Irreparable Damage

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*Billie's POV*

I tried calling Hayden when I landed but she didn't answer. In fact she hasn't answered all evening. Maybe she fell asleep early, she did drive me to the airport at the prehistoric ass crack of dawn.

I try calling her again. Straight to voicemail.

"Sound check in five!" I hear one of the crew announce. I shove me phone in my pocket and join Finneas on stage. I keep checking my phone hoping to see anything from Hayden. Still nothing.

I keep missing cues during sound check because I'm distracted. I frustratedly run my fingers through my hair. "I'm sorry! Can we take that one from the top!"

As much as I try to focus I can't. I get the feeling something is wrong. "Can we just roll with what we've got, I don't have any more patience for rehearsals today." I walk off the stage and Finn catches up to me grabbing my arm.

"Billie. What's going on, you're not yourself today..." he asks with concern leaving his voice.

"I just- I feel like somethings wrong." I confess crossing my arms over my chest and pace back and forth.

"Oh, ok. Well we can change up the set list if something isn't fitting right." he says sitting on a stool tapping his fingers against his knees. It's sweet he thinks that's the problem.

I sigh and toss my head back in frustration and groan. "That's not it Finn. I'm worried about Hayden, I've tried getting in touch with her today and she's been silent."

"Maybe she's asleep? She did get up super early today." he reasons with me.

"And slept for 16 hours?!" I snap. I didn't mean to yell at him. I relax my shoulders and just breathe. "I'm sorry for snapping... maybe I'm just tired and overthinking." I apologize, my voice cracking as I speak.

The show goes off without a hitch and I feel the adrenaline of performing still coursing through my veins once it's over. The only person I want to talk to is Hayden. I grab my phone and scroll through my notifications. There's nothing from her.

I sigh and try FaceTiming her instead. No answer there either.

My thoughts are getting the best of me at this point...

Did she mean it when she said she loved me?

Did I mean it when I said it this morning?

Is she hurt?

Is she cheating?

I swear if she's fucking cheating, I'm done.

I've overthought myself into a pissy mood. I toss my phone onto the couch. Hayden wants to play the quiet game, I play to fucking win. I spy some whiskey in my mini fridge, guess who's gonna drink tonight. That's right, me bitch.


I wake up to pounding on my hotel room door and an even louder pounding in my head. "Billie! Open up!" I hear my brother shout through the door. I saunter over to the door and open it.

"Hey we hav- whoa... what the fuck happened to you? You look like shit." he says furrowing his brow.

"Two days of raiding the mini bar in my fridge will do that." I reply with an attitude.

"Let me guess, you still haven't heard from her have you?"

"Ding ding ding! You sir, deserve a cookie for being right!" I snark at him, lightly smacking his face repeatedly.

"Billie stop."


"Billie stop being a little bitch and answer your damn phone because it's Hayden!" he snaps at me. His words cause me to sober up real quick.

I scramble across my bed and grab my phone answering it. I see Blake's face pop up on my screen. "Bee!" he says with a big grin on his face.

"Hey bub, how are you?" I ask. Honestly, seeing him warms my heart.

"Good. I miss you Bee!" His little pout breaks my heart.

"I miss you too bub, where's your mommy at?" I ask him.

"Mommy's asleep. She's taking a really long nap."

Still sleeping. Long nap.

"Blake how long has your mommy been asleep...?" I ask and he thinks about it for a moment.

"Um, three." he replies and my eyes go wide at his response.

"Three hours or three days bubbie?" I ask him trying not to freak out on him. I don't want to scare him.

"Days. Grammy left to go see mommy, but she won't let me go with her but she gave me mommy's phone. She said something about mommy's head being hurt. I know when my head hurts, mommy kisses it and if feels better. I just wanna go give mommy kisses like she gives me." he confesses. I swear I felt my heart rip open.

I try to keep a smile on my face, "I know bubbie. I'll see you tomorrow okay? Keep your mommy's phone on you."

"Okay! I love you Bee!" he says with a huge smile.

I giggle and a small tear slips out, "I love you too bubbie. I'll see you soon."

I hang up my phone and book the first flight back to LA. I shove my clothes into my bag and attempt to clean up the mess I've made. "Finn I need you to postpone the rest of the tour. I can't do this knowing Hayden is hurt. I just can't." I order.

"Billie there's nothing you can physically do to help if she's just in the hospital..." he states before I cut him off.

"No! That's bullshit! Do you know sometimes patients in comas can hear everything around them? Sometimes they can even feel someone touching them... I'm not saying that she's in one, but if it were me... I'd want the people that loved me there." I reason with him.

He knows I'm right when I see him drop his head. "Do you love her? Do you truly love her?" he asks blatantly.

"I-... no. But it's not to say that I don't have very strong feelings for her. Loving her son is easy... loving her is difficult. I care about her and want the best for her, but I'm not in love with her, yet." I confess before continuing. "If this was Claudia instead, and you asked me to postpone tour, I'd do it. Because you're my brother and I love you. So please, do this because you love me."

Finneas wraps me in a hug, "I do love you Billie. Now go get her! I'll take care of this." he says shoving me out of the room.

Go get her.
Go get her.
Go get her.

a/n: do we want hayden to die? Yes/no?

Btw my girlfriend thinks I'm cute.


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