Chapter 4

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  "Been a long time huh Geralt?" Said man blinked before he chuckled. "Yeah, 15 fucking years. Where the Fuck have you been?" Selene weakly laughed before she looked at him. "Oh you know, around." He raised an eyebrow at the vagueness. "Like where and how did you get here so fast?" Selene sighed before she looked up at the sky as she debated on how to answer that.

   Geralt for his part however noticed how distant she seemed and he didn't like it. 15 years apart and this is what happened? "Ya know I really expected a hug." Selene finally looked at him before giving him one of her softer smiles. "I know, but you also want answers." He scowled at this. "You're right I do. But those can wait, give me my damn hug woman." And with that Selene laughed as she closed the distance between them.

   Wrapping her slender yet muscular arms around him she hid her face against his neck. Not even hesitating Geralt wrapped his own arms around her narrow waist and sighed in contentment. "I have missed you." "I missed you too." After a few moments the two pulled apart and looked at each other.

    "Now, your questions, in order. I went where I felt like going, hidden among the humans. As for how I got here so fast..." she looked over her shoulder, but not at Raven who was now making her way to Roach. But to the path she had taken. "I was in Vesina." Golden eyes widened at this bit of information. "Fuck."

    Selene arched a single eyebrow at this. "Hm, what is it Geralt?" He took a moment before answering her. "Why did you go there? Are you even okay?" Selene blinked as she realized he was worried about her. "Yes, I am fine Geralt. I got to say goodbye to my grandma and I went into the center of the town, found some books that I hope can help as well." This however intrigued him as he tilted his head forward, a simple way of saying continue without speaking.

   "I went into the library, to what was the History of Vesina and to the language section. However." He raised an eyebrow "however?" This time she scowled as she spoke, her eyebrows furrowed and her nose wrinkled slightly as a frown rugged at her lips. "It looked like someone had been there, a large chunk of what I was looking for was gone. And the rest of it was either to old to move or ruined beyond repair."

    Geralt frowned at the pain in her voice and the hidden layer of anger. Anger that someone had dared disturbed her town's ruins, that someone was brave enough to enter basically a cemetery. "I am sorry Selene." Said woman simply sighed before she shook her head. "As for your unspoken question, I could feel you, the connection between us, you were stressed and angry and now that I can physically see you, hurt." Said man simply blinked before he looked down at the gash along his side.

    "Right, I'll be better in no time." And with that he simply walked over to Roach and reached into her bags pulling out a single red elixir and took it. "Swallow?" "You know it." Selene simply nodded as she walked over towards him and the horses. "We should get out of here, but first, how did you come across a group this large, there had to be at least 20 of them." He looked at her for a moment before wrapping an arm around her waist. "Ironically a job, someone had posted a notice on a group of drowners being in the area and wanted them cleared out so they could access the swamp for game and herbs that grow here."

    Selene nodded a bit as she leaned against him, once again feeling warm and content. "Makes sense, it couldn't be for trade however as Vesina fell over a century ago." "That's true, but that doesn't mean merchants won't pass through on their way to other towns. Now come on, let's get out of here and head back to Lesuna. I want my coin and you look like you're in need of a decent meal." Selene simply nodded in agreement and climbed up onto Raven as Geralt climbed onto Roach. "When we get there, we should catch up."

    Geralt blinked before he chuckled, it was deep and warm just how she remembered. "Of course Sel, we'll do just that, after all." She raised an eyebrow as they started to travel. "I'm not letting you out of my sight for the foreseeable future. 15 years apart is insane." That made her laugh, he had a point however, not seeing each other for 15 years they were bound to change, and for each of them it was slightly more noticeable. "Right, sounds fair to me." And with that two slowly but surely made their way back to the village of Lesuna.

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