-Chapter 2-

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"Where the hell were ya Arackniss," the much old spider almost yelled,"I called ya ten times and ya didn't pick up the fuckin' phone!"

"Ah, sorry Pops, something came up and I lost track of time I guess," Arackniss tried to make up something, he wasn't about to tell his father he was seeing a man. Henroin sighed, "I don't care as long as ya ain't like Tony, that damn sissy, I didn't fuckin' raise him that way."

"Yeah...I know Pops...," Arackniss didn't have much to say on that. Although at one point he was very much was like his father. He didn't like the fact Angel was gay, and said so many awful things. And now, he was all those awful things that he called his younger brother. He mentally cursed himself for his past self's behavior. Saying all those things, how hard it must've been on Angel to not only hide in life but coming out once in hell. How he wish he could take all those words back now.

Its too late. I'm probably the last person he'd ever want to see anyway.

"-niss! Arackniss," Henrion yelled, snapping the smaller spider out of his thoughts. "Sorry Pops, what did ya say," he asked.

The taller male rolled his eyes, "Listen ta me when I speak Arackniss. Anyway, I have a new job for you. I need ya to snipe someone out. I trust ya can do that?"

"Of course Pops, I've sniped many before ya know that," he responded. The tall dark spider nodded, lighting his cigar, "Good, I'll give ya the details first thing tomorrow morning. Today relax, you did good with the drug deal."

He nodded as his father spoke. Kinda relieved he didn't have to immediately jump into another job. With a hand motion, his father shooed him off, he wasn't going to be told twice. So he got up, and walked out of huge office, letting the heavy doors close behind him.

I can't let him ever find out about that. I'm screwed if he does.

Arackniss sighed as he walked into main room of the hide out. Every member gathered here, chatting amongst themselves. "Hey Arackniss, I hope ya father wasn't too harsh on ya for being late today," one of the goons called. "Ah, nah he wasn't," the spider stated as he put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.
"That's good man, glad he was chill."

"Mhm..," was all Arackniss would give as a response, before puffing out smoke from the cigarette. He wasn't really in the mood for chit chat.

"Where have ya been anyway man," one of the other members asked, wrapping his arm around the small spider as he did so. "You've been gone a lot this week, ya old man can't be keepin' ya that busy."

"Well, ya know, private matters. Stuff that really doesn't concern you," the smaller male narrowed his eyes in annoyance. With a huff he shrugged off the guy's arm as he stuffed his pack of cigarettes and lighter in his suit pocket, "I'm going home. Cya."

He grabbed his hat off the hanger, and then went out the door of the hide out.

What should I do? I can't keep seeing the guy, the gang and Pops will catch on that something is up. Some advice from Ma or Molly would be good about now....but...they're not here....in hell...and it's not like I can speak to Anthony...he hates me. Don't blame him there. At this point I'd hate me too. Ugh...ya know what, let's just stop stressing about this shit right now.

The steps leading to his old apartment creaked and groaned, the old steel staircase clearly hasn't been taken care of. But this is Hell, it was to be expected, and if anyone got hurt, well no really gives much of a shit. He pulled out the key to his place and unlocked it, before stepping in. Sighing as leaned against the closed door. What was he thinking? Just coming home, sober, left with his thoughts. That's just a recipe for disaster. "I need a drink...," Arackniss said his thoughts out loud as he got up off the floor. He walked over to his fridge to pull out of beer. Thank goodness he had some left, although hasn't really drink beer in a while.


He cracked open the bottle and took a sip, he'd hope his small body would let him become drunk quickly so that way he'd pass out and not have to think at all. His phone dinged popping up the snake emoji on the screen.

"Hmm? Who the hell-," he started out and then it instantly hit him, this was Sir Pentious, when the fuck did he give the snake his number? And why did he save the guy's number? He had to have been drunk for that to happen. With a groan he looked at what Pentious had to say.

~~~~~~~~~Hellphone messages~~~~~~~~~~
🐍: You okay? You left without saying anything this morning.

Arackniss: I'm fine...

🐍: You don't seem fine Niss.

Arackniss: Dammit I said I'm fine! Stop pestering!

🐍: As long as you say so. Sorry I bothered you.

Arackniss mentally kicked himself, that was rude wasn't it? After all Sir Pentious was being nice enough to check up on him. He sighed and sent one last message.

~~~~~~~~~Hellphone messages~~~~~~~~~
Arackniss: No it's okay....sorry....I just have a lot on my mind.

After that he tossed his phone to the side, not even bothering to look at the damn thing when it dinged again. He just wanted to drink, get everything off his mind. As the spider brought the bottle to his mouth, he looked around his small one bedroom apartment. It wasn't the best place but it definitely wasn't the worse. Sure it was a little run down, but easy fixes. Granted Arackniss didn't own a lot of things. Too busy or tired really care about going out looking for better furniture. He had a couch, a small tv, bed, kitchen, and some table ware to eat. In his mind he was fine. Though some wondered why he didn't just live at the hide out or with his father? It was his father idea, the old man said was better for the family to be in their own separate homes in case of an attack, that way they wouldn't be killed all at once. After all, if someone kills their father, Arackniss himself would have to keep things going.

"Ugh...fuck this....," the spider tosses the empty bottle to the side, who was he kidding? It would take him forever to get drunk off this beer. He got up back to his kitchen and opened a cabinet. As his bottom set of arms pulled out some baggy of a white powdery substance. It was none other than what his little brother named himself after when they arrived in hell, angel dust. The very thing that killed them both. But shit, if anything was going to make him go numb for a bit and empty his stressed out mind, it was going to be this.

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