Backing Out

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*Billie's POV*

"Billie I-"

I hold my hand up interrupting her, "Look it's fine Hayden, I read the signs all wrong and thought you wanted me to kiss you. I guess I was wrong and I have to be ok with that-" I rant pacing back and forth across her kitchen as she sits on her counter.

"Are you done with your little temper tantrum?" she asks raising an eyebrow at me.

I roll my eyes and nod, "Yeah..."

"Good." she rasps before tugging on my shirt, pulling me close to her. Her arms instinctively go around my waist, her head in the crook of my neck. I can feel her breath against my skin.

"You didn't read anything wrong Billie... I'll be honest in saying I feel conflicted. I'm sorry if I gave you mixed signals, because I do want to kiss you. Hell the past two days all I've wanted to do is kiss you." she says before chuckling and pulling away to look at me. "I swear my fucking kid is the biggest cockblock on the planet."

"Ya think?" I say giving her a smirk. I rest my forehead against hers and sigh. "Can I kiss you?"

Her nose brushes against mine, "Please."

My hand comes up to cup her jaw and I press my lips to hers. If I thought making out while wine drunk was great, then kissing Hayden completely sober is a million times better than that. Her hand makes its way under my shirt and grips my waist. Then I taste something... salty?

I break the kiss and see Hayden is crying. I rub my thumb across her cheeks, wiping away the tears. "Hayden what's wrong?" I ask her, concern lacing my voice.

She furrows her brow, "I'm just torn... I still- I haven't fully gotten over Layla..." she sighs and then lets out a chuckle. "I'm sorry, I know I must seem indecisive. I want to be ok, but I'm just not yet."

"I get it. Well I don't, but I'm trying to. We can take things at your pace. I was too immature to see it back then, but you're worth the wait Hayden." I say as I pull her into a hug and she lets her tears go.

I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my shin. "Fuck!" I shout.

"That's for making my mommy cry!" Blake shouts as he balls his tiny fist up to hit me.

Hayden quickly grabs him by his arm, "We do NOT hit people. Do you understand me?" she says in her 'I'm a mom and I said what I said' voice.

"But Bee made you cry mommy."

Hayden kneels down in front of him, "She didn't make me cry bubbie. I was already sad, she was just making me feel better. You saw her hugging me right?" she asks him and he just nods. "Well you know when you're sad and you feel better when I hug you, that's what Billie was doing for me." she says running her fingers through his hair, giving him a smile.

"Oh..." Blake comes up to me and wraps his arms around my leg. "I'm sorry Bee."

"It's ok buddy, we're cool." I tell him as I ruffle his hair.


Ronin's mom came and got her a few hours ago, little man is asleep and so is Hayden, and I desperately need a shower and a change of clothes.

I slip out of her house and drive home. It's been two days since I've been home, and something about it feels alien. Like this isn't truly home for me. I just don't know what that is anymore.

I take a quick shower before changing into fresh clothes. As I do my phone goes off.

-you left...-

-only to take a shower and change-
-I can come back over if you want-

-I'd like that-

Well back over to Hayden's house I go. I check a few more messages. Promo. Promo. Tour. Interview. Shit, I forgot about the tour my brother set up. I'll just talk with her about it when I see her in a little bit. I shove some clothes into a backpack and toss it in my car.

I'm having second thoughts...

I don't want her to feel pressured into being with me. I don't want her to get sick of me either. I'm afraid if I don't go back over it will hurt her though. This is for the best, she wanted to take things slow anyways.

a/n: short ish ch. fight me lol.

On another note, I haven't been this happy in a long time. What are some things that make your guys genuinely happy?

Lub you bubbies ❤️

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