Ruined Orgasm

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I sit up, and just as I do Blake loses it.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath before scooping him up and helping him in the bath. Bubbie got it all over himself. It breaks my heart to see him sick like this.

I draw a hot bath and grab a rag before scrubbing him down. Once he's clean I wrap him in a big fluffy towel and carry him to my room and get him changed into fresh pajamas.

I lay next to him and he curls his small body into mine. Right now he's a tiny personal space heater with the fever he's running.

I feel the bed dip behind me and Billie's fingers trail across my arm. "How is he?"

I look down and bubbie is already asleep, "Running a fever unfortunately, but I think he's out for the night." I tell her. I hear a soft groan and she rubs her hand across my hip and cups me. "Billie..."

"Hmm?" she moans out as she nibbles my earlobe.

I quickly turn over and place my hand against her chest, "We are NOT fucking right now." I whisper shout.

She tugs at the strings on my sweats and kisses my neck, "How quiet can you be?" she mumbles against my skin.


Next thing I know she's slipped her hand into my pants and her fingers delicately circle my clit. I kiss her to stifle the sound of a soft moan that I can't help but let out.

I readjust my leg to give her better access and she takes the hint, slowly slipping her fingers inside of me. I inhale a sharp breath feeling her fingers fill me as she pumps them in and out of my pussy slowly. Her eyes search mine as she curls her fingers. My eyes roll back once she hits my spot.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath as I dig my nails into her upper arm.

My breathing becomes erratic as I feel a knot forming in my stomach, desperately craving release.

"Mommy? I'm thirsty."

Fuck. I shove Billie a little harder than I realize and she ends up falling off the bed with a thud. I quickly turn over and put a smile on my face, trying to cover up the fact that I'm a disheveled mess who now has a ruined orgasm.

"Alright bubbie I'll get you some water." I say cupping his cheek.

I slip out of bed and help Billie to her feet. "Sorry about that." I whisper and she just nods it off. I make my way to the kitchen and when I come back I see Blake snuggled up against Billie, both of them asleep. That is a sight I could get used to. I set the cup down on my bedside table just in case Blake needs it and I make my way to the living room.

Insomnia is hitting me like a truck tonight. I turn on Netflix and absentmindedly pick a show. Ok wait, this is actually kind of interesting. Homegirl needs some popcorn for this drama.

Five glasses of wine, a bowl of popcorn, and many many episodes later... the sun is peeking through the blinds.

A half-asleep Billie saunters in. "Have you been up all night long?" she asks lazily running her fingers through her hair.

"Insomnia is a bitch babe..." I say as she sits next to me throwing her legs over mine.

"You're still not tired?" she asks covering her eyes with her arm. "My ass is tired and I just woke up."

"Question. Was Blake snoring when you got up?"

"Yeah why?"

"Because I know something that could wake you up..." I tease as I run my hand up her thigh and under her shorts.

She groans, "Yes fucking please ma'am. Also are all of our sexual encounters going to be five minutes or less because we keep getting cockblocked?"

I snort, "I mean he used to spend time with my mom, but I haven't talked to her in awhile... I should probably fix things between me and her." I say trailing off and resting my head against my palm.

I don't remember falling asleep, but when I wake up my house is eerily quiet. I get up and walk around, nobody is home.

Maybe they went to the barn. I slip on my boots and walk down the trail.

No Billie.

No Blake.

Where the fuck are they?

I pull my phone out of my pocket. No texts or calls from her. I press her contact info and bite my nail nervously. It goes straight to voicemail.


I let out a frustrated groan and decide to walk back up to the house, it's then that I notice my car is gone but Billie's is still here. This bitch took my car without asking?!

As I walk I can hear gravel crunch. I turn and see my car coming up the driveway. As it pulls up, I shoot Billie a hard glare. I open the back door and make sure Blake is alright before unbuckling him and taking him inside.

I hear my front door slam shut, "Yo, what the fuck Hayden?"

"Don't. Don't ever take my car without me knowing, and don't you EVER take my kid anywhere without me knowing." I growl, cutting my eyes at her.

She grabs my arm and leads me to the kitchen, "I did let you know." she says pointing to the fridge. "I didn't text you because I know you keep your phone ringer on for work, I didn't wake you up because I knew you hadn't slept all day. I had assumed you were gonna be hungry when you woke up, and we both know I can't cook that well. I didn't want to leave your son unattended so I did the responsible thing and used your car that has a fucking car seat in it and took him with me to get food! I didn't answer my phone while driving because I didn't want to be distracted!" she rants yelling near the end of it before shoving the bag of takeout in my chest and walking out the front door.

You're fucked up.
Fucked up.
Fucked up.

For once in my life I believe the voices in my head.

a/n: ok what's you're favorite song to listen to when your sad? because I'll be honest, a bitch is sad rn. I blame my period.

Lub you bubbies 💕

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