Bend and Snap

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*Hayden's POV*

I can hear the monitors beeping, means my heart is steady. If my heart is fine, why does it feel like I've been hit by a truck. Besides the obvious fact that I did get hit by a truck... how many days ago. Jeez, how long have I been out for?

I can hear my dads voice talking to Mac. Something about a tumor. Wait, I have a tumor?!

I just wanna open my eyes, just to give them a sign I'm still here. Come on, it shouldn't be this difficult. I'm telling my brain to literally make any bodily movement, why isn't it working?

Why is this so exhausting? I'm just, I'm gonna check out for a bit.


I feel that.

Please stop touching the bottom of my foot it tickles.

"Ok, she's got good distal motor movements. Let's ease up on the sedative and wake her up." I hear Mac's voice speak up.

Why was I sedated?

Did I hurt someone?

Fuck. I swear if I hurt Blake, I won't be able to live with myself.

I can feel my body fighting the sedation. I want to wake up. Come on Hayden, wake up! I finally get my eyes to flutter open. Nope, nevermind. Those lights are too bright. Everything feels tense and relaxed all at the same time. If I could just stretch.... ahh yeah, that's better.

"Hayden? Hayden can you hear me?"

Yes I can hear you Mac, you're really loud right now. If you could just tone it down a couple notches, that'd be great. I feel her life my eyelid and she shines a light in my eye. I slam my eyes shut and furrow my brows in discomfort while letting out a groan.

"Let's get her down to a room in ICU and I'll do the neuro eval there. Mr. Grey please follow me, I'll update you on the way."

Wait, no.

I haven't seen my dad in years.

Stop wheeling me away.

A few minutes later my bed stops moving. It's about time, the bumps in the floor we're doing a number on this headache I have.

"Alright Hayden, I know you can hear me. Can you give my fingers a squeeze?" Mac instructs as I feel her fingers graze my palm. I concentrate on curling my fingers around hers. Close them. Apply pressure.

"Good. Can you open your eyes for me?"

I can, but the real question is, do I want to? I slowly peel my eyes back open, momentarily adjusting to the bright lights. This isn't so bad.

She holds up a finger in front of my face, "I need you to follow my finger with your eyes only." she instructs before moving her hand side to side and all around.

"You're gonna hate me with this next part, but I need to test your strength. It's requires using your arms, legs, and even some walking." she says with a grimace on her face. Wait, why am I not grimacing?


After what feels like hours of going through a neurological exam. Everything checks out. As Mac is finishing up her notes I speak. "Thank you. For everything. I owe you."

I see a rosy blush come across her cheeks and she taps my foot with her clipboard. "You don't owe me Hayden. It's my job to give the best care. I'm gonna add Billie to your 'family' list so she can come see you." she says with a smile and a wink.

As I sit in the silence waiting, I realize something.

Everything is finally, quiet.

"Mommy, I missed you!" Blake shouts as he enters the room with Billie and my dad following closely behind. He climbs up on the bed and snuggles with me, his weight pressing on my stomach. It hurts but I don't feel the need to move.

"Hey bubbie, I missed you more." I whisper. Just holding him close brings me some peace. Even though things inside my head are quiet for the first time in a long time, things just don't feel quite right and I can't place my finger on why.

Billie scoops Blake up. "Alright little man let's let mommy stitches finish healing up." she says looking down at my stomach.

I lift up my gown and see that some of them are oozing blood. Logically I should want to take care of that, but I have zero desire to. All I can think of is how hot Billie looks right now, like damn has she always looked this good?

"I can literally feel you burning holes into my soul with your eyes Hayden." she says with that signature smirk. I wanna kiss that smirk off of her face.

"I mean can you blame me? I've been out for what? Over a week now? Mommy needs some pussy." I blurt out.

Billies jaw drops as my dad proceeds to scold me. "Hays! That's not how you speak to a young lady!"

I just roll my eyes. Well it looks like I have no moral filter over my mouth. Everything just sorta comes out regardless of whether or not I want it to. I'm exhausted from the neuro exam and I'm tired of answering questions.

"Yeah yeah... sorry. How long do I have to endure shitty hospital PT before I can go home and be a lazy piece of shit while you go back to that bum fuck oil rig?" I say relaxing into my pillow and closing my eyes.

To be honest, I'm terrified for him to leave, I don't want him to, but part of my brain thinks otherwise.

He takes a deep breath before speaking. "Maybe you're more like your mother than I thought..." he says, his voice laced with utter disappointment.

That actually hurt.

a/n: I need cuddles and sleep. In that order please.

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