Trauma Has Me Helpless

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I've only left the hospital to shower and grab a few things. Mac has been checking in here and there, making sure Hayden is stable.

"So what happened after tour? We never really spoke after that..." I ask her as she records the numbers on the monitor.

"Uh, well that volunteer program that Danny help me set up for your tour, I expanded on it. It's a requirement for this hospital that doctors volunteer at least two days a month for outreach. Other hospitals that I partnered with while on tour, adopted the program as well. I went back to school, got my doctorate." she says before pulling on a chain around her neck that holds a ring.

"You got engaged... that's wonderful!" I say with a forced smile. "Who's the lucky girl?"

She looks down smirking, "Si... the same girl I went on a date with during your tour. She treats me like a queen." she says with a blush evident on her cheeks.

I can't help but feel sad and hurt... not because I miss Mac, but because I should have treated her better than I did. My guilt weighs on me and she notices.

Mac grabs my hand and my heart skips a beat at the sudden contact. "Billie, I don't hate you. I promise. What we had was fun, we both learned from the experience, and we're with the people we're meant to be with."

"Yeah... you're right." I mumble out.

Mac looks at her watch, "I've got to check on other patients before I head to a board meeting. It's always good to see you Billie." she says giving me a small smile before leaving me to listen to the monotonous beeping coming from Hayden's monitors.

Hours pass by.

I don't remember closing my eyes, but I'm woken up by a small body jumping into my lap, a knee digging into my stomach. I let out a loud groan as my eyes fly open. Blake's arms wrap around my neck, "Hey bubbie, I missed you." I whisper to him, holding him close.He doesn't speak, but he grips my shirt tightly, as if his life depends on it.

Moments later Jackie and Avery come in. Jackie glares at me with fire on her eyes and avoids coming close. Avery on the other hand, comes over and kneels in front of me. "Jackie is reluctant to let Blake go with you, but you're all he's asking for..." she says reaching up and running her fingers through his hair. "So, after a lot of convincing, she's letting him go home with you."

I feel tears well up in my eyes as I wrap my arms around Blake and just breathe him in. I can't help letting myself be vulnerable as I tell him that I love him over and over.

Jackie watches our interaction and her expression softens a bit, "If you need anything give Avery a call... I swear if you hurt him, I'll ruin you. I don't care how much money you have." she threatens tossing a duffel on the floor next to my feet and leaving. Avery gives Blake a quick kiss on his head and says goodbye before leaving as well.


"How the fuck does this snap in?" I grumble out.

I had to stop by the store and pick up a car seat. I'm sitting in the parking lot trying to figure out how to install it. Normally Blake is a chatterbox, but he's hasn't uttered a word all day. Instead of telling me how to do something, he grabs the belt and snaps it in place before crawling into the car seat and strapping himself in.

I give him a puzzled look and tip his chin up to look at me, "Are you okay bubbie? You're really quiet today." I ask him, concern lacing my voice. I notice he cowers at my touch.

Did I do something wrong?

"Bubbie are you afraid of me?" I ask bluntly and he shakes his head no.

"Can you tell me what you're afraid of?" I press him and he just points to his mouth.

Did she-?


"Blake has anyone ever hit you?" I try to keep my voice calm. His eyes go wide and that gives me my answer.

"Was it your grammy?" I ask and he finally breaks down.

"I just wanted to see mommy!" he cries out and tears spill down his face.

I quickly unbuckle him and scoop him up, rocking him from side to side. "Blake if you ever want to see your mommy, I don't care how late it is, I will take you to see her. Okay? You shouldn't ever be afraid to ask for what you want." I say trying to console him.

After a few moments he calms down and I hear his stomach growl and his eyes go wide again.

Please tell me this woman fed him... he was only with her for a week and she couldn't handle it.

"I know you're hungry bubbie, it's ok to tell me anything. Can you tell me what you want to eat?" I ask him.

He hesitates for a moment before responding, "French toast?" he says in more of a question.

I kiss the top of his head, "Of course bubbie. I'd give you the whole world if I could..."


This kid ate his weight in French toast and then passed out on the couch. It feels weird being at Hayden's without her here, but it also feels like home at the same time. I can't really describe the conflicted feelings I'm having.

I step out onto the front porch and make a phone call.

My lawyer answers the phone, "Please tell me you're not in legal trouble again O'Connell, you haven't needed me in years." she groans out.

"No, I'm fine. I just need some advice." I start and I pause for a moment to gather my thoughts. "Hypothetically speaking, how do I report child abuse while simultaneously going through the process of adopting said child?"

As those words leave my mouth, I realize the gravity of what I've just said.

Blake deserves better than being abused by people who should love and care for him. It's a good thing I love this kid with everything I have in me.

"Hypothetically speaking..."

a/n: this was a tough ch to write, not because I've been through this specifically, but I do know how any form of abuse can traumatize someone. Whether it's physical, emotional, and even sexual. Y'all take care of yourselves and be kind. As always my dm's are open, I love to talk about any and everything.

I love you bubbies. 💕

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