-Chapter 7-

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A knock on the door caught some of the eggbois attention. They happily opened the door and greeted the small spider, "Hello Little Boss!"

"Little....Boss?," Arackniss was confused, why did they call him that. "Yeah! Our big Boss Man is in his room. I think he just got out of the shower, so he's probably getting dressed," Eggboi #80 informed.

Sir Pentious slithered in, fixing his hat, and hissed "Who are you idiotssss talking to?" He wasn't wearing his usual suit, in fact he was in a yellow turtle neck, and had his hood tied up gently like a pony tail. Arackniss actually thought the look made the other even more attractive.

"The little spider!"

He looked up from his hat as the eggbois all said that  in unison, all pointing at Arackniss. "Hi," the smaller male waved, "Uh, they're lively."

"Hello Niss, and I'm sorry about them.," he narrowed his eyes at the eggbois which told them to leave once more. As they left his attention went back to the other, "Anywho, what made you want to visit my home Niss?"

"Well I got done with some business, and I have some time to kill before I have to report in, so I thought, maybe I could hang with ya for a bit. If its okay with ya, I think I'd like that tour.," the spider looked away, feeling a little sheepish for once. "Oh....? Oh?! Yess certainly! I'd love to show you around," the snake smiled, seemly excited that Arackniss wanted to see his place.

"Come along then!"

Pentious started slithering a bit farther from the place he was once standing, placing his hat on the coffee table. Soon he was leading Arackniss down the similar hall way as before. Except this one had different paintings and lead to the master bedroom, it was just as nice as the rest of the house. It had a king size bed with silk bed sheets and warm looking comforter. A tv that almost took up the whole wall hung above the fireplace that was littered with nicknacks and some books. The master bathroom was just as big, as it had a glass shower big enough for the snake to fit his long noodle like body into it, and a jacuzzi off to the side. The bathroom sinks. Yes sinks, as there was three, and had black marble as the counter tops with black matching cabinets, and the walls sparkled like gold. As they continued he explained that some of the rooms were trap doors in case someone was dumb enough to try to rob him. Granted not many knew where he lived. But if they did and thought about going willy nilly, they'd be fooled by them and then get thrown out as far as it could launch them. As they walked he stopped at the dining and kitchen area. It was beautiful, matching the same colors as the rest of the house, it had a huge dining table and a chandelier that hung in the middle. The kitchen a was a gorgeous with marble black counters as well, with golden cabinets, red trimming and bar stools. As they turned away from it to move forward Arackniss stopped to look at a heavy metal door across from the kitchen/dining area, "What this? Another trap door? It's different from the others."

"Oh that's my lab, I tend to keep it locked up mainly so the eggbois don't break anything while I'm not down there," Sir Pentious informed him. "This is where ya spend most of ya time don't cha," the spider clearly curious, "What do ya make down there?"

The snake seemed to like the curiosity that shown in Arackniss' eyes, so he smiled, "Would you like to see?"

"Wait you'd actually let me see what cha workin' on? Ya trust me that much?"

"Sure, besides, you don't look like the type to just steal from me.," Pentious replied as he slithered over. Pulling out a key from the pocket located on his right breast. He turned the key, causing the door to slide open, and steampunk door with gears showed, before opening another door that spit in the middle. This revealed a long  metal stair case. Putting the key back into his pocket he gave the other male a pride filled smile, "I must say some of my proudest work is down these stairs."

He started down them, and Arackniss was sure to follow. As they made it to the fourth step he heared the doors slam closed. Sir Pentious saw the worried look, "Do not fret, we aren't locked down here. It'll open again once we're standing in front of the doors. Outside one can only get in by key, inside it detects motion and allows you to exit without said key."

"Oh that's, actually kinda cool Pent. And you built it like that?"

"Yess I did."

"Smart one aren't cha?"

"I'd like to believe I am.," the snake said, although there seemed like there was some doubt in his voice. They had made it to the bottom of the stair case, but Arackniss' voice caused him to turn around, "Pent...ya are smart. Who the hell is this high tech other than Vox to make something like this?! Hell ya built this all in a damn cave too! And shit look at all this-," he pointed to all the hand crafted weapons, and even the air craft, "This is amazing!"

The ebony snake's face tented red, he never received such complements about- well anything really. This was new. He could feel the heat on his face raising as well as his heart beating faster, "T-thank you Niss....thats nice of you to say. It means a lot." Realizing what he'd said, Arackniss' face turned a slight shade of red, "N-no problem." They went silent for a moment. Both men blushing.

"Shall we continue?," Sir Pentious quickly tried to break the silence. His blush ever so slightly present. The spider nodded,"Y-yeah."

After some time of explaining about many weapons he built, as well as his airship, they were back upstairs going down the hall, it looped around to where Sir Pentious' office was from before. He referred it as his study as he let the other inside with him this time. The walls were covered with books that surrounded his desk. "Ya like to read," Arackniss stated as he picked off a small green book from one of the shelves. "Oh very much so! I read just about anything I can get my claws on.," the snake explained.

Arackniss, wasn't much of a reader. Never had time for it really. As he closed the book he smiled a little to himself. God this guy was nerdy, dorky even. But the snake managed to be genuine, despite the fact he was "evil" and in hell.

Maybe that's why I was so drawn to him to begin with....I love that about him. Wait....love...fuck...I really have fallen for Pent. But I can't continue this...can I?

He looked over at the snake, who seemed to be off in his own world as he looked at a shelf of books that was opposite of him. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't a bit sad about it. Sir Pentious and him...together? That was a dream...an impossible dream. And even if they did...that dream would quickly turn into an unescapable nightmare. Maybe not for Pent, but for him. "You're free to borrow any you like Niss."

Pentious broke him out of his thoughts, "Oh, well ya see, I don't read...but thank ya for the offer."

It's not that he doesn't read, it's that he couldn't read past a 8th grade level. Before he could get into high school his father pulled him out, and had him working in the mafia. Oh how he remembered his mother being so mad, as he did that to both of their sons. At least Angel got a little farther than him, but still didn't get finish high school. The snake now by his side as he spoke, "I see, well if you ever decide you'd like to start, feel free to come and grab a book."

As he went to answer, his phone dinged, "That's my cue to leave. Pops is probably wanting me to report in."

"Alright then, let me see you out," Pentious replied, slithering to the study room door. Arackniss' heart sped up, the snake was a gentleman for sure. As they made their way back to the living room, the spider stopped in front of the entrance to the home, turning to speak, "Thanks for showin' me around Pent. I...I enjoyed it."

"I'm glad you did," the snake smiled, "Thank you for letting me show you. I do apologize that I rambled about a lot but I never get to talk about any of this to anyone so-"

Arackniss cut him off, "Its okay. It was interesting."

The two stood there, both their faces flushing a slight red once more. "Nisss....," Sir Pentious was slightly closer now, catching the smaller off guard, but he dared not move, "I enjoyed your company, a lot."

Closer, their faces were getting closer.


Their faces were mere inches from each other.

If you kiss me....I'll fall...

Their lips connected.

Deeper in love with you.

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