-Chapter 15-

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"Ugh...." Arackniss groaned as light was coming through his bedroom window, right into his face. He opened his eyes in a bit of frustrated. But then his brows cocked in confusion as he was laying on top of a cooler body. He looked up to see Sir Pentious fast asleep. The two went at it for a while last night so they were both tuckered out.

Talk about this guy having stamina....

He almost felt bad for his neighbors, almost. Between them and the creaking of the bed, he was sure they kept the neighbors up. Although he didn't feel too bad, not his fault that the snake was good. Although Pent's smooth, scaly, cold body felt nice, he had to get up. He couldn't sleep all day. Though, that sounded nice with the night he had. So he got up, and immediately regretted it. "GAH-!"


"Niss?!," Sir Pentious was startled awake by the spider falling over. He quickly got up and helped him to his feet, "I'm sorry, I sssuppose I wass a bit rough last night. Are you alright? You didn't hit your head on anything?"

"I-its okay, I'm okay," his small legs were shaking like a leaf, "Just wasn't expectin' my knees ta give out." He was being truthful, but he wasn't about to tell the other is that his ass was so sore he wondered if he had a bruise underneath all his dark fur. "I think we both over did it last night....," he added on, using Pentious to keep himself from falling again. "Hm yess it seems so. How about I prepare a bath for you?," the snake asked, as he helped Arackniss sit back on the bed. "That sounds nice actually," he responded back, Arackniss normally took showers but he was sure he'd fall if he tried. They've done it so many times you'd think he wouldn't have this problem, but nope, the time they're sober and do it, they go a little overboard. His body seemed to let him know how it felt. Aching, and shaking like crazy. His phone dinged as Sir Pentious had slithered off the bathroom. So he picked it up to see it was his brother.

~~~~~~~~~~~Hellphone Messages~~~~~~~~~
Angel: Hey, Cherri told me that she sent the pictures to Penny. So what did he think?

Arackniss: He liked them, said I won....but my ass says otherwise.

Angel: PFT! Omfg I think I pissed myself a bit! Can't say I relate ta ya problem there. But that's fuckin' funny!

Arackniss: No it's not. Shut up.

Angel: Hey don't get all hissy because ya can't handle some dick in ya ass now. Be happy youse fucked. I think I deserve a thank you.

Arackniss: Oh fuck off.

Angel: I would but I'd much rather have Husky fuck me.

Arackniss: Tony I swear I'm gonna kill ya.

Angel: Now that's not very nice.

Arackniss: Who said I was nice?

Angel: Touché. Well I hope ya ass heals bro lmao. Bye!

Arackniss shook his head, putting his phone back on the night stand, just as Sir Pentious came back into the room. The snake picked him up bridal style before heading back to the bathroom. As he was placed into the warm water he let a groan slip out. It felt amazing around his aching muscles. Pentious smiled, "Let me know if you need anything."

He went to turn until he felt a hand grab his arm. So he turned to look at the spider. "Why not join me...? I mean ya still naked so...," Arackniss looked up at the other. Although his face seemed emotionless his eyes were practically pleading for the other to join. "I ssuppose I could," Sir Pentious placed a gentle hand on the smaller sinner's cheek, "If it makes you happy."

Without another word, the serpent slipped into the tub. Although this tub wasn't made with snake demons in mind, as some of his tail hung off the side and onto the floor. Arackniss sat there awkwardly at first, until Pentious spoke up, "Niss, come here."

The spider obeyed, and got closer. He felt hands started scrubbing at his hair, which caused him to hum, feeling pleased as the snake's claws seemed to be scratching his head as he scrubbed the shampoo into his dark bangs. "I haven't bathed with another in a long, long time," the snake said his thoughts out loud. Arackniss opened one of his eyes, "Did ya date someone before me?"

"When I was alive yess, in fact I was married," Sir Pentious admitted, "But that marriage didn't last long. After our son was born we always argued."

Son? Wait he has a fuckin' kid?!

"Oh...are they in hell too?," Arackniss asked, trying to keep his cool about the whole son thing. "No, I don't think so. If they are, well, I have yet to ran into them."

"So ya do in fact have a kid?," he asked. Pentious nodded, "Yes, though many don't know that fact about me. Many assume I don't. But I do, just the one."

"I see...and if he were in hell how would ya feel?"

"I don't know. I'd like to think he's in heaven. Where he belongs."

Their conversation went silent as Pentious continued to scrub the shampoo until ultimately washing it out. "Pent?"

"Yess my spider?," he looked down at the other lovingly. Arackniss gave a small smile, "I'm glad ya felt comfortable enough ta tell me about ya kid...I feel most demons would try ta hide that."

"It's good to clear that air sooner rather than later. I want to be honest with you. That's how a relationship works anyway."

Relationship....? I guess we can call ourselves official now.

His face burned a bit, "So are we...ya know?"

"Only if you'd like to say we're a thing, then yess we are. I'd like to think we are.," the snake stated as he helped wash the other male's back. Arackniss smiled at that, "Than we are."

Sir Pentious smiled, wrapping his arms around him, "I'm glad~" he placed a small kiss at the nape of his neck.

After both were bathed and dressed the two decided to go out to get something to eat. Since Arackniss hadn't gone grocery shopping. They were sitting in a small breakfast diner talking away as they ate.

This kinda is like a date.

Arackniss though was slightly nervous he was now out in public with Sir Pentious, although if anyone from the gang came around and asked, he could try play this off as just friends catching up on some lost time. It would be a lie, but surely they'd buy it. Right? "So ya want ta take over the Pentagram?," the spider asked, before taking a bite out of his omelette. "Yes! In fact I'm ready to go into a turf war tomorrow. With bigger and better weapons at play," Pentious answered with pride, which caused the other to smile a tiny bit. Pentious was ambitious. He found that made the serpent cute in his own right, "Well, I hope ya succeed then Pent."

My brother and his friend may make that difficult for ya though. Granted he doesn't know Tony's my brother....yet...maybe I should tell him?

As Arackniss was about to say something, he heard some familiar voices behind him.

Shit...not now!

He turned his his head ever so slightly to see some of the gang had come in. "Niss?" a gentle hand gently went over of one of Arackniss'. Clearly the snake could tell something was wrong. "Y-yeah? I'm fine.," he quickly pulled the hand away, "I should probably go."

He quickly threw some cash out on the table to pay for his own meal, and got up. "Thanks," was the last thing Pentious heard from the small spider before he left him there a tad bit confused. With a sigh he picked up the cash, he told Arackniss he was paying, so he didn't understand why he threw money into the table. He supposed he could return the cash to the other the next time he saw him. But maybe a call tonight to get some confusion cleared would suffice.

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