Chapter 39

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"So you really want a rematch?" I asked Mackenzie as we drove to our local pub.
"Yes since you said I cheated! I would never cheat but if you want a rematch then we'll have a rematch. Have fun losing twice." She smirked at me.
"Oh honey, I'm not going to lose tonight." I say not just talking about the game.
"Well, let's go!" Mackenzie immediately gets out of the car once we get there and rushes towards the entrance.
"Aren't you eager?" I wink at her and she laughs and motions for me to hurry up.
"Okay ready?" Mackenzie asks once we're seated at the bar.
"Are you sure you want to do this Mac?" I start to feel guilty about what I have planned but I don't care. All I want is Mackenzie.
"Yes Calum! Are you going to back out or something? Pussy!"
"No!" I shoot back and order the first round of drinks, "Game on Mackenzie." I smile evily at her and let out a dry laugh. Game on Luke.
"1..2..3..!" Mackenzie says as we take our first shot, we each have a tray of shots so we won't have to keep ordering. There's twenty four on each tray, we drank the twenty fifth one. I usually won't spend this much on a normal drink but I will on alcohol. Why? It gets you laid.
"How are you feeling?" I ask after we've taken ten shots.
"I'm feeling good Cal!" Mackenzie shouts over the music, I just realized if we get totally wasted how are we going to get home?
"Is Victoria home tonight?"
"Yeah why?"
"Well we'll need her to pick us up tonight unless you want to get into a car crash." I joke but she winces at the word car 'crash.' "Sorry." I say immediately.
"It's fine. Let's keep playing." We keep taking shots until our tray runs out and we order a new one. "Calum how have you been?"
"I've been good." I wonder if she's drunk yet.
"That's goooood." She definately is, she's slurring her words but is she completely?
"Last tray of shots!" I say as I grab a shot glass.
"Ready?" She nods and we down our shots quickly, my throat feels as if it's on fire but I like that feeling. I never really drank until Ruby left me..I turned to it to numb the pain, I didn't want to feel anymore pain so I decided to turn to alcohol instead of drugs or anything like that but I still do drugs every now and then but not hardcore ones. All of a sudden I get an idea.
"Mackenzie can you walk?" She nods and we get up and pay for our shots and leave the pub quickly.
"Where are we going Calum?" Mackenzie asks as I hold her for support.
"My friends house." We continue walking until we arrive at his house. "We're here!" Mackenzie woahs at the house.
"It's beautiful, it's so big!" She looks at it from different angles and I can't help but laugh. "It's your friends?"
"That's so nice, maybe we can crash here tonight."
"Maybe." The thought never crossed my mind but that doesn't sound too bad. I walk up to the front door, Mackenzie following me and I ring the doorbell, he answers almost immediately.
"Calum! Nice to see you again! How have you been, is everything alright?" Jack asks me as he invites us in, "Who's the babe?"
"She's my bestfriend Mackenzie and she has a boyfriend.."
"Are you the boyfriend?" He smirks at me.
"No!" I shoot back quickly before Mackenzie can say something.
"Oh. Your loss." I know it is damn it!
"Anyways Jack," I get closer to him and start to whisper, "Do you have any of the good stuff?"
He grins at me and nods, "What kind of good stuff would you like today?"
I think it over and I decide to go for the weakest one since Mackenzie is here, "Weed, I guess."
"Really?" He sounds disappointed, "You have a hot chick with you and you're going to do weed? You could get some E or coke and take advantage of her!"
I let out a dry laugh, "Weed, we're already wasted." But he has no idea what I have planned. He has no idea..
"Okay then if you say so." He leaves to go get some and I sit down on the couch next to Mackenzie.
"What are we going to do?" She asks curiously.
"Just watch tv!"
"Really?" She looks me over, "Are you sure?"
"No Mac, we're going to do drugs since we are in a drug dealers house."
"You do drugs?" Mackenzie gets all serious.
"Nothing too hardcore." I brush it off, "We're only going to do weed tonight."
"No." She says firmly.
"Yes!" I shout at her.
"No!" She shouts back.
"We're going to do it whether you like it or not!" I shout at her and slap her hard across the face, "Now stop being such a bitch." I just realized what I did and I look over at my hand and at her face which is getting red and purplish really quickly, "Mackenzie, I'm so sorry. I really am! It was the alcohol, I swear!" I look into her eyes and I see that her eyes are tearing up. "Mackenzie please.."
"I understand, I would slap me too if I were being a bitch." She says and wipes her eyes quickly, "We're not staying here tonight, forget what I said." I just nod and reach out to touch her cheek but as soon as I lay a finger on her cheek she exclaims in pain, "Owww!"
"I'm really sorry Mackenzie, I didn't mean for this to happen."
She smiles at me. A semi-reassuring smile, "It's okay Calum. I forgive you, mistakes happen all the time!" Right when I'm about to speak up, Jack comes back with the drugs. I look over at Mackenzie and she hesitates but she finally nods. Good the plan is in action.

A/N: Okay guys so I may be finishing this story up soon like tonight probably because I won't be able to update anymore because of school/finals and shiet but comment please if you want me to end if or if you want me to continue it, if i continue it there will probably be slow updates. please comment and let me know :)

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