-Chapter 1-

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Ugh...again...here I am, in this damn snake's bed...

Arackniss looked over at the slumbering reptile next to him. Watching as Sir Pentious' chest rised and fell ever so slowly.

What am I doing here?

The two had started seeing each other not too long after the turf war that raged between Sir Pentious, Cherri Bomb and his brother, Angel Dust.


The red sky was slowly darkening into a maroon color, as he stared down at his small feet as he walked, hearing the tip tap off the side walk.

"Now will you shoot me with your ray gun," an unfamiliar voice caught Arackniss' attention. Looking up as he saw a small...egg? And a grey snake flop his head to ground, looking all defeated. Arackniss was simply going to shrug it off, as this was none of his business, besides what he had to do here was done. So now it was time to go back to report to his father. Or so he thought. When he heard the snake starting to shift and look through to see what he could salvage from the Radio Demon's destruction his attention was brought back to the other. "No, no, that can't be sssaved. Dammit," Sir Pentious cursed under his breath as he lift up some piece of ruined metal. Curiosity got to the spider so he walked over to the huge gapping hole, "Hey."

"Hm," Sir Pentious looked up at the small spider, rather nervous, "Oh hello, umm is there ssssomething I can help you with?"

"Nah I'm just curious to see why the hell this hole is here. Someone really wrecked your shit huh," the other responded, all eight of his red eyes on the male below. Sir Pentious looked down and rubbed the back of his neck, "Yessss I sssuppose so."

The dark arachnid felt kinda bad seeing him do that, after all he had seen a bit of the turf war on tv as he walked around, so he knew the guy had his ass kicked pretty badly, "Uh, ya want some help?"

The reptiles' eyes widened in surprise, a demon here offering to help? Was this a joke? Was he being tricked? He really couldn't tell. But he gave a small smile, "That would be great. Thank you."

Arackniss jumped down, "Alright then, ya tell me what's good and what's trash," He started looking around, "Ya name?"

"Pardon," Sir Pentious looked up from some destroyed weapon. The spider repeated, "Ya name, what's ya name?"

"Oh! Itss Ssir Pentious!"

"Alright then Pent, names Arackniss."

The ebony snake gave him a questionable look, "Pent?"

"Yeah, ya names a mouth full, so I'll call ya Pent. Is that okay?"

"Sure, I'll call you Nissss then," his long tongue flickered out a bit as he spoke. Arackniss turned and smiled a little, "Fine by me. Now let's get through ya shit."

"Oh!? Oh yessss of course," the snake continued on.

It took an hour or so before the two finished, although much couldn't be saved, Pentious seemed to be in a much better mood compared to when they started. "Thank you very much Nissss," he smiled, down at the small spider. "Its nothing, no need ta thank me," Arackniss answered back. "Not many would stop by to help me with thisss, so let me repay you in some way. Is there anything you'd like to do or want," Pentious asked. The ebony spider thought for a moment, "Well I could use a drink. Some whiskey would be nice. Know any good bars 'round these parts?"

The snake smiled and held himself pridefully, "In fact I do. Let me drop thissss stuff at my home and then we can go."

"Sure thing. Lead the way," Arackniss made a motion for him to get along.

As they arrived to the snake's home, it looked like a cave on the outside, but the inside was something else. "Wow. Nice place ya got here. Not what I was expecting when the outside looks like it does," Arackniss states as he looked at every scaly black, red and golden rimmed wall, that had works of art covering them. "Why thank you, I built it," Sir Pentious slithered over to a door with pride. The spider's eyes widened a little, "Ya built this place? Shit I've seen penthouses that couldn't match up to this."

The other male chuckled a little as he sat his scraps onto a table, "I'm glad you like my home Niss. I'd give you a tour, but I sssuppose we should get to the bar, after all I'm sure you're busssy."

"Yeah, lets get going," he agreed because he knew his father would be wondering about him soon and he really didn't want to be yelled at for not reporting in on time.

Upon reaching their destination, the two settled at the bar next to each other. "So Pent, ya like to built stuff huh," the spider asked, as he waited for his glass of whiskey to be served. "Yess in fact I make most, if not all my stuff," Pentious replied as his drink was settled in front of him.

"I see," the spider simply nodded as he held his glass to his mouth.

The night between the two was going great, they talked and enjoyed quite a few drinks together. Maybe too many for them both, mainly the spider. Laughing Sir Pentious helped the other the best he could,"I sssuppose I should help you home."

"Ijusstwannacrash...homeisstoofar" Arackniss' words all flowed together as he mumbled. It was late by now, had to be about one in the morning, so the snake chuckled, "My place it isss."

Sir Pentious carefully helped the ebony spider back to his place. He had a guest bedroom that he could let the smaller one stay so this wasn't too much of an issue, but what happened next definitely surprised the drunken snake. Having barely made it through the door, Arackniss spoke up, running his first set of arms up Pent's chest, "Hmm, ya are pretty attractive ya know? And nice...."
He soon stopped at the bow tie and pulled the other down, connecting their lips. Pentious' eyes widened and his hood flared out in surprise. But even his own mind is too fogged up with alcohol to care, he kissed back, deepening the kiss as he let his tongue slip into the other's mouth.

"Mmm~," the spider moaned into the sloppy kiss, not minding the intrusion of the fork like tongue exploring every inch of his mouth, their drinks mixing together as they kissed. But unfortunately their need for air caused the kiss to break.
"F-fuck...," Arackniss cursed as he panted, this kiss had stirred up something. Something he knew he'd regret in the morning, but in the moment, he needed the snake.

Arackniss sat up and rubbed his eyes and his temples as he remembered the first time they slept with each other. This being the third time this week. "Fuck," he cursed under his breath as he seen the time on his phone. It was 5 A.M. and his father had left him quite a few calls. He slowly got out of bed, hoping he wouldn't disturb the other, as he stood up, he quickly, yet quietly got dressed. He had to leave. And he had to stop seeing Sir Pentious before this all blew up in his face. But as they say 'that's easier said, than done.'

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