Chapter 46

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The two soon exited the portal and shared a look. Selene was beyond exhausted, using powers she had never once been aware of it was literally draining. There was also the fact she forgave her mother. While she would never forget what she did, she also now knew why she did it. For some reason it let her feel at peace with herself. Yet laying deep beneath the surface her powers still raged.
    Neither one was aware of the fact the hunt had felt the return of a power long forgotten, yet the source of it was untraceable. Due to the fact that Meya had managed to send its blast in multiple directions. True to what Meya said they were right outside of Novigrad but couldn't find there horses. "Where are the horses?" Selene weakly groaned as Geralt picked her up. "I dunno, I'm so sleepy Geralt...please...just let me sleep, even if for a few hours."
      He looked down at the woman in his arms, worry evident in his face. "Of course. We'll go right to Dandelions. Eat, rest and then we will head out for Kaer Morhen." Selene nodded, her consciousness already fading. With one last glance to Geralt she spoke. "Just keep me safe." And with that she passed out in his arms. Golden eyes widened in worry as he quickly entered the city and headed straight for the Chameleon. What the fuck happened to leave Selene drained off almost if not all of her energy?
     Moving quickly he avoided people left and right and ignored the baffled stares as he carried an unconscious Selene in his arms. The second he was at the Chameleon did he open the door and step inside. The second people saw him the music stopped, and the chatter died down. Dandelion looked over to see what had caused the sudden silence, and soon turned only for his eyes to widen. "Geralt? I thought you and Selene were in Toussaint? What are you doing here? Why is Selene unconscious?"
    Geralt shook his head, "Now isn't the time Dandelion. I need a room. She suddenly collapsed and I don't know what caused it." Dandelion nodded and quickly led Geralt up to the ruby sweet and watched as he laid Selene down. "What on earth happened Geralt?" Geralt sighed as he sat down next to Selene. "We we're in Toussaint, we found the books, Iorvath had bought the one you heard of and had us come to him to retrieve it. Yet not even a full day there  and we were attacked." Dandelions eyes widened at this.
       "Who or what attacked you?" "The Wild Hunt, we think they're after Ciri. Then we left and ended up in Lekar, where we traveled until we reached Vesina." Dandelion was shocked. "How did you end up in Lekar? That place is a mess." "Oh trust me, we know. But that was Meya. She sent us there. She opened a portal and left us there. We ran into her at Vesina. Selene got the final book, they talked. I don't know what happened exactly. I remember them fighting, yelling back and forth. Then her mother froze me. When I came to Selene was exhausted, Vesina looked different, I don't know how, it just did. She forgave Meya and then we we're portaled to the outskirts of Novigrad. Selene collapsed before I could get answers. And once she wakes we will be heading to Kaer Morhen."
     Dandelion was shocked, what the fuck happened and why just why did he feel like Meya played a part in all of this. "That sounds absolutely terrifying." "It really was. Now I need to go find Roach and Raven, make sure they're okay." "No need Geralt, I'll check for you. With any luck they are right outside." Geralt raised an eyebrow and nodded. In his haste to make sure Selene would be okay he didn't pay attention long enough to check for the horses.
     Dandelion left and went to go check for the horses only to come back moments later. "They are indeed outside. A bit restless so Priscilla is feeding them. I'm heading out to restock supplies wanna come with?" Geralt looked to Selene before he looked back at Dandelion. "Sure, she's gonna be asleep for a while so we should go while we have a chance." Dandelion nodded and with that the two left.
    Meya was looking around Vesina, when was the last time this place had truly been alive? She had just finished explaining to those who had woken from their stone like sleep what had occurred and took back off for home. Her daughter was safe. She knew her Destiny. However a voice she wasn't expecting to hear soon spoke up. "So this is where you are hiding Meya." Meya turned to look at the person who spoke.
     "Hello Mother." Carla walked over, her long black hair now striped with white and her eyes still a never ending blue. "I see now why that day you took her. Why you abandoned my grandchild at Kaer Morhen." Meya sighed. "I know, I was wrong." "No, you saved her life, as you did for those of us who managed to flee as the war started here." Meya looked at her mother and weakly smiled. "I should have told you." "Yes, I agree. But you went insane Meya. You had a child when that should have almost been impossible."
     "I know, it wasn't until after all of this I managed to regain that sanity. I was so overcome with guilt." "I know. But now Selene is alive, alive and well. She is not chasing a destiny that was created for her." "What do you mean?" "Selene's Destiny is her own. I tried to guide her in her dreams, but alas I couldn't do much. Not without giving away what she was. She also had Selene the goddess she's named after to guide her along with Tilana and her descendants."
     "An impossible task has been laid before her." "It's not impossible. It's very much possible, she will succeed and so will Ciri. The hunt will fall, the white frost will end. And time will flow the way it was always meant too. In its final host." Meya knew her mother was right. "I should have listened to you more." "You are a mother, one who was worried for her daughters safety. That was and always will be your first priority. She might be able to fight and defend herself now, she might have Geralt with her. But that doesn't erase a mother's need to protect their child."
     Meya smiled at her mother before hugging her. "I've missed you mom." "I've missed you too my daughter." The two simply embraced, knowing that the times of peace would soon be drawing to an end, and soon the entire world would be at war.

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