Chapter 9

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Mackenzie's POV:

I need to get out. I need some air. I rush out the kitchen and I hear Luke call my name. I keep running. I run out the house and run as far as I can. When I'm finally far from home, I sit on a curb and think. What did I just see? Luke and Victoria? I'm in shock. Is he over Aleisha? Was this whole shit just a lie so he could make me fall for him? Did they plan this out? I feel like I'm gonna hurl. I need to talk to someone. I pull my phone out of my pocket and go to my contacts. I find who I was looking for, I hit call. The phone is ringing for a while and I regret this, as soon as I was about to hang up, he answers, "Hello?"

"Hey Nick." I miss him, he would've never done this to me. He wouldn't have kissed someone in front of me.

"Hey 'Kenzie! How have you been? I miss you. Why don't you text me anymore or call me?" What do you mean? You cheated on me. I don't want to talk to you ever again, do you not know what you did to me? You broke my heart, you didn't just break it. Bitch you shattered it. But I can't tell him this..

"I've been busy.." Yeah it's a lie but not completely a lie. "Can we um talk?"

"Yes of course. You are my girlfriend after all." Did he forget? No.. he couldn't have...

Victoria's POV:

Where did Mackenzie go? I know I should go after her and look for her, so I do. I pretend to do and come back. "I couldn't find her!" I pretend to get sad but really I'm glad, I'm home alone with all the guys.

"Well damn, you're such a bitch." Luke shouts and leaves the house. I'm glad Mackenzie walked in the moment I kissed Luke, he didn't kiss me back but she doesn't know that.

Luke's POV:

I can't believe she did that. Why did she kiss me. I'm pissed and sad. Pissed because she did that. Sad because she did that. I haven't kissed anyone since Aleisha and I wasn't planning to either until I found someone special enough. She isn't special. She's a bitch. She shouldn't come onto people like that, that makes her seem like a whore. She probably is a whore. Fuck. I don't mean any of that. I'm just really hurt right now. I feel so bad for Mackenzie. Why did she run off like that? She couldn't possibly care about me. Could she? Talking about Mackenzie I need to find her, I look like an idiot standing outside by myself. If I was her where would I go? After a few minutes I thought of a place and started running there. Bingo. I spot her on the curb. She's talking to someone, as I get closer I realize she's talking on the phone. But to who? "I miss you too.." She says. I decide to hide and eavesdrop.

Mackenzie's POV:

"I miss you too.." I'm really confused. "Do you still love me?" I don't want to know the answer to this.. I regret asking almost immediately. I feel stupid now.

"Of course I do Mackenzie! Why would you even ask that? You know I still love you and I always will." Lies. I'm not even sure what to believe.

"Why..Why did you cheat on me?" I blurt out.

"Whaat are you talking about Mackenzie Madisyn Athmossissacktai? You know I would never do that to you. I love you." He's not lying. He used my full name. People only say my full name when they're being serious.

"I saw the video. You sent it to me." I admit. "Go check your messages with me." He tells me to hold on a second and then several minutes later I hear him curse.

"Babe. That wasn't me. Look at the video closer you can tell it's fake! Taylor is in that video but that sure as hell isn't me!" Shit. I should have looked closer. I feel so stupid. I am stupid. We talk for a while more and I realize I miss him a lot and I still love him. How could I not have seen through this? God I am stupid. After talking for an hour, we say 'I love you.' then hang up.

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