Chapter 31

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Mackenzie's POV:

I'm awaken at three in the morning by Victoria who sounds annoyed,"Jeez Mackenzie your phone has been ringing for like the past half hour,how could you not hear it?"

"I'm sorry,I was asleep,it didn't wake me up.Thanks for telling me,you can go back to sleep." Victoria nods and leaves my room,shutting the door.I get up to check my phone to see who has been calling me nonstop.Calum.I listen to the voicemails he left me and it sounds like he's been crying.I call back immediately,he answers on the first ring."Calum are you okay,I'm sorry I was asleep and I didn't hear your calls,is everything alright?"

"Mackenzie I found Luke." I shoot straight up,feeling fully awake.

"Is he okay?What happened?" I ask feeling really concerned.

"Yeah,he's okay..not really but physically he is okay.Mentally not so much."


"Mackenzie,Luke isn't a bad guy."

"I know Calum."

"He didn't stand you up.."

"What do you mean?He didn't show up,he didn't even call or text."I start remembering what happened last night and sadness washes over me,"I'm pretty sure that is standing someone up."

"You don't understand," Calum lets out a sigh, "Luke just wasn't ready,he hasn't been on a date since Aleisha so he feels guilty.I talked to Luke for you though and he's going to take you on a date,a real on.He's not going to stand you up or anything.It'll be a perfect date because I'm going to sort of be there."

"Be there?Calum that isn't a date."

"I'm not going to be there,I'm just going to pick you guys up,drop you off,ya know?So he can't bail.Do you forgive him?"

I hesitate for a while and then I finally answer Calum,"Of course."I don't completely forgive him but I guess baby steps is good.

"Good,it's going to be today,like a brunch date.You should wear what you wore last night,it looked nice."

"Ew no,I am not going to wear the same thing twice in a row."

"Ugh fine."Calum groans,"It was just a suggestion."He sounds really tired.

"Hey Calum you should get some rest,I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Mackenzie,I love you."

"Goodnight Calum,I love you too."


"Mackenzie!Luke and Calum are here for you."Victoria shouts up the stairs,shit.I just woke up.This is horrible I don't even know what to wear,I still haven't even showered.This is going to be a disaster.I rush out of bed and quickly pick out an outfit and take a fast shower.My outfit is quite casual,I think too casual so I blow dry my hair and decide to curl it.I apply my makeup and head downstairs.I find Calum and Luke sitting on the couch,as I'm walking up the stairs Luke gets up and walks to the bottom of the staircase.

"Mackenzie you look beautiful."He hands me a boquet of flowers,forget-me-nots,my favorite."I am so sorry about yesterday,I'll make it up to you,I swear."

"Luke it's okay,it really is.Don't worry about it.Thank you so much for these flowers,they're gorgeous!"I beam at Luke.

"Not as gorgeous as you." Luke says to me and I awe as I feel my cheeks get red,now I'm smiling even harder than before and Luke is blushing too,he's so cute.How could I stay mad at him?The answer is I can't,it's impossible.

"Well let's go,"Calum says interrupting our moment,"Bye Victoria!"

"Bye guys,have fun!" Victoria says and as we're exiting the house we see Michael's car pull up.

"Hey Michael," I say,"See you later.Have a good day."

"Aw leaving so soon?" Michael fake cries.

"Yeah aha sorry byeee!" I say as Calum grabs me and we make our way over to Calum's car.

"Okay guys,this is how it's gonna go.I'm gonna drop you guys off downtown and Luke is going to pick the restaurant,give me a call when you're ready to come home." Calum lets out a laugh,"I feel like a mom!" We all start to laugh because it's true,it feels like if a mom is driving us to our date,I feel like a teenager once again.After a couple of minutes of driving in the car,we arrive downtown and we say goodbye to Calum as we exit the car."Have fun kiddos." Calum starts laughing and drives away.God Calum is such a dork.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask Luke as he takes my hand in his.

"I know just the place,you'll love it.I hope you like seafood."I give him a weird look because I'm shocked,this is our first date and he's taking me to a seafood place?Did he know it was my favorite type of food?"Do you not like seafood,because if you don't we can always go somewhere else."

"I love seafood!I'm just shocked because out of all the dates I've been on,no one has ever taken me to a seafood place,even if they know I love it." I frown at the thought that no one has ever taken me to a seafood place,not even Nick.

"Well there's always a first for everything,aye?" Luke says in a super australian accent and I can't help but laugh."What's so funny?" He pouts.

"The way you say 'aye' it's cute."

"You're cute," After walking around for a while he says,"We're here."I look up and start to walk in and right when I'm about to open the door,Luke opens it for me,"Ladies first."I smile at him and walk in.


"What do you want?" Luke asks as he's eyeballing the menu.

"I'll take a shrimp cocktail,I guess."

"Is that all?" Luke looks me over,"You need to eat more,you're so skinny."

"I like being skinny.."I say starting to feel uncomfortable.I don't like talking about my weight,I may seem skinny but I feel fat but I can't tell anyone that.There's days that I don't even eat because I fear I'll get even fatter. "What are you going to get?" I ask changing the subject.

"I guess I'll get the same thing as you." Luke says smiling a concerning smile at me.

"I already ate before this!" I lie and then I realize he was there when I woke up..

"Oh." Luke says now knowing what's going on. "I think I did see you eat before this." Luke lies because I know he doesn't want to talk about it and that's good because neither do I.


After eating,Luke and I walk to the park,"There's this amazing trail.You'll love it." I nod and follow him to wherever he's taking me too. After walking around for a while,he uses his hands to cover up my eyes and he guides me to wherever he wants to go. "We're here," Luke says finally letting me see for myself and I gasp.The view is beautiful.

"Luke it's stunning.Thank you so much for bringing me here,I've never seen anything like this." The view was breathtaking,Sydney is beautiful.

"Oh darling,it still gets better." Luke grabs my hand and we walk towards the river and he rents a boat for us.

"Luke you didn't have to,the view is already enough." I say still amazed at how beautiful the view is.

"I want to and the view gets better trust me," Luke gets in the boat and holds out his hand for me to grab and he helps me get on the boat. "I think a beautiful person like you deserves to see beauty,although no beauty can compare to yours." Luke says as he starts paddling the boat and he seems to be struggling,so I take a paddle from him and help him out.

"Luke,you're really sweet.This is amazing.Thank you." I smile at him and once we're far from the dock,he stops paddling and grabs the other paddle from my hand and places them in the boat.

"Look around you Mackenzie,look at the view." And I do and Luke was right,the view is way better,mainly because Luke is in the view. Luke starts to look at me and he looks at my eyes and my lips,he keeps doing this until I scoot in and we kiss.This kiss isn't like any other we've shared before,it's a lot better.Probably because I'm really falling for this dork.

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