Something I've grown to hate

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Dear whoever,
            My eyes, they are something I've grown to hate over the course of time. Not only do I ever so slightly hate the gift of vision. I hate that muddy color. For multiple reasons. It started as a hate for them because they are just a plain boring color, nothing special. But another reason I despise them so much, is because of all the things that used to be said about them. Someone always used to talk about my eyes like they were the most beautiful things they have ever seen. They described them in a very distinct way. I can't remember that persons exact words but they were something along the lines of things like how my eyes are like "chocolate" and that they were like a pool that they could get lost in forever. I've grown to hate people saying things like that to me. I think that might be the reason why I always wear colored contacts. But now that one of my blue contacts ripped I can't even look in a mirror anymore unless my eyes are covered. I despise my eyes and their color. Just seeing them, even from a distance, fills me with anger, annoyance, and sadness. I just wish I never had to look at them again. But seeing as I don't have both of my blue contacts that makes that very difficult. It's crazy because I never noticed how much I hate them until my contact ripped. Probably because I wore them all day every day. I just can't stand looking at those plain colored eyes. They bring back too many memories with different people. Why did I have to be cursed this way? There's nothing nice or even beautiful about my eyes, and there never will be.

                                             Sincerely, Alexander


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