Play Date

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*Billie's POV*

I waited around at Hayden's for a little while, but then wandered through the house and saw she had fallen asleep next to her son. I have that cute image permanently burned into my memory now. I debate on whether or not to just sleep on the couch but decide against it. Instead I slip my shoes back on and head home.

As I lay in bed, my mind is stuck on that kiss. It seemed so familiar, yet so foreign all at the same time. It's kind of like when you hear a song for the first time and it just hits you in all the right places so you keep it on repeat for hours on end. I keep replaying the moment in my head. The way my heart jump started and electricity coursed through my veins.

I had had that feeling with Hayden before, but this was different. It was like I didn't need her to fill some black hole of a void that was unending, it wasn't lustful foreplay. I had taken care of that deep rooted issue in my life. This was passionate, on my end. She had never been one to lack passion, but I did. I didn't wanna go back to being the uncaring piece of shit that I had been... I wanted to love her in all the ways that she deserved and more. Including her son.

I woke up the following morning to my thigh vibrating. Mmm that feels kinda good... my phone vibrates again. Ok Billie stop getting worked up. I pull out my phone.

-sorry I fell asleep last night-
-hope you made it home safe-

-yeah I'm good-
-it all good angel-

Shit. I didn't mean for that to slip out. It's a force of habit. Hope she doesn't notice.

-better be-
-if you're not doing anything this Friday, I'm having a small party here at the house. You should come-
-if you want to, don't feel obligated-

-I'll be there-
-what kind of party?-

-...a four year olds. Blake keeps asking about mommy's friend Billie, so...-

That's an odd way of phrasing it... but whatever. Little man wants to see me, I'm going. Lowkey, I think it's cute he's been asking about me.


I feel like I'm the last one to arrive. I knock on the door and Hayden's mom answers. "Oh, hi Ms. Grey?" I say, although it comes out as more of a question.

"You can call me Jackie. It's nice to see you again Billie..." she says politely. I can tell she doesn't mean it based on her body language. Why would it be nice to see the woman that broke your daughters heart time and time again? Jackie lets me in and I head towards the sound of chaos.

I see Hayden sitting on the floor with Blake as he pretends to feed her food and she pretends to eat it up. A few moments later he spots me. "Biwwie!!" he says and attacks my legs in a hug.

"Hey buddy!" I say giving him a smile and looking up to meet Hayden's eyes across the room. She's pulled her knees to her chest and is watching our small encounter with a smile. She mouths the words 'Thank you' and I give her a slight nod in return. My attention is diverted when I feel a tug on my shorts.

"Yeah buddy?" I say looking down at Blake.

"Is that for me?" he asks pointing to the bag I forgot I was carrying.

"It sure is." I say kneeling down in front of him and pulling out a toy orange Lamborghini. His eyes light up when he sees it. Hayden chuckles at me.

"What's so funny?" I ask her.

"You, you're just so extra all the time." she continues to laugh. "It just had to be a lambo didn't it?"

"I will have you know, that was actually mine growing up. Plus he told me he liked cars that day I met you two at the park! How could I not give him a lambo?"

"Ok ok fair point. Thanks for coming, you and Ronin are the only people he wanted me to invite. Ronin will be over later to stay the night." she says with a smirk.

"Hayden can I speak with you, alone." her mom says from the doorway. I watch Hayden get up and breeze past me towards the kitchen. I keep an eye on Blake, watching him play with his new toys. Then I hear things in the kitchen escalate. I try to keep Blake occupied, but I can't help but listen in.

"Oh my god mom we're not dating!"

"I still don't trust her Hays! She hurt you!"

"Hah! You weren't there to pick up the pieces, so how would you know what I was going through! I refused to be near you because you always pull shit like this thinking you know what's best for me, when in reality you don't know me at all!"

"That's a low blow Hayden!"

"You know it's true! You're not denying it! You don't know me! You always chose Parker over me, every damn time! You know what, get out. Get the FUCK out of my house JaCkIe!"

I hear the front door slam and moments later I see a frustrated Hayden return, but she puts a smile on her face and sits down to play with Blake. How does she do that? She's like Wonder Woman, in constant control.

Blake crawls into her lap, "Mommy can Biwwie stay the night too?"

She snorts, "You'll have to ask her bubbie."

He then crawls into my lap and whispers in my ear, "Biwwie can you stay over too, that way mommy has someone to play with too?"

My cheeks flush at his comment, "Sure buddy."

"Don't worry Bil, zero funny business will be happening on our play date." she says giving a half smirk, which lets me know she's being serious. Part of me wishes that there was more.

There's a knock at the door. "Alright bubbie, go let Ronin in." Hayden says and Blake runs to go answer the door and she saunters behind.

I see a striking woman talking to Hayden for a moment before she kneels down and says her goodbyes to the little girl. She gives me a weird vibe, the best way I can explain it is she's hiding something.

a/n: will there be drama? will there be smut? what's morgan hiding?

How is everyone's day? How can I make it better?

I love you bubbies 💕💕💕💕

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