Breakfast With Bee

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*Blake's POV*

Bacon. The smell of bacon is my favorite.
Bacon. That means mommy is already awake.
I slide out of bed and run as fast as my legs can take me to the kitchen.

I see Bee hugging my mommy from behind while she cooks. I like Bee, she's pretty and I like playing with her. She looks at me the same way my mommy does right before she says she loves me. I wrap my arms around Bee's leg.

"Oh good morning bub." Bee says, ruffling my hair before picking me up. I play with one of the chains around her neck as she talks to mommy. Next thing I know mommy kisses Bee. The way mommy looks at Bee is different. I've never seen mommy look at anyone the way she looks at Bee.

I saw it at the park and every time Bee comes over, the look mommy has and the smile she gets is bigger than the last time. Every time Bee leaves, I miss her. I can tell mommy does too.

"I have to go to meet up with Finn and discuss the tour next month."

I don't know  what that is, but I don't want Bee to leave. I wrap my arms around her neck and hold her tight. "Don't go Bee."


*Billie's POV*

It's been an hour and Blake will not let me go. He wouldn't eat his breakfast anywhere that wasn't my lap, he's literally attached to me at this point. I give Hayden a look and she just holds her hands up in defense.

"I have never seen him act like this before... he doesn't usually have attachment issues." she says eyeing him curiously.

"Well since he won't let go, can I just take him with me to meet with Finn?" I ask her.

She thinks for a moment, "Sure. You can just take my car instead of fighting with the car seat. I swear if he starts acting up, call me." she says with a serious tone.

I twirl some of his hair around my finger as he curls into me, "I think bub and I will be just fine today." I say with a smile on my face. This kid is just too precious. Even though he's not biologically Hayden's, he has some of her quirks.

The way his nose scrunches up when he laughs. The way his eyes light up when he's excited. The way he stays completely still when Hayden reads to him, like he's taking in every word. His imagination is my favorite thing though. It's not tainted by the world... it's pure. It's innocent.


"Finnus!" Blake shouts when he sees my brother. He takes off running and I watch as Finn scoops him up and gushes over him.

"That's the first time today, he's voluntarily let go of me. I don't know what to think of it..." I tell Finn.

"Well you're dating his mom, just like you're attached to her, and apparently growing to love him, he's getting attached to you too. It's a good thing Billie. Be glad he likes you because not all kids are as accepting as Blake is." Finneas explains.

I finally get it. Now I know why Hayden said not to break his heart. Even though he might not know the heartbreak of losing Layla like Hayden does, she doesn't want him to go through accepting someone new in his life just to have them ripped out because they decided not to stick around.

Then it hits me... I love this kid. I truly love Hayden's son.

I'd do anything to protect this kid.

I'd die for him.

How is it that I feel so strongly for her son, but I still don't know where I'm at with her?

Do I love her?


Is that connection there?

Also yes.

Am I scared out of my mind?

Hell yes.

Is she worth it?

She's worth the whole world.

For once in my life I truly know what I want. I don't want a flirtationship. I don't want a fuck buddy. I don't want a fling. I want a real, honest, genuine relationship with Hayden.

"Billie!" Finn shouts snapping my inner thoughts.

"Shit. Sorry, what's up?"

"Tour rundown. We need to finalize the set list , go over the final proofs for merch, and discuss if you wanted to add any pop up shows." he explains as Blake reaches out for me.

"Sure no problem." I say taking Blake into my arms. Bubbie is really needy today and I'm kind of here for it.

He clings to me for the rest of the afternoon as my brother and I go over designs. I look down after awhile and see Blake has fallen asleep on me. I get a text.

-hey you two doing alright?-

-doing just fine-

I snap a quick pic and send it to her, showing that Blake is asleep on me.

-when will you be back?-

-maybe a half hour-

With my final reply she leaves me on read. Once I reach her house, she takes a sleeping bubbie and puts him to bed for a nap. As soon his door clicks closed, she grabs my hand and leads me to her room. When her feet cross the threshold she kisses me with such urgency. There's something different about this kiss.

Then I hear the words I've been waiting for, "I'm ready."

a/n: it's been raining here for two days. I just want some sunshine!!

Ok what's the cheesiest joke you've ever heard?

Let's see if anyone can get this one. What kind of shoes do ninjas wear? It's suuuuuper cheesy I know. 🙄😂

I love you bubbies!!!! 💕

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