Chapter 15

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I can't believe it. Nick and Victoria are having sex. In my own bed. They saw me too, they keep on going, they don't even stop. I can't believe I was about to lose my virginity to him. I start to run out the door and Victoria yells out, "Mackenzie wait!" So I do. She comes over to me and tells me, "We've been fucking since forever, I stole his vriginity. Nick loves me, not you. We've been two timing you behind your back for the past few years. Sorry." She says sorry but she doesn't mean it. I can't stop the tears from falling. I run down the stairs and leave the house, I get into my car and drive for what feels like hours, going no where. I can't drive tears are blurring my vision. I can't believe it. Was it just a lie? Nick and I..I decide to get out of my car and walk around but then I realize I'm just in my bathrobe and I probably look like if I'm on drugs. I get back into my car and drive. I drive to Luke's house. I get out of my car and rush over to the door, it's like eleven pm. I don't think I should ring the doorbell, but I do. I need to talk to someone. After ringing the doorbell a million times and getting no answer, I decide to turn around and walk to my car. "Mackenzie?" I turn around and see Luke half asleep. 

"I'm sorry for waking you up. I'm sorry I'll just leave." I say through my tears.

"No. It's fine. Are you okay?"

"No! I am not okay. Nick just cheated on me with Victoria. They told me that it wasn't the first time.." I break down even more, I can't talk anymore. I can't stoo crying. Luke runs over to me and hugs me tight, "I know."

"What do you mean you know?"

"They had this plan to ruin your Christmas, that was their Christmas gift to you.."

"How the fuck did you know? Why the fuck didn't you tell me?" I yell and push him away from me and run to my car. I get in my car and drive far far away from here. Looks like I can't trust anyone here. I drive to a motel and check in to a room, I head straight to the room and go straight into the bed and let it all out. I let everything out. I can't stop crying. Why would they do this to me? I love Nick. Why didn't they tell me? I would've been okay with it. Lies. I don't care. Even more lies. Luke knew all along. That bitch. He didn't even tell me. I don't want to see any of them ever again. Ever. But I have too.. I am not gonna go down the suicidal path again.. I don't want to see Nick. I don't want to see Victoria. I don't want to see Luke. I don't want to see his friends. If Luke knew his friends must've known too.. I wonder how long they knew. How could they not have told me? That's just cold. I hate them all, especially Luke. He knew all along and never told me. Fuck him.

Luke's POV:

As soon as Mackenzie left my house, I called and called her cellphone, she wasn't answering. I feel like such a douche. I tried to tell her but she wouldn't listen to me. Fuck. She probably hates me now. It's okay though because I hate me too. I need to find her, before she does something stupid. I don't want her to hurt herself again.. I know what it's like to be in that situation. I think back of the day I first met her, gosh is she beautiful. I rememeber looking at her cuts, it broke my heart. I didn't know her but no one should harm themselves that way ever. I'm being such a hypocrite. I told her to stay strong, I told her that, yet I can't even do it myself. I glance down at my scars on my wrist and head out to look for her. After driving around for half an hour, I realize I probably won't even know where she's at. She probably fled the city. I start asking people around if they've seen a Black Mustang GT 2015, her car, most of them say yes and they show me the way she went. Pretty soon after getting lots of help from different people I end up at a motel. Of course. How could I be so stupid? I walk in and realize I have no idea what room she's in. I ask the guy that's working the counter and he says he can't give out any information. I get angry but calm myself down and thank him then walk out of the motel. I call her and call her and she doesn't answer. I spot her car and park right next to hers, if she's going to ignore my calls, I'll just have to wait until she comes out of the motel tomorrow. Hours pass by and it's morning, Christmas morning. I haven't slept all night and my phone died. The boys are probably worried about me, but I'm going to keep waiting for Mackenzie. I don't care if I have to wait years, I like her a lot and I need to apologize to her and explain to her what happened. It's already noon and I still haven't slept, I walk in to the motel and I decide to sit in the lobby..pretty soon I drift off into sleep..

Mackenzie's POV:

I need to leave, now. I have no money for another night here. Where will I go? As I check out of my room, I spot someone familiar in the lobby. "Luke." Why am I saying his name out loud? I should hate him. I need a place to stay at though. "Luke!" He's asleep. How long has he been here? I go over to him and shake him awake, "Luke wake up Merry Christmas." He wakes up and tells me to shut up but then he realizes its me and he hugs me, "Mackenzie!" Why is he so excited to see me? I was a bitch to him last night..

"Hi Luke, why are you here?"

"Do you hate me?"

"No." I lied but hey I need a place to stay, at least until Nick leaves town.

"Thank god!" He looks me over, "Gosh you look horrible, you don't have any clothes huh?" I look down and realize I'm still in my bathrobe, the sleeves stained by mascara, thanks to the endeless night of crying.

"No.." I should've brought clothes with me. I look at Luke and realize he's a good guy but then I rememeber what happened last night and I snap, "Just kidding. I do hate you. I don't want to see you ever again. You deserve to go to hell. You were an accomplice in breaking my heart. I will forever hate you so please stop calling me, stop texting me, and don't ever try to get me to unhate you because that will never happen."

"..but.." I look Luke in the face and realize his eyes are full of tears, but I could care less now. I get up and leave without looking back at him. I blew that too. Now I have no where to go. Once I get in my car I start crying again and start driving. After driving for half an hour, I realize a car has been tailing me this whole time. Luke. He's been following me. Gosh does he not understand what leave me alone is? I start speeding up and I look at him through the mirror, he's still behind me. I start driving recklessly, I don't care about anything anymore, I would never go above the speed limit. I think that's just wrong. People get into accidents like that, I was going 200 mph now and Luke's car was far behind me, I look back to make sure when all of a sudden I hear a honk, and everything goes black.

Victoria's POV:

"Merry Christmas Babe." I say to Nick as I hand him some hot chocolate. "We sure got Mackenzie." I say and laugh. "Where is she anyways?"

"I don't know and I could care less." Nick says, I look over at him and realize he's going to be gone tonight. I'm going to miss him. I'm going to be alone in this house for a while..Mackenzie probably won't come back for a couple of days. I know she'll forgive me. She always does, that's just how she is. I lay a kiss on Nick's lips and tell him I love him and he tells me he loves me too, more than he ever loved Mackenzie. After watching a bunch of Christmas movies, an important news flash comes on. "This is going to be good. Nothing ever happens here in Sydney, it's like a super safe city!" I tell Nick, "I wonder what happened.." I'm cut off by the news saying there's been a car crash. 'Fatal car crash...the identities of the victims will remain private...' I look over at Nick and his face has gone pale, paler than before, "Babe what's wrong? It's just a car crash, who ever was driving must've been intoxicated or going over the limit, who knows? Probably some drunk adults."

"Victoria. That's Mackenzie's car." I look up at the tv and I'm speechless. Mackenzie. My eyes start to tear up. Mackenzie is gone..

Luke's POV:

I lost Mackenzie a while back, she probably slowed down when she noticed she lost me. I keep driving and driving until I can't anymore, the road was blocked. Apparently there's been an accident. I get out of my car, I go talk to the police officers, when something catches my eye. Mackenzie's car. I'm pretty sure she's fine though. I go talk to the police officers and they tell me, "I'm sorry, we can't tell you any information. It was a fatal car crash" I feel my world spinning around me as I try my hardest to listen, "all victims were rushed to the hospital." Fatal. That word. Death. Mackenzie. Aleisha. Dead. Mackenzie can't be dead, could she?

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