musta thought you were a monster with all that blood still in your hair. I had to rinse it out by the way."

   Selene simply blinked at this. "Huh, must not have gotten all the siren blood off then." He snorted. "Trust me, you missed a lot. Pretty sure you had a finger in your hair." "Yuck." He laughed. "You can say that again. But it is getting dark so a portal is our safest bet." Selene groaned at this. "I hate portals." "Yeah, yeah. You'll live, I think." And with that he pushed her through and followed right after her. The portal simply closed behind them.


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