Chapter 7

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A few weeks later.

  Geralt and Selene had finally arrived in White Orchard and they both exchanged a look at how rundown the village appeared. "This place has definitely seen better days." Selene nodded in agreement as they led their horses to the inn and left near a barrel of water.

   "So what do we do first Selene?" Said woman simply looked around before her eyes landed on the door to the inn. "Let's split up, we can meet up here and if we find nothing from the normal towns folk we can always ask around the inn." Geralt nodded before he quickly grabbed Selene and pulled her into a hug.

    For a moment the silver eyed woman was seemingly confused before her own arms wrapped around him, hugging him back as tightly as she could. "Be safe Geralt." Said man only grunted before he kissed the top of her head and let her go, watching as she took a step back and headed in the direction of the bridge.

    Shaking his head he turned and headed in the opposite direction. As Selene walked towards the main roads she heard the tall tale signs of flapping wings and an unholy shriek before she heard a man screaming for help.

   Silver eyes widened and she ran towards the sound, a single hand already reaching for the hilt of her silver sword. As she heard the man that's when he screamed. "Watch out!" Raising an eyebrow she had just a fraction of a second to dodge the incoming attack of a griffin. "Shit." drawing her sword Selene turned and slashed at the enraged griffin, wincing as one of its talons slashed her shoulder.

    "Oh you nasty fucker." With a harsh glare and a quick turn of her wrist she had slashed the griffin's chest, not deep enough to kill, only enough to cause it to shriek once more before it took off into the forest once more. Silver eyes narrowed as she waited to see if it would return but when she realized it wouldn't, she finally sheathed her sword and walked over to the man who was stuck under his cart.

  "What happened?" She asked as she knelt down and grabbed the bottom of the cart. "The axle snapped, I went to see if I could fix it when the entire thing fell on my leg." Selene nodded as she looked the cart over. "You might need a new one." The man simply nodded in agreement and before he could say anything else Selene started to lift the Cart up just enough that the man could slide his leg out from underneath.

    "Can you stand and are you hurt?" "I can't stand, thank you for the help, how much for helping me?" Selene arched a single eyebrow before she held up her hand. "Not a single coin, I was nearby and I was able to help, you got lucky, your horse not so much." "And they say Witcher's are heartless, say's they won't raise a single finger if there's no coin."

   Selene frowned a bit but didn't comment. "What's your name and how can you tell I'm a witcher?" It was rare when a human could tell what she was, an even rarer when they didn't immediately assume she was blind. "Oh right, my name's Bram lady Witcher. And that's simple, ya got those cat eyes and the Medallion that Witcher's wear. Even if I can't see it, I'm sure you wear it." Raising both eyebrows Selene couldn't hide the fact that she was impressed by the man's observation skills.

   "How impressive, and I must say thank you Bram for not assuming I was blind." "Oh it's not a problem lady Witcher, I knows better then to assume. But by chance what is your name and is there anything else I can do for you?" Selene blinked before she looked over her shoulder seeing some blood stain her shirt.

    "I am Selene." The man's eyes widened before he smiled. "Selene of Vesina, the white witch." Selene slowly nodded, she would never get use to people knowing of her. "I need to patch up my shoulder, and you should get somewhere safe. White orchid is where I'm going, once I'm done I'll seek you back out."

    Bram nodded before he spoke again. "Alright Selene, I'll see you there, if you go to the inn ask for my cousin Elsa, tell her I sent you and she will be more than willing to help." Selene nodded and turned to leave while Bram gathered what could still be salvaged.

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