Chapter 34

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Five months later.

  Ciri was now back in hiding and Selene and Geralt were now safely in Toussaint. Dandelion had written to them saying that he had heard about a book older than dirt was recently being sold in a bookstore and Selene had only hoped it was true. Erik however had indeed heard rumors of a book and instead of sending word about it to them he had decided to retrieve it himself, which almost had him die in the process, the book had been kept under lock and key in an elven ruin, and yet despite the fear of never seeing his family again he managed to survive the ordeal and retrieve the book.
      Said man was now currently on his way to Toussaint where both Geralt and Selene had been spotted. For Selene she was relieved, she had found three is Skelliga, one in a random cave that Geralt and herself had taken shelter in, and with Dandelion's help, they had hopefully found yet another. Neither one, however, knew that Erik was tracking them down to give Selene a book. One of the very books she had been searching for.
    "Selene, did Dandelion happen to say which store the book was in?" she simply shook her head. "No, he said he couldn't remember the name in his letter, but that the store was in a more high end part of Bucclair." Geralt sighed as she gave him the answer he really didn't want to hear at that point in time "I know, I know, that wasn't the answer I wanted either, but we should at least be glad that he even had a lead on a possible book in the first place."

    Geralt shrugged "I know Selene, trust me I know. But how many are left?" Selene was silent for a moment as she thought it over. "Okay, so originally I was missing what 10? We got one from Bram, William, three from Undvik with Drew's help. So that means five of them are still out there, either hidden away in ruins or caves. Then there's the possibility that a collector has them, along with possible Descendants that could still be at large."

    Gerald raised an eyebrow and was about to comment on what she had said. When all of a sudden he heard someone calling his name. "Master Geralt! Lady Selene wait!" both Selene and Geralt stopped walking at this point having easily heard the voice calling out to them. Selene turned to see who it was before her silver eyes widened in shock. "Erik? What in the fuck are you doing?!" Even Geralt was surprised, he hadn't expected Erik to come track them down.

    As Erik approached them he started pulling out a bag exposing the bandages that lingered along his arm and part of his chest. "I got something for you Lady Selene. Something that you've been looking for." Two pairs of eyes widened at this. "You found a book?" He smiled at them. "Not just one, I found two of them, both of which were in some elven ruins." Selene looked horrified at this news. "Why didn't you just write to us? We could have turned back to retrieve them."

    He shook his head before handing over both books, books in which Selene quickly checked before nodding and handing them to Geralt to put away for safekeeping. "I was in the area, the boys and I needed a place to hide out from the storm when I realized it was a ruin. Might've almost died but, I owed it to you, you who helped me when no one else would have." "You saved my life." "That may be true, but you didn't have to repay me. You didn't have to check in on us from time to time but you did. So the least I could do was get these books. I didn't think they would be in there at first, place was oddly empty, no monsters to be seen, however the second I saw the chest and went to open it a kikimora sprung up out of the ground and attacked me. That's how I got most of the injuries, the venom burned my skin."
    Selene flinched at this, she knew how painful that was and from the shudder Geralt gave she knew he also knew what the pain felt like. "Erik, thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me." He only smiled at her. "Think nothing of it. Just be safe on your journey." Selene raised an eyebrow before speaking again. "How did you know we were here?" "Oh that? We heard from another caravan that two Witcher's had been spotted traveling to Toussaint. One with gold eyes while the other had silver." Selene looked at Geralt and he shrugged. "How was I to know they would know Erik?"

    She blinked confused before rolling her eyes. "That's not why I looked at you." "Oh?" "Yes 'oh' I looked at you because if you hadn't stopped for supplies this poor man would still be on a wild goose chase trying to find us." Geralt chuckled at this. "Yeah, so I guess stopping for a few herbs and some drinks was a good idea after all." Selene laughed before turning her attention back to Erik. "Thanks again Erik, do I owe you anything?" "Nope, remember I said I would help you however I can. But I'm afraid I must be off, my group is waiting for me back at the inn."

    She nodded. "Of course, Safe travels." "To you as well." And with that the man turned and left leaving Geralt and Selene alone. "So, now we have what three more?" Selene smiled at him. "That would be correct. Three more and we'll be able to hopefully find some answers, and even if we can't I can at least return them to where they belong." Nodding the ashen haired man grabbed Selene's hand as they started walking once again. "So, how long do you think it'll be till we find Iorveth?"

    She shrugged as they walked. "Not sure, last time I found them by accident. However that also depends on finding out if they're still even in Toussaint." Geralt simply sighed. "Yeah, you're right Sel." And with that the two lapsed into silence. Each one simply relaxed by the sites  and the other's company. If one saw them they would think that the couple was simply on a walk around the vineyards. Yet to those who knew better, knew that they traveled with a purpose. "We're almost to Bucclair." "Good." The closer they got to the city the louder the sounds became. And it was nothing like Novigrad. No this place had a completely different energy, why No one knew. Perhaps it was because of the duchess or because the land had yet to be touched by war. But either way the pair were deeply relieved to be able to relax even if it was only a little bit. "Alright, let's look around, gotta be able to find the bookstore that way." Selene blinked. "We could ask for directions." "How? We don't even know what the stores called."

  Selene crossed her arms at this mentally cursing Dandelion's name. "Fair point, but we could ask for the locations of the stores that sell antique's." "Hmm, we could, but for now let's just look around, see what we can't find on our own first" Selene nodded in agreement and with that they headed deeper into the city.

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