Chapter 3

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Mackenzie's POV:
"To be honest, I just wanted to get out of there. That Calum dude is a total douche. I haven't really talked to Michael so I can't judge him." I tell Victoria as soon as we get home and lay in bed.
"Michael is actually really sweet! He's a little flirt." I listen to Victoria and notice she smirks. Hmmm. I wonder what happened last night. All of a sudden I realize I'm hungry. I get up to look for food in the kitchen but I realize we don't have any.
"Hey Tori want to go out to eat?"
"Sure let's just go to whatever place we know!" I grab my bag and keys and head out. I notice a KFC and we head in, it's the only restaurant we've seen that is also in the USA. We walk right in towards the cashier, man am I starving.
"Welcome to KFC! I'm Ashton. May I take your order?" His smile is adorable, I love his hair, whoa australian guys are really cute! I'm so glad we moved here. I miss Nick but he hasn't texted me in a couple of days, I don't have wifi so I can't check anyways. Maybe he has. Who knows?
"Hi! Yes you may. Can I have two orders of number one and two large cokes?"
"Yes you're order number 182. You're order will be ready in 5 seconds." He flashed me a smile and yelled out my order to the cooks. I search the restaurant for Victoria and walk on over to the table she got for us. She seems excited.
"HEY! 'Kenzie! There's wifi here!"

Victoria's POV:
While we wait for our food we're checking all of our messages on our phone. It feels so good to have wifi, we seriously need to get Australian phones. While checking my phone I decide to look over at Mackenzie since she became rather quiet. I look over and she's gone. She ran into the bathroom. Right when I was about to chase after her, our order number was called. I rush over to the guy, Ashton, his name tag reads. "Hey can you hold onto it real quick?"
"Sure!" I run into the bathroom and look around, I see one occupied stall. Mackenzie. "Hey Mackenzie, are you alright?"

Mackenzie's POV;
No I am not alright. My whole world just shattered. I want to die. I don't want to be here anymore, and by here I mean alive. How could this happen to me? Why did this happen to me?

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