-Chapter 19-

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"Ya called for me Pops," Arackniss poked his head from behind the door. His father did in fact call for him, and the small spider could tell by the body language his elder was giving off that he anything but happy. "Take a seat. I have a job for ya."

Henroin watched as his son obeyed him. Arackniss was worried, why in the world did his father call him up here at four in the morning. "So what am I doin' this time? Another drug deal," he asked, before his father tossed a file in the table. "Here's ya target. Take em out by the end of the day."

Taking the file, he opened its contents, his eyes widened. It's Sir Pentious.... "This guy doesn't seem like a threat....why snipe him," the smaller arachnid was trying to keep his cool. His heart was pounding like crazy as he felt like it was harder to breathe. The elder stared down at his son, "I just need him out of the way. He's interferin' with some stuff. So can ya do it?"

Arackniss looked up, "I...I don't know if I can do this one Pops...."

"Why not hm?"

"I..I just..," the ebony sinner's facade was starting to fade. He felt like his heart couldn't decide if it wanted to jump out of his chest or sink into his stomach. Henroin snarled, "Is it because of this!" He dropped another file on the desk, it spilled a bunch of photos of the couple talking, laughing, and even kissing. Arackniss never felt so terrified as he did now. His father now knows about his secret. "I..." he couldn't find his tongue. His father growled as he spoke, "You what? Thought ya were gonna hide this from me forever? Thought ya could keep lyin' ta me and THAT I WOULDN'T FIND OUT!?" His hand slammed on the desk, causing Arackniss to jump a little and stuttered, "I-I, Pops, I just...I—"


The small sinner was shaking in his seat, what could he say? What could he do to make this better? "And ya know how I feel about lyin'," Henroin sighed as he called for some others to come in.

All eight eyes stayed widened when the smaller one heard the heavy doors slam behind him, he looked back from his seat and there were now two goons blocking it. He turned back to his father, who pulled out a six chambered revolver and aimed it towards his eldest son. "P-Pops what are ya doin'," He sunk in the chair with fear, he knew that thing had bullets made from the blades of holy weaponry. One shot to the head and he'd be sent to the void. Henroin's eyes glared down at his son, filled with disgust towards him, "I'm goin' ta do what I should have done when Anthony turned out to be a fuckin' fag."

Arackniss was frozen with fear, and dread on his face, "P-pops....ya don't want to do this....please."


His father was getting ready to fire. He didn't want to die...not again...not like this. He had to fight, or at least try to escape before he was sent to darkness for all eternity.

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