Chapter 42

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Two days later the pair was once again on the road. Selene had yet to get over the fact she had killed someone. Yet knew it was what he wanted. Both parts of her mind were at war with each other. "Sel, I know you're upset by what you did. But had you not, that man would have died in agony. He wanted someone he knew and trusted to end it for him." "Is that suppose to make me feel better?" "No, but it's the truth and it's what you need to hear." Selene glared at him before sighing he was right. "Thanks Geralt." "You're welcome. How how long till we get to Vesina?"
    Selene looked around and frowned. "Roughly 5 more days. Unless for any unknown reason we have to speed up." Geralt nodded, Selene wasn't wrong when she said they were taking the long way, and the long way meant an extra day. It didn't help that they had stayed off the road for a day after Selene had killed Gert. She was still in shock that someone had asked her to kill them. Yet had the idiot listened to her in the first place, none of this would have happened.
    "You need a break?" "No, we can't afford anymore breaks. One member of the Hunt was already after us, we don't need to give them another chance. Geralt nodded in agreement. Clicking his tongue he urged Roach into a gallop beside Selene. "What do we do when we get there?" "We leave the horses at the entrance. The roads are uneven and I don't want them getting hurt."
     "Right, any idea where we have to go once we're there?" "No, I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea at this moment, but I'm sure I will once we get there." Geralt frowned before he remembered what Iorvath had told him. He needed to trust Selene and Selene needed to trust in her instincts. "Alright, so we're going in blind." "Pretty much. Why you got a problem with that?" "Huh? No, I was just wondering if you had an idea." Selene nodded as they continued.
    A few hours had passed and Selene had this weird nagging feeling deep in her gut. "We need to speed up." He looked at her and then the sky. "It's getting dark though." "I know, but something tells me we shouldn't linger in this area." Geralt looked around and while he didn't see anything he decided to trust Selene.
    "Alright, so we ride till when?" "Till we feel safe I suppose." He only nodded and the two continued riding. It wasn't until well after midnight that Selene finally allowed Raven to slow. "We can stop here for the night." He looked at her before nodding. "You rest first, I'll keep watch." Selene looked at him and shrugged before she set up her stuff and laid down falling asleep instantly. The longer they were on the road the more restless her sleep had proven to be.
    Hours later Selene woke up and saw that Geralt was out cold so she sat up and wrapped her cloak around herself. The fire had gone out ages ago, yet something told her to leave it that way. That the cover of dark was was their best bet at the moment. Selene looked to the sky and saw that the sun was slowly beginning to rise, yet it would still be awhile before it was bright enough for travel. Staring ahead Selene kept her guard up, nothing would get by her. Least of all take them by surprise.
    However she was a bit shocked that Geralt had fallen asleep. He had said he would take first watch and wake her. Then again he was probably exhausted. Much like she was. Neither one liked being out in the open when something or someone was after them. Selene shook her head. They needed to hurry and find her mother, the longer they took the more chance the hunt had of finding them. There was also the fact that the longer they took, the harder it would be to locate said woman.
    Biting back a growl Selene resisted the urge to punch yet another tree as she continued to watch. She had all these questions and very few answers. So with a tired sigh she sat there and simply waited for Geralt to wake up so they could once again be on the move.
    An hour or so later said man was waking up with a groan. "Sel? Shit when did I fall asleep? How long have you been up?" Selene looked behind her and saw that Geralt was now sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "I don't know when you fell asleep. Had to of been not to long after I did. I woke up maybe two hours ago." Geralt nodded and looked at her. Frowning when he saw the tired look. "Sel, you alrignt to travel?" "I have to be, we need to get to Vesina, we need to find my mother. These questions need answers and it's slowly but surely driving me insane not knowing."
    Geralt blinked before he sighed, Selene was right so with much reluctance he stood up and helped Selene clean up. Quickly hiding any evidence that they had been there they climbed onto their horses. As they rode Geralt handed Selene an apple while he also ate one. "Eat, we have a few more days before we get there." Selene sighed as she took the apple and began to eat. Thinking that if they sped up just a bit it would knock at least a day of travel off their journey. With a click of her tongue she urged Raven to go faster as Geralt sighed. "Speeding up it is then Roach." And with that he chased after Selene throwing his Apple core to the ground behind him.

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