Chapter 1

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Mackenzie's POV:
"Mackenzie! It's our first Friday night in Sydney, we need to go out and have some fun,meet new friends!" Victoria kept going on and on with reasons on why we should go out tonight.
"Victoria..I don't know.I don't want things to get too out of hand, I have Nick back at home. I love him a lot, I don't want to do something I'll regret!" We just moved to Sydney a couple of days ago from Los Angeles,California. Crazy right? Usually people move to Los Angeles from Sydney but not us. We're different, we decided to come here for college, it's far more cheaper. I already miss home though, I especially miss Nick. Nick is my boyfriend, we started dating in the 7th grade, we've been together for 7 years, I most certainly do not want to go out tonight and end up cheating on him or something like that.
"Kenzieee! Hello? Are you okay?"
"Yeah sorry I was just thinking.."
"As I was saying, we should go out tonight okay? Please! Just for like an hour!" Victoria was on the ground begging so I decided to give in, after all we moved here to have fun and forget about back home right?

Victoria's POV:
I can't believe I managed to do that. Who am I kidding? I'm Victoria. I always get my way. "I'm so excited! What club do you want to go to? There's lots downtown! What are we going to wear? OMG! Do we even have anything to wear?"
"Victoria! Please calm down! We can always go shopping, our parents gave us lots of money, and how about we just go to the first club we see?" Typical Mackenzie, this is why I love her she's a great problem solver, and always knows how to handle the situation. I checked the time and saw it was 8:30.
"Well let's get going then! Shall we?" I just wanted to go out and have a fun night, I also want Mackenzie to have a fun time, I feel bad for her.. leaving behind her boyfriend, who is a total douchebag but she doesn't see it. He probably cheated on her right after our plane left. I hate him. I hope tonight helps her get her mind off of him.
Mackenzie's POV:
Finally after hours of shopping, we arrive at a club a little bit past midnight, the club was called 'Cliff Dive'. I have to admit, I like Australia because you don't have to be 21 to go into a club unlike the States. Right after showing the guy our ID we decided to go straight to the bar. "This wasn't such a bad idea."
"I told you so! Now let's get wasted! Let's make this a night to remember." We ordered so many rounds of shots, flavored shots, those are my favorite. Nick and I always got them..I miss Nick. Before I could go into a depression about missing Nick, someone tapped my shoulder. I turn around and see an asian dude.
"Hey I'm Calum!" He winked, " I was wondering if I could sit here."
"Ummm... yea sure."
"HEY MICHAEL! COME I GOT US SOME SEATS AND SOME PRETTY GIRLS!" Shortly after, a redhead came jogging over, they smelled of Vodka. They're so drunk. I couldn't help but laugh. "Hey what's so funny? Have I seen you before? Are you new around here?"

Victoria's POV;
Okay I must admit, these guys are pretty creepy. Poor Mackenzie. I need to get in this before they try something on her. "Hey I'm Victoria!" The red head turned around and started talking to me.
"Hi Victoria! My name is Michael and I like to party!" Looks like we have something in common. Oh my god he's really cute, he can really pull off the red hair, is he in a punk band? He looks like he could be. "I like to party too Michael" I smiled at him and he smiled back, after hours and hours of talking and drinking, the club was closing and I realized Mackenzie was gone. Shit.Shit.Shit. Calum was gone too! Oh my god. Mackenzie would never leave with a guy she just met, especially not if she's dating Nick. "Michael!"
"Where's Calum!?"
"Calummmm that's a pretty name, but not as pretty as youu!" Well shit Michael is drunk as fuck and he's no help. Maybe going out tonight was a bad idea, we don't even have cell phones here yet. "Michael let's go." I reached for Michael's hand but he pulled it away, "Michael seriously let's go."
"I am not going anywhere with you woman!" Fine, he can stay by himself. He seems like a dick anyways so does Calum, well Calum is a dick for kidnapping 'Kenzie.
Calum's POV;
I feel bad for ditching Michael, but I just needed to be alone with this girl. She's so amazing and I think I love her even though I just met her. Wait what? What am I thinking I don't even know her. I'm so drunk, I haven't slept in hoursss! "Mackenzie! Wake up! Mackenzie?" She's not around. Holy shit first I ditch Michael and now Mackenzie ditches me. What a bitch. She seemed like a whore anyways.

Mackenzie's POV;
I have never been so scared in my life. I'm hungover, I'm in a city I don't know my way around, and I'm at a beach?! How did I end up here? I woke up on a beach this morning with a guy. How romantic! Turns out it wasn't Nick and it was that creep from last night. What if he did something to me? I decided to bail and look for Victoria. This is horrible. I feel bad for Tori but then again it was her idea to go out wasn't it? I can't seem to find her so I decide to run to the nearest store, I've been running for a while now and someone's been following me. I speed up and right when I'm about to turn the corner, they grab me.

Hey! Okay I'm sorry if this sucks ass but it's because I'm like half awake half asleep! Don't worry the next chapter will be better! Tell me what you think about it! x

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