Chapter 41

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Selene woke up with a scream. A scream so loud it chased away the birds and even woke Geralt whose hand immediately went for his sword. "Selene? Selene what happened?" However Selene wasn't okay, she was falling apart right in front of him. Worry filled him as he put the sword back and went over and held her close. "Easy, Easy now. It was just a dream." Selene was hysterical. Her nails digging into her skin as she tried to come back to reality.
   "I saw grandma." His eyes widened and he only held her tighter. "But I also saw younger me." He was shocked. How was that possible. "After younger me ran off, grandma turned to face me. Geralt she could see me." "What did she tell you?" Selene shivered as she tried to shake it away. "That my Destiny is mine. No one can control that."
    He frowned. "Was Carla always so cryptic?" "No, not that I remember. But it's been what 100 years since it's fall? 90 years since I've known you?" He nodded at this. It truly had been a long time. She was bound to forget some of her past. "I'm sorry." He looked around and frowned the air was cold. "We need to go, now." Selene looked at him before she too felt it. Cursing the two quickly moved and climbed onto their horses and took off, just in time too. Because a member of the hunt had appeared. Cursing when he saw an empty camp.
     Growling out curses he walked back through the portal, having once again failed in locating the girl. In locating Zireael. He would try again, or he could continue the hunt for Ala, o'Tina. The keeper of time. However he would need to speak with Ga'els first, as the man was well known for his strategies.
    Selene and Geralt continued riding, they needed to be as far from that camp as possible. Getting caught wasn't an option. They continued riding well into the night when Geralt finally stopped them yet again. Along the road was a sick and dying man. Silver eyes widened as she saw him. He was covered head to toe in pox. "Geralt..." "I see it." He stood beside her and debated on what to do. They couldn't afford getting caught.
    Just then the man turn and his eyes widened. "Oh lady Witcher, do ye remember me?" Selene blinked before it came back to her. "Gert? Gert Borel?" "Aye, it seems lady Witcher, you were right." Selene frowned. "Why didn't you listen to me?" "I thought, I thought I woulda been alright." Selene shook her head. "Oh Gert." Geralt placed a hand on Selene's shoulder. "This yer husband lady Witcher?" Selene could see the hope in the man's eyes and nodded.
     "Yes, my husband Geralt of Rivia." "Ah, a Witcher like ye. I have one last request of ye lady Witcher." She stiffened as she knew what was coming. "I want ye to kill me. Please, put me outa my misery." Selene clenched her teeth as she listened. "And then please, burn my body." Geralt saw the pain, from both of them. Selene who wouldn't kill a human unless it was to save her life, had now been asked to kill one.
     "Are you sure that is what you want?" Gert nodded before he smiled. "Aye, that is what I want." Selene took a deep breath and drew her sword. "So be it." Gert nodded and looked at Geralt. "Take care of 'er, yer wife is an amazing woman." Geralt nodded. "I know and, I will. Rest easy Gert Borel." The man nodded and closed his eyes as he accepted his fate.
     Selene closed her eyes for a moment before opening them and stabbing him through the heart. Geralt looked away yet Selene couldn't. What had she done? She killed an innocent man for fucks sakes! Geralt saw the panic and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Breathe, you need to burn the body." "What have I done Geralt....just what have I done?"
    Geralt sighed as he tried to calm her. "What he asked, he was already dying Sel. You just granted him mercy." Selene shook her head but none the less handed her blade to Geralt to be cleaned while she burned the body. "M'ija an'ray asilur." Geralt cleaned off the sword and raised an eyebrow. "May you find peace." Geralt nodded.
    "It's fitting." He handed her the sword that she quickly re-sheathed before looking to the sky. "Do we stop for the night?" Geralt sighed. "We probably should, but I don't want to sleep in a plague victims home." "I understand. But if memory serves right, we're actually right by Reardon Manor, it's abandoned Now." Geralt raised an eyebrow. "Don't ask, let's just say I knew the woman who lived here and when I cleaned it out, I ended up using it as a hide out." Geralt nodded and looked at the burning body. "Right, let's go." Selene nodded and with that the pair quickly took off for Reardon manor.

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