Chapter 18

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I run over to her and hug her so tight, "We thought we lost you.." I can feel the tears forming at my eyes. I let go and sit down on a chair beside her bed. "How are you?" She looks horrible. Her face is fucked up, bruises everywhere on her body, cuts too.. She has some cuts on her forehead..deep,looks like glass got in. Her right cheek has a really bad bruise, but it's okay because at least she's in one piece.

"I'm good, but screwed." Mackenzie lets out a laugh, "My car is wrecked!"

"Yeah I know! I'm so sorry to hear that, that was one sexy ass car."

"It's gonna take a lot of money to fix.." She looks over at me with puppy dog eyes.

"I'll help you pay for it!" I joke, I won't actually. It's gonna be over ten thousand. I don't have that kind of money right now.

"Aw you're too sweet Calum." She gives me a big grin and I realize she's missing a few teeth and I can't help but laugh. "What's so funny?" She pouts.

"You're teeth.. they're gone!" She fakes a surprised look and laughs too.

"Yeah I know." She smiles at herself, "I'm getting them replaced later today though, actually in a couple of hours." A wave of confusion comes across her face, "Why are you here Calum? They wouldn't let me call anyone..well they did but I don't know anyones number by heart. They say I have amnesia. I look over at her to see if she's joking, but she's not.

"What kind of amnesia?What did you forget?"

"I don't know! I can't remember silly!" She playfully slaps my arm and I let out a grunt of pain. A few seconds later, a nurse comes in.

"Hi Nurse, I was wondering..what did Mackenzie forget?"

"She forgot about all the stupid little things.." A frown comes across my face, "To be exact, she forgot most of the events leading up to her accident." I thank the nurse and she leaves the room to go check up on another patient.

"Calum." I look over at Mackenzie and I nod, "Where's everyone?" I look at her in confusion.

"Everyone? What do you mean?"

"Luke,Victoria,Ashton,Michael,Nick." Nick? Victoria? Does she not remember what happened?

"Ashton and Michael are in the waiting room." All of a sudden she jumps up from laying down, "You guys came to visit me? Aww you guys are so sweet, but where's Luke,Victoria and Nick?"

I wonder if I should tell her about Nick..but I'd rather not. "Victoria is with Luke."

"..And where is Luke?"

"A couple hallways down.." I look over at her and there's sadness and curiosity in her face.

"..Wh..What" I start to think of what happened to Luke. and I start to think, what if Luke suceeded and Mackenzie was alive? It would've been for nothing.

"Nothing big really," I smile a reassuring smile at her, "He just didn't read some medication label close enough.."

"Oh. That's good then. Nothing too serious. Where's Nick?" Damn, she seriously doesn't remember. I need to tell her something before the other guys do, they'll probably spill the whole story to her. I don't want that. I don't want her to be hurt.

"You don't remember do you?" 

"I know we broke up last night, but I don't remember why.."

"Yeah, you guys broke up. He's back in Los Angeles." I let out a sigh of relief, this made my job easier. I stare into her bright blue eyes and notice they're filling up with tears.

"..He didn't even say goodbye?" She chokes out and starts crying. Imagine what would of happened if I told her the real story.. "Oh god, Calum. Why didn't he?" He was too busy fucking Victoria, I think to myself. I'm about to tell her something when I get a text from Ashton.

where tf r u

with mackenzie

are you high?!


where are you 


very funny, are you at her grave or something?

ashton shes alive

yeah? and i'm superman

you know what? fuck off. she's alive you idiot. come to room B1221.

I lock my phone and look over at Mackenzie, who's already looking over at me. "What was that about? Are you okay? You seem..pissed?"

"It was Ashton, he thought I was high because I told him I was with you." I look away from her, "We all thought you were dead Mackenzie. Dead! This is some Christmas miracle that you're alive..It was all over the news. Oh god it was horrible!" I start to cry and Mackenzie holds me closer than she ever did before, "It's okay Calum. Everythings going to be okay..I'm here and I won't be leaving anytime soon. Please don't be sad Calum, at least I'm alive and well." Yeah she's alive but she isn't well, she's hurt.

"Holy shit. Mackenzie." I look over at Ashton, who looks shocked.

"He wasn't lying!" Michael says entering the room a couple seconds after Ashton. They make their way over to where Mackenzie and I are at and Mackenzie lets go of me. All of a sudden I feel sad. When Mackenzie hugs feels like she's putting back my broken pieces.

Victoria's POV:

After I exited Luke's room to tell Michael it was his turn to see him, I went to the spot where we were all seated. They were..gone? I know them and I know this isn't like them. Where could they have gone? I decide to go back inside Luke's room, "Where is he?" He asks almsot immediately as I walk in.

"He's in the restroom." I lie, where could they possibly be though. I check my phone for messages from them but I don't have any so I decide to take a seat next to Luke's bed and talk to him again. "How are you Luke?"

"I'm good. No actually I'm not, but I feel happy that I gave you another chance." He smiles weakly at me. "I want to go home, I've been here forever!"

"Luke! You've only been here for a couple hours, stop exaggerating."

"It feels like hours when all you want to do is die. Everything feels much longer when you're depressed. I just can't stand being here! Hospitals are already depressing, add a depressed person and boom they feel even more depressed."

"Everything is going to be okay." I look at him and I try to smile but I can't. I can't smile at someone who's broken, they make me feel broken too. "Luke, you've got a great future ahead of you. You've got talent! I've heard you play guitar and sing. You've got potential. You're also one of the nicest boys I have ever met, you're sweet,funny,caring, and perfect. Don't let anyone bring you down, because they're just jealous of you. It is a privilege to be your friend. I'm really glad you gave me a second chance, I didn't deserve to be forgiven but you did, that's what makes you even more special.."

"You're special too, I know you're hurting because of Mackenzie's death but darling you'll be okay." Luke says as he lays a kiss on my cheek.

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