Sorry For All That I Never Said

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*Billie's POV*

"Can you soften the snare and add a voice modulator to this one?" I ask Finn as we listen to the tracks most current playback.

"On it." he says typing away.

My stomach growls, we've been at this for hours and a bitch needs a snick snack. I jog up the basement steps only to see Claudia in the kitchen making food.

"Broooo that smells so good!" I groan out, my stomach nearly putting itself in knots when the smell hits my nose.

Claudia chuckles, "Well I was about to bring some down for you two. Here, I'll be back in a second." she says putting a plate in front of me before taking one down to Finn. I hear her feet pad back up the steps. "Alright, you've had this weird look on your face since you got here, what's going on?"

"Am I that transparent right now?" I say with a half smirk. "I ran into someone I used to know while I was out the other day and it was awkward..."

She props her chin on her hand as she leans over the counter, obviously intrigued at where this is going. "Hmm tell me more."

I roll my eyes and groan, "It was Hayden... and her son."

Her eyes practically bulge out of their sockets at the fact she has a child. "Wait, so you're telling me your mildly violent ex girlfriend has a child? Ok please explain to me in full detail what went down, because as much as I love Hayden, I can't see her with a kid..."

"Fine. Well I went running the other morning ended up at the park, the same one she took her son to. When I realized it was her I went and spoke to her. That's where it gets awkward... she was insanely protective. Like never took her eyes off of him. When I asked about Layla she got defensive. Honestly I haven't fully processed it... all I know is, it made me feel some type of way." I ramble on.

"Oh? And what way would that be?" she asks wiggling her eyebrows.

I half smile, "It's not like that Clauds. I mean yeah it was kinda hot seeing her in mommy mode, and don't get me wrong I like kids... I just- I don't know..." I say running my fingers through my hair. "I never stopped loving her, but I had to let her go. Seeing her after so many years brought those feelings back and ugh!"

She reaches over and grabs my hand, "Look, I haven't been in your situation... but if you really do love her like you say you do, you need to tell her. Just know, that because she has a kid now, things won't be easy for you."

"Do you still talk to her?"

"From time to time. Not like we used to though. I miss her." she confesses.

"Can you give me her number?" I ask and Claudia smiles and writes it down for me.


I've been sitting on my couch for the past twenty minutes debating on if I should get in touch with her.

I can't.

I'm not ready.

I grab the remote and turn on the tv. I swear it's like the universe is listening in on my conversations, because one of the first things I see is her. I turn up the volume.

"Thank you for joining us tonight Ms. Grey, it's a pleasure to have you in our country. I hear you're being honored at tonight's art gala. How do you feel about that?"

"Honestly I wasn't even aware of it until I got here. My publicist kept me in the dark about it. I was under the impression that I was meeting a prospective client. I will say this is all so, new to me. I try to stay out of the public eye and let my art speak for itself."

"Ahh I see. Well it seems your art did a lot of speaking over the years, it definitely caught my eye."

She lets out a nervous chuckle, "I'm flattered, really."

"Well thank you for speaking with me, enjoy your night Ms. Grey."

Hayden gives a small wave as she goes inside the venue.

She hates interviews. I don't blame her, they're not always easy to navigate. I grab the piece of paper sitting on my table, flipping it over in my hand contemplating.

What's the worst she can say?

-Just saw you on tv. Congratulations.-

I sit there waiting on a reply. Wait why the fuck am I waiting? She's busy. I toss my phone on the table and go to my studio to pass the time. I start humming a melody as I play the piano, "....what a shame I'm not there..."


A few hours later I grab my phone to send a sample to my brother and I see her reply.

-sorry by the way-

-sorry for what? You didn't do anything-

-I was kind of a jerk the other day, throwing our past back up in your face-
-I wasn't expecting to see you that day and it sort of caught me off guard-

-it's cool, no worries. have a good rest of your night Hayden-

-thanks. you too-

In all honesty, I wanted to keep talking to her but I didn't want to push my luck.


*Hayden's POV*

I honestly felt a lot of things when I saw Billie had texted me.
Confused because I didn't know why she even cared.
Guilty because I was a little rude to her the last time we spoke.
Nostalgic because it made me remember all of our goofy conversations we used to have when we first met.
Happy because it was nice to have a conversation that wasn't centered around one or both of us being mad at each other.
Sad because it was short .
Sad because it seemed like she didn't want to keep talking to me.
Sad because I wanted to talk to her.
Sorry for all the things I never said, but wanted to.

a/n: sooo I may have been a little petty yesterday and I wanted to apologize to you guys for catching my wrath. I'm sorry. I love you bubbies! 💕

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