What's A Hooker?

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Who the fuck invented cake? Also who the fuck thought 'oh let's lather on some sugar skeet and feed it to children'? No wonder my mom hated when I had sugar, these kids are bouncing off the walls.

I lean over towards Hayden, "Are you sure their hearts aren't going to explode?"

She snorts, "Trust me they're fine. They'll wear themselves out sooner or later. So what happened to you, like why did you quit touring, music, and everything?"

I don't want to blame her, so I take a moment to think. "I just couldn't move past some personal stuff and I was literally spending a good chunk of money on alcohol and hookers..." I confess.

"Damn that must have been a really low point for you. I'm sorry you had to go through that." she says softly.


"Yeah bubbie?" she says giving him her undivided attention.

"What's a hooker?" he asks and she clasps her hand over his mouth as she snorts, trying not to laugh.

"That is a word we are never using in this house again, right Billie?" she smirks at me.

"Right!" I say before I mouth the words 'I'm sorry' to her. She gives me a playful wink.

"Alright bub, go play and no more bad words." she says as he runs off. A few hours later both Blake and Ronin are passed the fuck out from crashing down off of their sugar high. I help Hayden tuck the two into bed before she cracks open a bottle of wine.

"Thanks again for indulging him, he doesn't usually get attached to people that quickly. Seems like you made an impression on him." she says pouring a glass for each of us and handing me mine.

"Of course, he's a cute kid. I wasn't about to break his little heart by not showing up." I tell her as we settle in on the couch.

So..." she says nudging my thigh with her foot. "Anybody new catch your eye?"

Getting to the nitty gritty aren't we? "Oh, um. I mean I guess so..." I say my cheeks beet red at this point.

"Ooo tell me about them." she eggs me on.

Where do I even begin... "Well I've actually known her for a little while. She's funny, bold, hella strong, caring, and selfless. I like her a lot... just don't know where I stand with her." I say looking deep into her eyes.

Her eyes don't leave mine, "Maybe she's had enough heartbreak to last a lifetime... maybe she's afraid to let anyone get too close... but maybe, just maybe she likes you too..." she says the last part in almost a whisper.

"Maybe I'm afraid too... afraid I'll hurt her more than I already have... afraid that I won't measure up to the woman that came before me." I tell her.

Neither of us has even so much as tasted the wine. Everything we're saying now are completely sober thoughts. Except I'm still avoiding telling her how I feel. I keep skirting around the issue.

"You think I'm not terrified everyday of my life?" she says raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

She tucks a leg beneath her, "I wake up every single morning terrified that I'm fucking up my kids life. I like you Billie. Part of me wants to let you in and get lost in whatever we had before, but the other part of me can't afford to do that. Blake comes first, no matter what I'm going through."

Hayden takes a deep breath, "My mom and I had an argument earlier, you probably heard it. Because of that I probably won't go over there much anymore, and Blake... he likes you. I want you to keep coming around for him."

I nod, agreeing to be here more.

"And for me too."

My heart skips a beat when I hear those words.

We spend the rest of the evening enjoying each others company. No there wasn't any making out or finger diddling, just two people getting to know each other for a third time in their messy, complicated lives. Because a third time's a charm right?


Something keeps poking my cheek. I open my eyes and see Ronin whispering to Blake as he goes to poke my face again. I attack his sides with tickles and he erupts into laughter.

"I told you two to leave Billie alone so she could sleep." Hayden says shooing them away with a spatula in her hand. "Sorry about them..."

I sit up on the couch and stretch my limbs, feeling sweet relief when I feel my joints pop. "It's fine ba- Hayden. No worries." I catch myself hoping she didn't hear that. Old habits die hard.

"Hope you're hungry, breakfast will be ready soon." she says in a monotone voice, her eyes avoiding mine. I thought we were on good terms last night, why the sudden mood whiplash?

a/n: so I loved your questions the first time, so this is another ask me anything! Get creative!

I love you bubbies! 💕😘

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