Topless Tease

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*Billie's POV*

I grab Blake's hand and pull him away from hitting his mom.

"Hey. Hey! We don't hit! That's not nice!" I scold him. I've never seen Blake this mad before, and honestly it makes me think he's a ticking time bomb.

"Billie it's fine..." Hayden says as she sits on the ground and pulls Blake into her lap in the middle of the store.

He's fighting against her affection and it breaks my heart just watching the interaction between them. She whispers a string of 'I'm sorry's', 'I love you's', and 'I'll do better' to him and he's still writhing wanting none of it. Eventually he flings his arm back hitting her in the face. In that moment, she finally lets go and he runs to me. All I can see now is her hand covering the lower half of her face, but I see a few drops of blood staining the neckline of her shirt.

She gives me a look, one that lets me know she's had enough. She's done.

Hayden grabs her things and turns on her heel headed to the front of the store to pay.

I pick Blake up and he rests his head on my shoulder. "Blake why did you do that to mommy?" I ask him. Instead of answering me, he simply turns his head the other way. He's not ready to talk.

But he does need to apologize.

Hayden had spray paint in her hands. Which means she's probably going to her studio.


*Hayden's POV*

I can't be mad at him for lashing out. He's four. He's never seen me broken before. But the way he treated me broke me even more... he chose Billie over me. Maybe... no.

I open the door to my studio and set my bags of supplies on the table. I hear Sky's heels clack against the floor.




Before I can open my mouth to remind her never to wear heels I hear an audible gasp come from her mouth.

"Whoa! What the fuck happened to you?"

I act like nothing's wrong. "What a broken nose and a busted lip doesn't seem familiar to you?" I pass her concern off in a joking manner.

"No, seriously what happened to you?" she pushes.

I sigh and throw my hair up in a bun. "It's nothing really. I deserved it." I mutter out.

She grabs my arm and turns me to face her. "If there's anything that I've learned, it's that good people don't deserve to have bad things happen to them. Believe me, you're a good person... at least let me help you clean that bloody mess up. Starting with that shirt, I'm sort of a pro at getting blood out, now hand it over." she orders, holding out her hand.

"I- fine." I reluctantly agree tugging my shirt off, leaving my top half in just a bra. I feel exposed. No one, aside from my tattoo artist occasionally, not even Billie has seen me without a shirt in a long time.

"Go sit. I'll be back in a sec." she tells me.

My stupid ass listens and I sit in one of the chairs. I hook my thumbs in the pockets of my jeans and lean my head back for a moment just to relax.

I guess I was too wrapped up in my own world to hear the clack of Sky's heels across the floor, because the next thing I know, I feel someone straddle my lap. My eyes shoot open in a panic and my hands automatically go to her thighs, ready to push her off.

Her eyes are just as panicked as mine. "I'm not making a move on you, I just thought it'd be easier if we were in a close proximity."

As nervous as I am, I nod my head and agree. She takes a rag, wets it with alcohol and dabs my lip. I wince at the stinging pain and subconsciously dig my fingers into her thigh.

"I'm sorry..." she whispers out, continuing to mildly torture my poor lip, unaware of her blushing.

"It's fine." I tell her trying to diffuse the situation.

"I need to reset your nose... this is gonna hurt like a bitch." she warns me before bracing both of her thumbs against either side of my nose. I hear the all too familiar crack of my nose going back into its original place and I let out a stifled whimper that comes out more like a moan.

"What the fuck?!" I hear Billie's voice call out.

Sky quickly gets off of me and mutters something about checking on the condition of my shirt before scrambling to the other room.

I slowly stand and keep eye contact with Billie. "It's not what it looks like she was just-"

"She was just on top of you making you moan. As your girlfriend, that's my job... or at least it was. But that's just typical you, run into a problem and go find another pussy to fuck!" she cuts me off ranting.

I can't help but laugh. It's not funny, but dammit.

She shoves my shoulder hard. "It's not fucking funny Hayden! Why are you like this?!" she shouts at me, running her fingers through her hair.

"Why am I like this? Why am I- You're the only person who assumes the worst every time. I could be going to the florist to get you flowers and your first thought would be, they're for somebody else. I could be staying late here at the studio working on a piece for you, and you'd assume that I'm fucking someone else. You see my assistant cleaning my bloody nose and automatically assume I'm trying to get in her pants." I sigh and place my hands on my hips, pacing back and forth. "When are you going to get it through your head that I love you Billie? I love you. Not any other woman. Just my son, and you."

She stands there slightly baffled. "I just-" She starts but she can't finish her sentence.

"I get that I haven't been the easiest person to deal with, and I'm sorry for that, but please... I'm begging you give me some grace here." I plead with her. "Speaking of being here, why are you here?"

I see Blake peek his head out from behind Billie.


a/n: I had no idea where this was going but here it is...

Yo Father's Day is this weekend! Go give him a hug and tell him you love him while you can!

Love you bubbies! 💕

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