Chapter 32

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The second the portal opened in Kaer Trolde, Selene simply fell out and landed on her side shocking quite a few people, two who ran over to help her stand as Drew also came through. "Oops, didn't think you would actually fall." Selene shot him a dirty look as her face paled considerably. "I'm gonna be sick." Drews eyes widened and true to her word she knelt back down and tossed up whatever was in her stomach, one of the men who helped her stand was now holding her hair back from her face and the other was gathering up her bags so they wouldn't get dirty.

"Fuck I'm really sorry Selene, I didn't think you would get sick from the portal." Yet Selene couldn't answer as she heaved once again, at this point nothing but bile was leaving her stomach and he grimaced. "What's going on here?" Looking up Drew's green eyes widened so far that one would swear that his eyes would pop out. "Geralt?" The man in question raised a single eyebrow before it clicked. "Drew? Holy shit it's been years." He laughed. "Indeed, but I'll fill you in later, Selene's getting sick from the portal."

That however immediately caused Geralt to move, thanking the men who had stopped to help Selene out first before he knelt down next to her and gently rubbed her back, the one man still holding back her hair while the other simply held her bags. "Why would you two portal?" "It was safer than boat trust me, and she did want to get back before it got too late." Geralt raised an eyebrow. "Boat? Where the Fuck did you two go?" "More like where I found her."

"Explain." "She was on Undvik, apparently following a lead on some books." His ears perked up at this and Selene could only nod. "She found them?" "Oh she found them alright, three of them. I might add." Geralt glared at him. "Wanna explain, because you're hiding something." The two men looked at them and shook their heads. The one who held her hair gently let it go and both he and Geralt helped her stand. "Feel better miss, and you young man, don't lie to her husband." The other soon returned the bags and walked off together.

Drew gulped and Selene simply leaned against Geralt as she prayed to the gods she wouldn't get sick again. "A man was in there." "In the cave?" "Yes, I don't know why, and we never will. I saw him kick Selene in the stomach, and without thinking I attacked, froze his heart and he died instantly." Geralt groaned at this. "Damn, you alright Sel?" "Yeah, I'm good now, I just really want a bath." Drew nodded at this. "You need one Miss I was covered in Siren blood and guts at one point. I swear there was a finger in her hair, Geralt."

He shuddered slightly. "Did they hurt you?" "Mmm one bit my arm, so I slashed off her arms before stabbing her through the chest and slashed upwards. No worries though, before I went in I had already taken swallow so it helped with the healing." He nodded at this before kissing the side of her head. "Come, Crach wants to see me again and I'm sure he'll let you use the baths." Selene slowly nodded, she was still dizzy from the side effects of the portal. "Sounds lovely, you're done your job?" "Yeah. Finished it a few hours ago, had to go take care of a curse or two. After that I was gonna come here, report and then find you. Didn't even cross my mind you would leave Kaer Trolda."

Selene laughed weakly. "You know me, I hate sitting around." "That's the understatement of the century Sel. Drew you coming?" "Hm oh no, I just wanted to make sure she got back okay, and congratulate you on the engagement. Do tell me when the wedding is so I can prepare an Adequate gift." Geralt nodded. "Sure thing Drew, be safe and I'll see you around." "Of course, oh and Selene?" "Yeah?" "Should you see Kiera again, throw her into another wall for me." "Can do kid, can do." Geralt blinked confused and Selene shook her head, mouthing she would tell him later.

Drew once again waved goodbye before he stepped into the portal he opened and vanished. Geralt however could see Selene was still a bit pale so he wrapped an arm around her waist. "Alright come on you, you need a bath, I have a report to make, and then we need to eat and catch up on what the Fuck I apparently missed out on." Selene nodded and with his help, the two made their way up to Crach's home.

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