-Chapter 28-

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Sir Pentious sat on the couch, his tail hanging off the end slightly. He felt slightly worried, it was 2A.M. now and the spider has yet to return home. If something came up, he'd always message him to let him know. But he hasn't even gotten that. Something was wrong. He started rapidly messaging his lover.

~~~~~~~~~~~Hellphone Messages~~~~~~~~~~
Sir Pentious(2:01A.M.): Niss, where are you?

Sir Pentious(2:12A.M.): It's late and dangerous to be out at this time. Please tell me you're somewhere safe.

Sir Pentious(2:15A.M.): Niss I'm seriously worried...

Sir Pentious(2:15A.M): SweetNiss please answer me....

Sir Pentious(2:15A.M.): Arackniss? :c

He sighed, clearly Arackniss wasn't going to answer his text. His mind spiraling into different situations of what could have happened to his spider. Hell was so increasingly dangerous around these hours. Anything could have happened to the other. Shaking his head, he pulled up his contacts. First things first, call Arackniss.

"Ugh....," a groan escaped Arackniss' mouth as his head throbbed in pain from taking two hits to the head. He went to move one of his arms to grab his head but when he couldn't move them at all he internally panicked. All six of his arms were tied to the chair behind his back, while rope secured his legs to the bottom of the chairs own. All his belongings were taken from his pocket and sitting on top of a barrel inside this old warehouse. "F-fuck..."

"Ah so ya're awake, about fuckin' time," one of the goons grinned, causing the smaller spider to look up at him. Arackniss growled as he struggled against the restraints, "Let me outta here ya bastards! I ain't done a damn thing wrong! Let me go so I can live my after life in fuckin' peace dammit!" 

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm afraid I can't ya see, boss isn't happy ya escaped, he wants ya dead. After all ya are another disappointment. He'll be here shortly, but first let's have our fun shall we," the goon's grin turned wicked.

Ring Ring!
Ring Ring!

The goon turned at the sound of a phone ringing. He walked over to the barrel. He picks it up, "Oh well lookie here, Tesoro with a little heart next to the name is callin' ya. Must be worried about ya hmm....let's answer him shall we?"

The goon hit the answer button, causing Arackniss to panic, "NO-!" He was cut off by being gaged with a piece of cloth being tied around his head.

"Niss? Are you there? Are you okay? Should I come pick you up," there was worry in the serpent's voice. The goon holding the cellphone motioned the others to start things up. They obeyed, punching, hitting, kicking, etc. But the worst of it all is the cutting. "MMMPH MMM-," Arackniss cries of pain were muffled as a holy dagger sliced into his arm. It burned his flesh surrounding the cut. Red seeped from the injuring like a bursting dam.

Upon hearing the muffled screams Sir Pentious freaked out on the other end, "Niss! What's happening?!"

Another cut is made this time in his thigh, "MMMMPHHHMMM—!"

They pushed the gag down so Arackniss' cries of agony could be heard more clearly as the goon twisted the holy blade into his thigh.


The goon threw the phone to onto the concerte flooring, causing it shatter into millions of pieces. The third member walked over to the small spider, he was wearing gloves as he held a huge bottle of a clear liquid, "I hope ya thirsty." Feeling a rough tug to his hair, Arackniss' head was pulled back to were he could clearly see the label on the opaque bottle that read....holy water in all capital letters.

At home, Pentious felt sick with panic. He'd have to find that scrap piece of paper that Arackniss left for him. It had Angel's number on it, in case the smaller sinner was unavailable. He slithered to the bedroom at a rapid pace, opening his night stand and hoping that he had placed it there.

At the hotel, Angel and Husk were sitting on the heart shaped bed. The two were making out, when suddenly the cat growled and quickly pulled away. "Wh-what? Did I do something wrong," Angel asked thinking he had hurt his partner in some way. "What? No, that's not it," he responded, before pulling up his leg to look at the bottom of his foot that had Al's mark on it. The mark was glowing and stinging a bit. The tall spider raised a brow, "What does that mean?" Angel knew his boyfriend's soul was owned by Alastor, and had seen the marking once when trying to find out if the winged demon was ticklish or not. The answer to that is yes, by the way.

Husk responds with worry, "It means one of us is in danger....Al and Niffty are still at the hotel so there's no way its them....so that means its—"

Just as the cat was about to reveal the secret, Angel's phone ringing caught both of their attention. The tall arachnid huffed, picking it up thinking it was one of his clients, "Hello.?"

"Angel i-itsss Arackniss! He'ssss in trouble!," Sir Pentious stammered on the other end. The white and pink demon looked over at Husk with anger, catching the cat escaping from the room. "Hey! HEY!  Asshole," Angel grumbled and then turned his attention back to the other on the phone, "Okay Pen, come to the hotel now." After that he hung up and went to go find his damn boyfriend so he could yell at the fucker for not telling him about this.

It didn't take him long as Husk was in the lobby with Niffty and Alastor. "Ya fuckin' asshole, why didn't ya tell me that my brother made a deal with Smiles," Angel smacked the cat upside the head. Husk growled, fixing his top hat and rubbing where he was slapped, "Would you fucking calm down! I was going to tell you, I just wanted to wait for the right time."

The spider sneered back, "Well the time is here and I learn it through his boyfriend instead!"

Loud static got the two to stop arguing, they turned to see Alastor who looks very displeased, "SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!"

When the couple fell silent he snapped back to normal. Niffty looked up at the red deer, "We have to find him right? But we don't know his location."

"That is where I come in my dear," Alastor chimed, "I assume the snake fellow has been notified of this?"

"Yeah, he called me," Angel answered, "I told him to come here. So I'm sure he's on his way."

With a nod the red headed demon flicked his wrist, causing shadows to appear on the wall. He looked up at them, "You know what to do. Go." The shadows disappeared as they went out the hotel's entrance. "While we wait for Sir Pentious, they will find where Arackniss has been taken," Alastor started walking over to one of lobby sofas. Angel looked at Husk with worry in his eyes. He felt this had something to do with his father, but it would take forever to search where the old fart was hiding his brother. As Niffty joined Al, the other two settled on the sofa across from them. This would be a waiting game...one Angel hoped wouldn't cost his brother's afterlife.

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