Chapter 23

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Calum's POV:

"I heard about what happened last night," I say to Mackenzie once we get into the car. 

"..yeah." She says hesitantely, "How do you know?"

"He told me." I confess to her,he told me not to tell anyone but I want to get closer to Mackenzie so I decided to bring it up to her.

"He did?" She looks over at me with confusion. I just nod and start up the car. "Can we go to Macca's?" Mackenzie asks as I'm pulling out of the hospital, I nod to her once again and start making our way over to Macca's. I could use some food, I'm pretty hungry. I look over at Mackenzie and see she's texting someone,she's typing really quickly. Girls only do that when they are pissed. It must be about what we were talking about.

"We're here." I say as I park the car and she looks up at me and just sighs. We both get out of the car and make our way inside, the first person I spot is Michael. "Hey Mikey." He comes over to us, "Who are you with?"

"I'm with Ashton and Louis." I look over and I see Ashton but I don't see Louis.

"Where's Louis?"Michael just kind of awkwarldy stands there,as if looking for something to say,"Just spill it,don't even try to lie because you are a horrible liar."

"Fine." He murmurs, "Louis went to the bathroom to hide because he saw you and Mackenzie getting here and he knows you are mad at him because of what he did to Mackenzie." I just shoot Michael and glare and I shoo him away,at least he didn't lie.

"You knew Louis was here,didn't you?" Mackenzie just stares at me for a while then finally nods."Why'd you want to come then?"

"I wanted to see him one last time before he left.."

"Mackenzie!Last night you guys went on a date,it was going great wasn't it?" I waited for her to nod before continuing,"How did it end?He said you guys shouldn't be doing this and all this shit.If he really liked you,he wouldn't leave you because 'Luke really likes you.' In fact I don't even think Luke likes you, no offense. He hasn't really talked about you lately,but then again I haven't talked to him in a while,like really talked to him.You deserve better than Louis." I finish off and think to myself,what's so great about Louis Tomlinson anyways?

"You're right Calum. Let's leave." She says heading towards the exit. I grab her wrist to stop her from leaving,"What?Let's go."

"Let's get food first." She just laughs and calls me unbelievable.

Mackenzie's POV:

After Calum ordered his food, he decides to eat here and I agree but we sit on the lonely side of Macca's. Victoria hates when people eat in her car so we had no choice but to stay here. They call our order number and Calum goes to get it, I look at him while he makes his way over there and I see the men's bathroom door swing open,someone walks out. Louis. Without thinking I make my way over to his table once he settles down. I sit down next to Ashton, making Louis feel slightly uncomfortable, "Hey guys! How are y'all? Isn't it a great day. What did you guys do last night?" I'm mainly directing the question at Louis since I don't think he told Ashton and Michael to whole story. I watch Louis get a bit tense, he's about to answer when Ashton decides to speak up first.

"Michael and I had a sleepover!" Ashton says with a giggle, "We played guitar hero all night. We tried to invite Louis since he's going back home soon, but he wasn't picking up. What did you do Louis?" I can't help but smirk, Ashton is clueless. This is great, now Louis has no choice but to tell them.

" was just at my hotel room relaxing all night." He lies as smoothly as possible. I'm about to speak up when I hear someone behind me.

"That is a complete lie,Louis. Why don't you tell them what you were really doing or shall I?" Louis just glares at Calum and makes a comeback.

"I was doing something you weren't doing." Louis tells Calum and sends a wink at him. Calum starts to tense up, I notice he's clenching his teeth. I decide to step in.

"Actually Louis you weren't doing anything like that and you never will so calm down Calum. Louis you did the complete opposite of that, you could've been doing me but you don't even like me,you lead me on last night. I actually thought we would've had a chance but you blew it at the end. Last night was one of the best nights I have had in a while, thank you for that. Thank you for helping me know that I can get over Nick and it's not going to be hard. Thank you." I look over at Calum who lets out a sigh of relief, I then look over at Louis whose face is turning red. I look over at Ashton and Michael who are in complete whoa. "Calum let's go." I say as I grab Calums hand and we make our way over to our table.

"Was that true,what you said?" I raise my eyebrow at him, I have no idea what thing he's talking about,"The thing about you and Nick." Calum says as if he were reading my mind.

"Yes, I didn't think I would ever get over Nick but being in another country, nineteen hours ahead and on the opposite side of the world,makes it a lot easier. It makes it easier to fall for other guys too since I miss Nick but its whatever." Calum just smiles and tells me he know what I mean. He starts to eat his food so I grab a fry from his tray,well try to. He ends up pushing my hand away.

"You have your own fries fatass!"

"I wanted to try yours! Maybe they're better since they are Calum Hood's." I smirk at him.

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know! Give me one!"

"Only on one condition," He smirks at me, "I get to ask you questions to get to know you and you have to answer it honestly no matter how personal." I gulp before nodding, "Okay good, heres your fry." After what feels like hours of Calum asking me the lamest questions like what my favorite color,movie,song is he finally shoots a good question,one I had no idea he knew about. "Why'd you do it?"

"Do what?" I ask at first confused.

"Why'd you attempt." He says with concern growing over his face.

"Victoria told you?" He just nods,"Calum,life is pretty harsh. I hated my life,don't get me wrong I still do. I have nothing to live for. I only have one parent, my other one died when I wasn't even in elementary school yet! I hate the one parent I live with now, I live with my dad now and I hate him,he's such a douche.I mean I get it,it must be tough for him too.I miss my mom so much.I wanted to join her,plus that night I got into an arguement with one of my close friends, his name is Jacob. We were already arguing before that day but I don't know that night, it got pretty out of hand. I felt like this was all too much to handle and I just couldn't do it anymore. I turned to Victoria and decided to talk to her about it." I can feel my makeup running down my face but I don't care, it's just Calum,"I turned to Victoria because I thought she would help me, I thought she would talk me out of it. She didn't. She talked me into it. I still recall what she told me that night, she told me she didn't care if I did it, it was a stupid thing to do, just do it Mackenzie. Go for it! Do it! You're just going to have an even worst life than you do now, so do it." I finish off and I look at Calum, who looks shocked, "I thought she told you?"

"She did,but she told me she tried to stop it. She told me the same but different story.."

"She lied. She led me into it." 

"I know she lied. That bitch."

"Calum she's not a bitch. She's my bestfriend!."

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